&&000 AMERICAN BOOK CO. (1970) 1ST GRADE AMR9701S.ASC I BUILD, BELONG AND BELIEVE by John M. Franco, et al Source: Temple U: xeroxed, scanned and edited by DPH 1-8-93 &&111 When his older brother, =Joe, was killed in the war, =JFK was very sad. It was then that he knew what he must do. He must make his country his life's work. He loved him very much. So, in =1946, =JFK went to work for his country. But by =1954, his back got very bad again. =JFK was in pain all of the time, but he never stopped working for his country. And in =1960, the people of the =USA. made him their =President. For what do the letters =USA. stand? =United =States of =American Three years later, =President =Kennedy was killed. The people were very sad. They had lost a man who always put his country first. =Len and =Bill were out for a walk. Look at all the junk in front of that house, said =Len. I'll bet we could make lots of things with stuff like this! Right! said =Len. Let's take it. Just then, a workman came running out of the house. What are you kids doing? he shouted. Where do you think you're going with that stuff? At last, =Tina went and looked the window? As =Tina stood thinking, she saw Dr =Green's car pull up to =Molly's house. Dr =Green got out and ran up the path. =Tina watched for a long time. And the longer she watched, the more she thought about =Molly. And the more she thought about =Molly, the more she knew that she =DID care about her. Let's Take a Look Why do you do the things you do? Let's take a look at you and find out. Do you think about what's good for yourself or do you say, I don't care ? If you think about things first and look for what's good for you, you do care. How do you feel about your family and your friends? Do you want them to be just like you? Think how you'd feel if everyone looked just like you and talked like you. Do the things you do make you look like a little kid sometimes? Do the things you do sometimes make you look like you're growing up? What you do and say makes you, =YOU. So, the boys started down the street to the playground. On the way, they saw two big trucks. The men in the trucks were shouting at each other and sounding their horns. It's funny, said =Dan. The traffic and the other noises of the street never sounded so loud to me before. Mr =Parks is right! said =Pat, nodding. When you think about the people that you know, you DO care about the noise. Let's go tell the men in those trucks about Mr =Parks, said =Dan. Maybe if we do, they'll care, too. But I can't go out, said the girl. That's Okay, said =Tina. We can still be friends. We can play in here. I'm glad you've come here to live, said the girl. I need a friend. Me, too, said =Tina. Me, too. =Carlos and =Ray were sitting in the back of the classroom. Man! The stuff in this book is square, said =Carlos. All schoolbooks are square ! You're right, said =Ray. But don't talk so loud. You'll have Mr =Car back here. =Lee and =Bill were watching the cars and trucks go by. Look at that big show-off, =Kelly, out there, said =Lee. He thinks he's hot stuff! Don't I know it! said =Bill. He's always telling us what to do. And if you don't do it, he gets mad. It's Up to You What are you going to be when you grow up? Do you know what you'd like to do? Let's think about it. First you must think about what is best for you. It must be something you like to do. It must be something you can do WELL if you work at it. What kind of work will you look for? Will it be just any old job? If you try, you can find work that's just for you. If you TRY hard in school, and KNOW what you want, you'll find the right job. It's all up to you. Soon, the girl was called in to see Dr =Hickok. When she came out, =Sally was called in. I'll walk home with you when you come out, the girl told =Sally. =Sally wanted to run away. She wanted to cry. But all she did was nod at the girl and go in to see Dr =Hickok. Well, how did it go? asked the girl, when =Sally came out. Fine, said =Sally. It wasn't bad at all! And THIS time, =Sally =WAS feeling like a big girl. She was feeling like a VERY big girl. The Lost Book =Gregory was sitting up in bed. What's the matter with you? asked his brother =Dan. Nothing, said =Gregory, getting out of bed. Nothing! Well, what are you walking around in the dark for then? asked =Dan. =Patty took the little box. And three days later, a drawing of =Patty was hanging on the wall with all the other drawings. And the thing that had helped =Patty draw herself was hanging on the wall, too. Yes, said =Loke. But I don't see what@ Well, said =Mom, you can do that DANCE for the show, =Loke. And the things in this box will help you. The day of the show, =Mom and =Alika went to school with =Loke. They sat in a big, dark room with lots of others. And they watched the show. When =Loke did her dance, the other kids all liked it a lot. You look so pretty, =Loke, said one girl. Yes! And that dance is SOMETHING to see! said another girl! &&000 AMERICAN BOOK CO. (1970) 1ST GRADE AMR9701Z.ASC I AIM, ASK AND ACT by John M. Franco et al Source: Hobart WS xerox scan edit by DPH February 9, 1993 &&111 Why Read? =Dan and =Tom were walking to school. I don't want to go to school, said =Tom. I don't like to read. And in school, I HAVE to read. =Why do you think =Tom doesn't like to read? maybe because it for him; he doesn't read very well You have to read HERE, too, We ALL do. See ! The mailman reads. He can t do his work if he doesn't read. The first funny witch did not tell. The other funny witch did not tell. But then, Miss =Hill KNEW which witch was which. Can YOU tell how she knew? So =Toshi and =Tina went off to skate, and =Tom went on with his work. Do you th go riding Then, =Ben and =Lee came by on their bikes. How about it, =Tom? they called. Want to come for a ride with =US? Can't ! said =Tom. I'd like to, but I've got work to do. I can't stop now. So, =Fay went to show =Tina and =Jan. Up she went, and she was doing fine. Look ! she said. I TOLD you. I told you I'd show you! Have some cake, =Mom, said =Sis. Have some cake, =Dad. Where's =MY cake? asked =Pat. YOU don't feel well, said =Sis. And THEN, =Pat did NOT feel Okay. He didn't feel well at all! The First Day of School It was the first day of school. Some of the boys and girls went in, but not =Dan. Another boy did not go in. His name was =Jim. =Dan and =Jim did not go in. Then, she saw another witch. You look just like me, she said. You are a funny witch, too. And =YOU look just like =ME ! said the other funny witch. Miss =Hill looked at the first funny witch. Then, she looked at the other funny witch. Let me see, said =Miss =Hill. Which witch is which? The big boys were playing ball. I may play, too? asked =Toshi. No! said the big boys. You are too small to play. What's =Len doing with all those books? said =Bill. What CAN you do with books that you can't read? Don't know, said =Ray. Let's go see. So =Bill and =Ray went to see. Then, they didn't say =Len was funny. Maybe he can't READ, said =Ray. But =Len knows what he CAN do with books! =Len's not funny at all! So, =Fay went to show =Tina and =Jan. Up she went, and she was doing fine. Look ! she said. I TOLD you. I told you I'd show you ! &&000 AMERICAN BOOK CO. (1971) 1ST GRADE AMR9711S.ASC EACH AND ALL by Marjorie Seddon Jo et al [ABC was owned by Litton -- including microwave people] COMBINES 2 SAMPLES- FROM THE SAME BOOK Source: Temple U. xeroxed, scanned and edited by DPH 1-8-93 &&111 The man showed =Kitty a bed. What will you call this? he asked. A sleep or a bed or what you please, sir, said =Kitty. No, said the man. You must call it a bottle. Yes, sir, a bottle, said =Kitty. Then the man showed =Kitty his pants. What will you call these? he asked. Trousers or pants or what you please, sir, said =Kitty. No, said the man, Not trousers! Not trousers or pants! These are my =tittle-tattles. Yes, sir, tittle-tattles, said =Kitty. The boys walk off. When they come back, there are papers on each side of the buggy. The papers have black bars painted on them. The bars make the buggy look like a cage! On another paper can be read: A PENNY A LOOK! Why don't you play Roll the Rock? asked the other turtles. Why don't you try to come up the bank with us? I just know I can't, said =Timmy. How do you know, if you don't try? they asked. I didn't try to fly, said =Timmy. But I know I can't. I would if I could, but I can't. =Timmy wants to tly, but he won t try, said the other turtles. Don't make fun of him, said old =Grandpa =Turtle. Let him take his time! Let him take his time! Someday =Timmy will try. Then he will find out what he can do and what he cannot do. All right, said the other turtles. And off they went to the bank. This is a fine shell, =Jim, he said. I don't think you will find many as pretty as this one. I can find all kinds of shells on the beach, =Dad, said =Jim. He sat down and began to clean the shells. There was a white one with gold markings. There was a small black one. There was a long gray one with yellow and blue spots inside. =Jim cleaned each shell well. When each shell was clean and bright, he put it with other shells of the same color. Then, just as =Mario was about to go, =Jess said, Hold on, =Mario. Don't go. There's something I want to do, and I need your help. =Mario didn't say a word, but he sat down. Miss =King took out a big black marking pen. All right, =Jess, she said, holding out the marking pen. Why don't you tell =ALL of us what you want to do? Do you see the part that is the same in all these words? The first part is the same, the letters =sl. Can you think of other words that have =sl as the first two letters? See what you can do without my help. When you make one word, you will earn =1. When you make two words, you will earn =2. When you make three words, you will earn =3. Now take a long, slow look sequence at these word parts. See how many words you can make from these word parts without my help. =New =York Harbor A Big City Port Do you like to look at boats? If you do, a port is a good place to go. The port of a big city will have boats that go far away It will have boats that do not go far from port. You may see boats that are for work. Maybe you will see boats that are for play, too. What will you learn about the first kind of boats? Let us take a look at the small boats first. There is a pretty one. See how the wind makes it go like a big white cloud. That kind of boat is called a sailboat. Look, it is raining! said =Jill. Now you can't say my boots are no good. Don't you wish you had some, too? Not like yours, said =May. They are worn out and too big for you. Maybe, said =Jill. But I like them. When it was time to go, it was not raining. =Jill put on the boots and ran out. She saw pools of water in the street. =FLIP, =FLOP went the boots as =Jill walked into the pools of rainwater. What fun! =Jill said as she ran to a big pool of water. =Jill =Stone, get out of that water, or you will get wet, said =Penny. The boots are no good! May I ask =Jay something first, Miss =Hill? =Bill asked. Yes, said =Miss =Hill. =Jay, what do cats have that pigs don't have? he asked. Kittens said =Jay. No! said =Bill. Not =KlttenS Will you sing with us this time, =Bill Miss =Hill asked. This time =Bill did not nod. He SAID yes! What You Can Do with Paint When you paint, the colors you work with are up to you. You can paint a barn red, and you can paint a tree green? You can paint a car black. You can paint a pig black, too. You can paint a kitten red. You can paint white spots on it. You can paint what you see and what you feel. &&000 AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY (1971) 1ST SAMPLE 'EACH AND ALL' SOURCE: U. OF ROCHESTER 12-05-92 Xeroxed, scanned and edited by DPH &&111 Why do you like somebody? Do you know WHY you like someone? Do you know WHY he likes you ? Think about it. Do you know someone you do not like? Maybe if you think about it, you will see that you do not KNOW why. In the first part of this book you will see a story about =Len. Look for =Len, and then see if you can tell WHY some did not like him. =Len went to look for the fox. But the fox saw =Len first and ran away. How funny! said =Len. . "Why did he run away? Maybe he did not see who it was. I will have to go ask some of the others. But when the others saw =Len, they ran away, too. =Len went to a big hill. He looked down, but he saw no one. "I will go look down by the water, he said. "Some of the others go for water now." The Lion and the Mosquitoes One day, in a place far away, a proud lion was looking for water to drink. In time, the lion found the well. But the water in the well was not good to drink. "I must have water, said the lion. But as he went to drink, he saw some mosquitoes. If you want to tell someone these things about boats, what will you tell first? What will you tell then? There are small sailboats. There are all kinds of ships in a port. You can sit in the sun on a big ship. You might take a walk on a big ship. There are big ships that sail far away. There are lots of things to do when you take a trip on a big ship. You can make a plan that looks like this: There are all kinds of ships in a port. Soon there was a sad, sad song. "It is the song of the little one," said the =Indians. "It is from the =Laughing =Waters." But when they got to that place, they saw just a shadow singing to the moon, beside the =Laughing =Waters. Do you like to find out about things? Do you like to know why some things are so? There are lots of ways to find out. You can ask someone to tell you. You can try things out, or you can look at a book. See if you can find a story in this part of the book that tells you something you did not know. The air around us is filled with drops of water, too. When the air around us is hot, it will go up. The hot air then hits the cool air up in the sky. The drops of water in the air are cooled, too. Then they become a cloud. Helping Others There are many ways to help others. Sometimes we know we are helping, but sometimes we don't. Find out who helped =Beth when she lost something. &&000 AMERICAN BOOK CO. (1977) 1ST GRADE AMR9771S.ASC GROW by Marjorie S. Johnson et al Source: SUNY Oneonta xerox scan edit by DPH March 2, 1993 &&111 One day, =Kay was walking on the beach. A loud bell rang out. The bell was how =Kay's mother called her. =Kay ran to find out what was going on. The light in the lighthouse is out, said her mother. I am going to the city to get a part. Will it be fixed by tonight? asked =Kay. The boats need our light. I will be back in plenty of time, said her mother. I will have the part. I will have a load of good things to eat. Then she took her seat in the car and drove off down the road. =Kay's home was in a lighthouse the end of a beach. The beach was filled with rocks. At night, the light in the lighthouse went around and around in a circle. The light told the boats to keep away from the rocks. Twice, =Kay had worked the big yellow light by herself. This kind of game can go on when =Grandpa comes to stay. I KNOW his name is =Grandpa, But that's not what THEY say. They call him =Dad or Mr, And =Grandma calls him =Pat. But I think it seems funny To mix things up like that. My grandpa's name is =Grandpa. So let's just call him that. That's what I said to =Mother And those who call him =Pat. They all think it's funny When I won't play their game. But I STILL think its better To call =Grandpa by name. Long, long ago, =Otto and his mother had a small farm. The farm was next to a big wood. One day =Otto's mother said, What will we do? Soon the tax must be paid. We have cut down the last tree on the farm. We have just one hen. Now we must cook the hen. Go into the woods, =Otto, and cut down a tree. Then we will have wood to cook the hen. =Otto went outside to get his ax. He took the ax and went off into the woods. In the woods, =Otto took his ax to the first tree he saw. The ax hit the tree. Do not cut down my home, something said. =Otto let his ax go and stood looking at the tree. Who are you? And where are you? he asked. I can't see you. My name is =Max, and I live in here, said something inside the tree. Thank you for not cutting down my home. I can walk in the tall green brush and not crush it, said the fox. Isn't that smart? Very smart, said the ox. I can't do that. The fox walked on. Soon, he met a snake in his nest. All who know you say that you are, very smart, hissed the snake. Why is this so? Didn't they tell you? asked the fox. No, they didn't, hissed the snake. I can run as fast as the birds can fly, said the fox. Can you do that? No, hissed the snake. I can't run at all. You are very smart. The fox walked out of the tall green brush. Soon he met a dog. One day, =Grandfather was sad. I will have to give up the kite shop, he said. Why, asked =Jane? No one comes to my shop, said =Grandfather. If no one wants my kites, I can't keep the shop. =Jane wanted to help =Grandfather. She didn't want him to give up his shop. The next day, =Jane went to the shop with some pens. =Zip! She marked one of the kites.=Zip! =Zip! Three kites were marked. What are you doing? asked =Grandfather. You will see, said =Jane. The kites will tell all to come to the shop. The kites went flying up into the blue sky. The zigzag kite said FINE KITES. The bird kite said GET KITES HERE. The bee kite said COME To the =KITE =SHoP. What were you doing up there in that pine tree? asked =Ellen. I made a home, said =Penny. A home for the birds. That is fine, said =Ellen. But the birds don't WANT a home in the pine tree. Look! They have made a nest over there in the vines. They will want this home, said =Penny. You will see. They will like the fine home I made for them. They will come to stay in the pine tree. =Penny! =Penny! called =Ellen. Where are you? I'm up in the tree, said =Penny. What do you want? I came to tell you =Mom wants you, said =Ellen. She has called and called. She says she will not give a third call! =Penny came down from the pine tree. &&000 ECONOMY COMPANY (1972) 1ST GRADE ECO9721S.ASC BLUE DILLY DILLY by Theodore L. Harris et al Source: SUNY Oneonta Xerox scan edit by DPH March 2, 1993 &&111 The little men from space jumped into a spaceship. =Mmmm. =Sssssh. And away went the spaceship! =Denny turned off the =Television. That was all for the little men. It was time for bed. Come on, =Mittens, called =Denny. Get in your basket. =Mittens was Mr =Bell's cat. Now and then Mr =Bell let =Denny take =Mittens home with him. =Denny walked slowly up to his room and sat down on the bed. One day I want to ride in a spaceship, he said. Then he turned off the light and got into bed. =Parnell =Pig ran to the fence and tried to go under it. But the fence stopped him. I can't get out, he said. Soon day came, and so did the little old lady. You silly thing, she said to =Parnell. Then she helped him out of the fence. I can tell you are not a silly fox, said the old lady. And you are not a silly chicken. She can see, thought =Parnell. Now I don't have to tell her =I'm a pig. The funny old lady gave =Parnell a pat. I'm so happy to find a dog like you! she said. Think about This: =Will =Parnell be a good pet for the lady? Farmers called for =Wet =Albert. The grass is dry! they said. =Wet =Albert took his cloud to them. The rain made the grass green again. City men wanted =Wet =Albert. The river is dry! they said. =Wet =Albert took his cloud there. The cloud rained in the river. Now =Wet =Albert was tired! Everywhere you could hear, We want =Wet =Albert! We want =Wet =Albert! How could he go to them all? How could he go everywhere? A man said, Get a helicopter. Then you can go everywhere. So =Wet =Albert got a helicopter. He and his cloud went everywhere. And everywhere they went, rain went with them. I'm trying to think of a way to help you, said =Flashy. You can't help, said =Oggy. I just can't get this cap off! Yes, you can, =Flashy said. You can hop down to the pond and jump into the water. The cap will float. It will float, and you can swim out from under it. That's good, said =Oggy. Which way is the pond from here? Come with me, called =Flashy. I'll show you the way. I'll blink my light for you. And off =Flashy started. Wait! called =Oggy. Are you blinking your light? I can't see you. In the city we hear noisy street sounds. The sounds are all around us. Some sounds can help us. A horn tells us a car is coming. A bell tells us to watch out for a train. Other sounds tell us about fun. We hear children laughing. We hear a band playing. Sounds tell us what is going on around us. What are sounds? How are sounds made? Here is a way to find out. Put a rubber band around a box. Pull the band away from the box. Now thump the rubber band to make it go back and forth. The rubber band vibrates. As it vibrates back and forth, you can hear sound. All sounds are made by something that vibrates. The Ducks felt so sorry for her. At last they thought of a way to take her with them. We have thought of a way to take you if you can keep still, said one Duck. We will each take hold of one end of a stout stick, said the other Duck. You can hold to the middle of the stick with your mouth. Then we will fly up into the air and carry you with us. But you must not talk, said the Ducks. If you open your mouth, you will be sorry. I won't say a word, said the Turtle. I won't even move my mouth. So the Ducks found a stout stick. They each took hold of an end of the stick and held fast. Then the Turtle took hold of the middle of the stout stick. And the two Ducks flew away with her. 00000 000 GINN READERS LEVEL 3 1st first grade book DY1:GINN03.TXT 00000 000 A DUCK IS A DUCK (NO AUTHOR IN COVER) 1969 DISKS 91; 540 00000 000 TRANSCRIBED BY DPH THE WHOLE BOOK 00001 111 This is =Bill. =Bill is in the park. Here is =Jill. =Jill is in 00002 111 the park. Here is =Ben. Ben is in the park. Is =Lad in the park? 00003 111 =Bill said, Look here, =Ben. Look at the ducks. =Ben said, Here 00004 111 ducks. Look here. Get this, ducks. =Jill said, Look =Bill. Look at 00005 111 =Ben and the ducks. =Ben said, Here is a duck. The duck can get 00006 111 this. =Ben said, Stop, ducks Stop this, ducks! =Jill said, Help 00007 111 =Ben. Stop the ducks. Help =Ben stop the ducks. =Jill said, =Bill! 00008 111 =Bill! =Lad will get the ducks. =Bill, stop =Lad. =Bill said, 00009 111 Here, =Lad. No, =Lad. No, =Lad! No! =Jill said, No, =Lad! Stop! 00010 111 Stop! =Ben said, Here =Lad. Look at this. Get this, =Lad. =Bill 00011 111 said. =Jill, look here. =Ben can help. =Ben can get =Lad. =Lad 00012 111 will not get the ducks. =Ben said, Stop, =Bill. Can we eat here? 00013 111 =Jill said, Can we, =Bill? Can we eat here? =Bill said, Yes, =Jill. 00014 111 We will eat here. =Ben said, Stop ducks! You can't eat this. No, 00015 111 you can't! No, ducks! No! You can't eat this. =Bill said, =Lad will 00016 111 help. =Lad will stop the ducks. =Ben said, Run, ducks! Run! You 00017 111 can't eat here. =Lad will stop you. =Bill said, Here =Lad. You can 00018 111 eat this. Eat this, =Lad. =Ben said, Yes, =Lad. You can eat this. 00019 111 We will not stop you. =Ben said, Look at me =Jill. Look at me. 00020 111 =Jill said, Yes, =Ben. You can ride. =Ben said, =Help me! Help me! 00021 111 I can't stop! I can't stop this! =Jill said, =Ben can't stop. 00022 111 Run, =Bill. Run and help =Ben. =Bill said, I can stop this. =Jill 00023 111 and I will help you, =Ben. =Jill said, Yes, =Ben. We can help you. 00024 111 =Ben said, Will you ride, =Jill? Will you ride with me? =Jill said, 00025 111 Yes, Ben. I will ride with you. =Bill and I will help you. =Bill 00026 111 said, No, =Lad. You can't come with me. =Ben said, Come here, =Lad. 00027 111 =Jill said, Look, =Bill. Look at =Lad. =Ben said, =What is it, =Lad. 00028 111 What is it? Bill said, It is a turtle! Look at the turtle, =Ben. 00029 111 =Ben said, A turtle! It can hide. This turtle can hide. =Bill said, 00030 111 Come here, =Ted. Come and see what is here. =Ben said, It is a 00031 111 turtle! Come and see it, =Ted. The turtle can hide. =Ted said, A 00032 111 turtle? You see a turtle at the park! I want to see this. =Bill 00033 111 said, Here it is, =Ted. Here is the turtle. We want you to see it. 00034 111 =Jill said, Come here, =Nan. See what is here. =Nan said, A turtle! 00035 111 I want to see it. =Ted said, Come with me, =Turtle. =Lad will get 00036 111 you here. I will help you. =Bill said, come, =Nan and =Jill. 00037 111 Come with =Ted and me. We will help this turtle. =Ben said, I want 00038 111 to come. =Lad and I will come with you. =Jill said, No, =Ben. You 00039 111 can't come. You and =Lad can't come. Can you guess? =Ted said, Guess 00040 111 what is here? Will you guess, Miss =Hill? Miss =Hill said, Yes, 00041 111 =Ted. I will guess. Will you help me guess? =Jill said, It is 00042 111 little. Can you guess, Miss =Hill? Miss =Hill said, It is little. 00043 111 What is little? Is it this? =Nan said, It is little. It can hide. 00044 111 Can you guess, Miss =Hill? Miss =Hill said, It is little. What is 00045 111 little and can hide. is it this? =Bill said, It can hide. What is 00046 111 little and can hide? Can you guess, Miss =Hill? Miss =Hill said, 00047 111 It is little. A turtle is little and can hide. Is it a turtle? 00048 111 =Ted said, It is! It is! Here is the turtle, Miss =Hill! =Jill said, 00049 111 The turtle is little. We want to help it. What can we do? Miss =Hill 00050 111 said, We will see. What do you want to do? =Ted wants to do this. 00051 111 =Bill wants to do this. =Nan wants to do this. =Jill wants to do 00052 111 this. =Jill said, Look here, turtle. What do you want? What do 00053 111 turtles like to do? =Nan said, Turtles like to hide. Turtles like to 00054 111 eat. But what will this turtle eat? =Bill said, Turtles like to 00055 111 swim. But this turtle can't swim here. =Ted said, We can help the 00056 111 turtle. It can't swim here. But it can swim at the park. =Nan said, 00057 111 This turtle is little. Will it like the park? Miss =Hill said, You 00058 111 can see. Run to the park with the turtle. See what it will do. 00059 111 =Jill said, Here, little turtle. I will help you. =Nan said, 00060 111 Swim. little turtle. We want to see you swim. =Ted said, The turtle 00061 111 can swim! It likes to swim here. =Jill said, Don't hide, turtle. 00062 111 I want to see you swim. I don't want you to hide. =Nan said, 00063 111 Will the turtle eat? It can swim here. But will it eat? =Bill said, 00064 111 It wants to eat. Don't you see, =Nan? Don't you see what it wants? 00065 111 =Nan said, I can see. I see what the turtle wants. It will eat at 00066 111 the park. =Jill said, Guess what! This is a park turtle. =Ted said, 00067 111 It will like the park. We can come here and see it. Help me read. 00068 111 =Ben said, I want to read. I will read this book. =Bill said, Can 00069 111 you read, =Ben? Can you read this book? =Ben said. I can read. I 00070 111 can read a little. But I want you to help me. Rabbit said, I can 00071 111 run. I can run fast. You can't run, Turtle. You can't run fast. 00072 111 Turtle said, Look, Rabbit. Do you see the park? You and I will run. 00073 111 You and I will run. We will run to the park. Rabbit said, I want to 00074 111 stop. I will stop here. I can run, but turtle can't. I can get to 00075 111 the park fast. Turtle said, I can't run fast. But I will not stop. 00076 111 Rabbit can't see me. I will go to the park. Rabbit said, Turtle! You 00077 111 are here! I can run fast and you can't. But you are here. This is 00078 111 not like you, Turtle. Turtle said, I do not stop. You run fast, 00079 111 Rabbit. I can't run fast. But you stop and I don't. Little duck 00080 111 said, Look at me! Look at me, little rabbit. What can you do? Can 00081 111 you swim, little rabbit? Little rabbit said, Look at me! Look at me, 00082 111 little duck. I can hop. I can hop fast. Can you do this? Can you 00083 111 hop, Little Duck? Little Duck said, I can't hop. I can swim, but I 00084 111 can't hop. I don't want to swim. I want to hop, little rabbit. You 00085 111 can hop fast. I want to hop like a rabbit. Little rabbit said, 00086 111 Help me! I want to swim, but I can't. I can hop, but I can't swim. 00087 111 You can swim, Little Duck. Help me swim. Mother Duck said, Come 00088 111 here. Come here little Duck. Come and swim with me. You can't hop. 00089 111 You are not a rabbit. You are a duck! Ducks can swim. Come and 00090 111 swim like a duck. Mother Rabbit said, See here! You are not a duck. 00091 111 You are a rabbit. Rabbit can't swim. Rabbits hop and hop. Come and 00092 111 hop with me. Come and hop like a rabbit. A duck is a duck and a 00093 111 rabbit is a rabbit. 00000 000 GINN READERS 1969 LEVEL 4 Grade 1 DY1:GINN04.TXT 00000 000 HELICOPTERS AND GINGERBREAD (NO AUTHOR ON COVER) DISKS 91; 540 00000 000 TRANSCRIBED BY DPH ENTIRE BOOK TRANSCRIBED(almost p8-68) 00001 111 =Bill said, Come with me, =Ben. I want to see the zoo. =Ben said, 00002 111 Stop, =Bill! Who said, hello? Who said hello to me? We will see, 00003 111 said =Bill. =Ben said, Help me =Mother. Who said hello? Who said 00004 111 hello to me? =Mother said, Can't you guess? Guess who said 00005 111 hello, =Ben. I can guess, said =Jill. A parrot, said =Bill. This 00006 111 parrot can say Hello. Hello, said the parrot. Hello! Hello! 00007 111 =Ben said, You can say hello! Say hello, parrot. Say hello to me. 00008 111 =Ted said, Hello, =Bill. Do you want to see the seal? Yes, I do, 00009 111 said =Bill. Come, =Ben. We will see what a seal can do. =Ben said, 00010 111 No! I like this parrot. It can say hello. The seal can swim, said 00011 111 =Ted. And it can play ball. Seals can't play ball, said =Ben! This 00012 111 seal can, said =Ted. Come and see it, =Ben. Here is the seal, said 00013 111 =Bill. It can play ball, =Ben. It can! It can, said Ben! Come here 00014 111 =Dad. This seal can play ball. =Dad said, Yes, it can, =Ben. The 00015 111 seal likes to play with the ball. I like the seal, said =Ben. It can 00016 111 swim and play ball. But it can't say hello. I want you to see the 00017 111 =parrot, =Dad. I want the =parrot to say hello to you. =Nan said, 00018 111 Come here, =Jill. Come and see this elephant. What a little 00019 111 elephant, said =Jill. =Kay said, Help me, =Dad. I can't see the 00020 111 elephant. =Dad said, Here you are, =Kay. Can you see the elephant? 00021 111 I can! I can, said =Kay. The elephant wants to swim. It can't swim 00022 111 here, said =Dad. But it can play. Elephants like this, =Kay. 00023 111 =Kay said, Here comes a man. Who is he, =Dad? Is he the zoo man? 00024 111 Yes, he is, said =Dad. The elephant sees the man, said =Kay. This 00025 111 elephant can run, =Dad. Here, little elephant, said the man. You 00026 111 will like this. =Kay said, I can guess what the elephant wants. 00027 111 Can you guess, =Dad? The little goats. I want to see the goats, 00028 111 said =Bill. Here they are, =Ted. =Ted said, We can play with the 00029 111 goats. Here they come, =Bill. =Bill said, Look at this goat. He 00030 111 wants something, =Ted. Hello, little goat, said =Ted. Do you want 00031 111 something? Do you want to play with me? What do you want? The goats 00032 111 don't want to play, said =Jill. They want something to eat. =Nan 00033 111 said, Help the goats, =Ted. this is what they want you to do. 00034 111 =Ben said, I want to help this goat. I can get something for it to 00035 111 eat. I will help you, said =Dad. Here you are, =Ben. Stop, goat, 00036 111 said =Ben! I can get this for you. Can't I help you? A man 00037 111 wants help. He sees a helicopter. He wants to get in it. Who is in 00038 111 the helicopter? What will he do? This man can't swim. He wants help. 00039 111 The man sees a helicopter. Who is in the helicopter? What will he 00040 111 do? This man wants a ride. He wants a ride to the airport. Here 00041 111 comes a helicopter. It will stop for the man. He will ride to the 00042 111 airport in the helicopter. The animals want something. What do they 00043 111 want? Here comes a helicopter. A man is in it. He comes with 00044 111 something for the animals. It is something the animals will eat. 00045 111 Here comes a helicopter. It comes with something big. It comes with 00046 111 something this man wants. The helicopter is little. But it is a 00047 111 big help. What can the helicopter do? Will it stop here? A man 00048 111 said, Who will go for a ride with me? Who will go for a ride in 00049 111 this helicopter? Get in! Get in! Who wants a helicopter 00050 111 ride? Will the helicopter go fast? 00051 111 The surprise. =Dad said, Here we are boys. This is the airport. 00052 111 =Bill said, Is the surprise here? Is it something we can do? =Dad 00053 111 said, The surprise is here. It is something boys like to do. 00054 111 What a big airport, said =Ted! Look at the helicopters, =Bill. A 00055 111 helicopter, =Bill. Is the surprise a ride in a helicopter? 00056 111 Did we guess, =Dad? Yes, you did, said =Dad. And here is the 00057 111 helicopter. Get in, boys. The man said, =Here we go. Did you guess 00058 111 the surprise? Yes, we did, said =Ted. This ride is a big 00059 111 surprise. =Dad said, Boys like surprises. And I like to ride in a 00060 111 helicopter. =Look boys, said the man. Can you see the zoo? I can, 00061 111 said =Bill. But I can't the animals. I guess they are too little. 00062 111 Look for the elephants, said the man. They are not too little. 00063 111 I can see a big elephant and the goats, said =Ted. But I can't 00064 111 see the =parrot. It is too small for me to see. I like this ride, 00065 111 said =Bill. This is the ride for me! A funny ride. Here is a 00066 111 funny old helicopter. A =parrot is in it. The =parrot likes to ride 00067 111 in the funny old helicopter. The =parrot said, Hello, =Bill. 00068 111 Do you want to ride with me? Yes, I do, said =Bill. This is a funny 00069 111 old helicopter but I will ride in it. Hop in, said the =parrot. Hop 00070 111 in, =Bill. I can see the zoo, said =Bill. Look here, =Parrot. Are you 00071 111 the zoo =parrot? Did you say hello to =Ben? Yes, I did, said the 00072 111 =parrot. I said hello to =Ben. He likes me. =Bill said, can I make 00073 111 the helicopter go? Yes, you can, said the =parrot. Make the 00074 111 helicopter go. =Bill said, I like a fast ride. Will 00075 111 this old helicopter go fast? Yes, it will, said the =parrot. You can 00076 111 make it go fast. =Bill said, Here we go for a fast ride. Stop! 00077 111 Stop, said the =parrot. This is not funny. Stop the helicopter. I 00078 111 can't, said =Bill! I can't make it stop. Help me, =Parrot. Help me! 00079 111 =Dad said, I will help you. What do you want, =Bill? I want you, 00080 111 said =Bill. I don't want the =parrot. He is not funny. I don't 00081 111 want the old helicopter. And I don't want to ride in it. Don't go, 00082 111 =Dad. I want you here. =Dad said. Here is the =lion. And here is the 00083 111 little mouse. =Kay said, What will the =lion do to the mouse? Read 00084 111 the book, =Dad. you read, and I will look at the animals. The 00085 111 =Lion and the Mouse. =Lion said, Hello, Mouse. I want something to 00086 111 eat. I will eat you. Don't eat me, said the Mouse. Let me go, 00087 111 =Lion. Let me go. And I will do something for you. =Lion said, 00088 111 you can't help me. you are too little. Yes, I am little, said 00089 111 =Mouse. But I anm not too little to help you. Let me go, and 00090 111 you will see. =Lion said, I will let you go. Run fast, =Mouse. I 00091 111 will surprise you, said =Mouse. You will see what I can do. 00092 111 =Lion said, Help! Help! I want to get away from here, but I can't. 00093 111 =Mouse said, Here I am, =Lion. I will help you get away from here. 00094 111 =Lion said, You can't help me. You are too little. =Mouse said, No, 00095 111 Lion. I am not too little to help you. I can help you get away from 00096 111 here. Do something fast, said Lion. A man will come and get me. 00097 111 He will get you too. =Mouse said, Look here, Lion. See what I can do. 00098 111 Lion said, You did help me! You are little, =Mouse. But you did 00099 111 something big for me. Yes, I did, said =Mouse. But you did not 00100 111 eat me, Lion. You did something for me, too. 00000 000 Ginn Readers 1969 Level 5 1st Grade DY1:GINN05.TXT 00000 000 MAY I COME IN? No author on cover Mar 1983 DISKS 91; 540 00000 000 TRANSCRIBED BY DPH STRATIFIED SRS Starting with pages: 00000 000 16-9; 28-8; 55-4; 74-0; 105-3; 125-2; 128-2; 156-5; 170-1; 184-2; 00000 000 193-9. 00001 111 Will they find the food I put on the snow. We will see, said 00002 111 =Mother. Don't you want to put food in the tree, too? In the 00003 111 tree, said =Pat? Rabbits don't live in trees! No, they don't, 00004 111 said =Mother. But you can put food in the tree. And we will see 00005 111 who finds it. =Pat said, =Mother! Mother! Come and see the rabbits. 00006 111 They are eating the food on the snow. Yes, they are, said =Mother. 00007 111 Look in the tree, =Pat. Who is eating the food you put in the tree? 00008 111 A raccoon, said =Pat. He's eating in the tree. I surprised the 00009 111 rabbits. The raccoon surprised me. The raccoons. Little raccoons 00010 111 can't see. They can't play. 00011 111 Look in the homes, and you will know who made the tracks you see 00012 111 in the snow. Animals in danger. Some animals can hide from 00013 111 danger. Can you see the fawn? Can you see the squirrel. Can you see 00014 111 the bear. What can ducks do? What can a frog do? What can raccoons 00015 111 do? Some animals can get away from danger. The Squirrel. Up he 00016 111 goes to the tree top. Round and round. Down he scampers to the 00017 111 ground. What a tail. Tall as a feather, broad as a sail. Where's his 00018 111 supper. Out it fell. 00019 111 Where did you go, asked =Mother? I lost you, =Pete. Oh, I did not 00020 111 get lost, said =Pete. The policeman let me ride on =Dandy. We looked 00021 111 for you, =Mother. The policeman said, =Dandy and I like to help 00022 111 boys. We like to help lost mothers, too. The Big Machine. =James 00023 111 said, =Ken and I want to go down the street. We want to see the 00024 111 big machine. =Mother said, I don't want you to go down the street. 00024 111 You can 00025 111 see the machine from here. I like to see the machine, said =James. 00026 111 But I want to play. Let's do something, =Ken. I know. Let's 00027 111 make a machine. =Ken said, Let's make it at my house. =Mother, can 00028 111 I go to =Ken's house, asked =James? Yes, you may go, said =Mother. 00029 111 But don't go down the street. The boys ran up the street to =Ken's 00030 111 house. 00031 111 I want to sleep, said Mr =Big. Go away and let me sleep. Did the 00032 111 animals go away? No they did not. I want to see the new buildings, 00033 111 he said. I can walk up and down the streets. And I can walk in the 00034 111 park. I'm going to sleep in the city, too. Mr =Big saw some 00035 111 new buildings. He walked up and down the streets and he walked 00036 111 in the park. Now I want to sleep, said Mr Big. My animals can't stop 00037 111 me from sleeping in the city. Did Mr =Big go to sleep? No, he did 00038 111 not. Who can sleep in this city, he asked? I can't! Not with the 00039 111 cars going up and down the streets. The cars come and go, and they 00040 111 don't stop. 00041 111 The policeman said, Who did this? A woman said, Oh, no! The 00042 111 policeman said, Who did this? The Mayor said, Find Mr =Pine. Fast! 00043 111 All the signs are up, said Mr =Pine. And I can look for my glasses. 00044 111 Now where are they? He looked and looked. Did I put my glasses in 00045 111 here, he asked? Mr =Pine looked in the dog house. He said, My 00046 111 glasses! Here they are. Mr =Pine put the glasses on and went to 00047 111 see the signs. This is what Mr =Pine saw. Oh, my, said Mr =Pine. 00048 111 My signs are all mixed up. Mr =Pine! Mr =Pine, said the Mayor. 00049 111 Do something! Fix the signs. Mr =Pine went to work. He fixed all 00050 111 the signs in =LittleTown. The signs are not mixed up now. 00051 111 He looked up and said, I whistled! I whistled, =Dad. Yes, you did, 00052 111 said =Dad. That was a good whistle. I went =wh and the whistle came 00053 111 out. Fun around home. Red light. Green light. Look what I made. 00054 111 =Penny said, Hop a little. Run a little. Do not stop. Jump a little. 00055 111 Walk a little. Hop, Hop, hop. Away went =Penny down the street. 00056 111 A boy saw =Penny. He saw the bag, too. The boy asked, What do you 00057 111 have in that bag, =Penny? Let me see. It's a surprise, said =Penny. 00058 111 I can't stop now. On went =Penny down the street. =Penny said, 00059 111 I can run. And I can hop. I can jump. But I can't stop. A girl 00060 111 saw =Penny. The girl asked, What's in the bag? A surprise, said 00061 111 =Penny. I can't stop. 00062 111 The Ant and the Grasshopper. Hello, little ant, said the 00063 111 grasshopper. Will you come and play with me? I will hide in the 00064 111 grass, and you can look for me there. The ant said, You can hide 00065 111 in the grass. But I can't look for you there. I have work to do. 00066 111 Don't work, said the grasshopper. When do you play, little ant? 00067 111 I don't have time to play, said the ant. I'm looking for food. 00068 111 I'm going to put the food away. And when the snow comes, I will 00069 111 have food to eat. Work away, said the grasshopper! I'm going to play 00070 111 now. And away he went in the grass. The ant was still working. She 00071 111 called, You can play but I will work. And I will have food to eat 00072 111 when the snow comes. 00073 111 When they were eating, City Mouse saw something big. He said, Run! 00074 111 Run, Country Mouse! And don't stop. Away went City Mouse. And away 00075 111 went Country Mouse. They ran out of the house. City Mouse called, 00076 111 Come back, Country Mouse. There is no danger now. The cat went back 00077 111 into the house. But Country Mouse did not stop. He called, No, I 00078 111 don't like to live where there is danger. I'm going home. Country 00079 111 Mouse ran up a hill and into the country. When he got home he said, 00080 111 At last I can stop! I will not go back to the city. Not where the 00081 111 cat is! I will eat country food and City Mouse can live in danger. 00082 111 I used to have a dream long ago about a giant tall as a tree. He 00083 111 came to the door and said, Come, holding his hand to me. I never 00084 111 went but now that I'm bigger I wish I had. He may have been a 00085 111 friendly giant and I made him sad. 00086 111 Where is your home, he asked the robin? Here, here, here, sang the 00087 111 robin. Here in this nest is my home. Here, here, here sang the 00088 111 robins. Here is our home. Not for me, said the bunny. I would fall 00089 111 out of the nest. I would fall on the ground. So he went 00090 111 looking for a home. Where is your home, he asked the frog? Under 00091 111 the water. Down in the bog. Not for me, said the bunny. Under the 00092 111 water, I would drown in bog. So he went looking for a home. Where do 00093 111 you live, he asked a groundhog. In a log, said a groundhog. May I 00094 111 come in, said the bunny? No, you can't come in my log, said the 00095 111 groundhog. So the bunny went down the road. Down the road and down 00096 111 the road he went. He was going to find a home of his own. A home 00097 111 for a bunny, a home of his own. Under a rock or a log or a stone. 00098 111 Where would a bunny find a home? 00000 000 GINN READERS GRADE 1- LEVEL 6 DY1:GINN06.TXT 00000 000 SEVEN IS MAGIC (NO AUTHOR ON COVER) 1969, 1973 DISKS 91; 540 00000 000 TRANSCRIBED BY DPH MAR 83 STRATIFIED SRS starting with pages: 00000 000 29-0; 45-4; 67-1; 80-8; 125-2; 135-6; 168-2; 204-8; 224-2; 233. 00001 111 =Ted was on the telephone. =Dad said, Hello, =Ted. Will you ask 00002 111 =Mother to come for me? Ask her to come to =5th street at four. Can 00003 111 you remember that? I can remember, said =Ted. =5th street at =4. 00004 111 Who was that, asked =Mother? It was =Dad, said =Ted. He wants you 00005 111 to come to =4th street at =5. At =4 o'clock =Dad went to =5th 00006 111 Street. =Mother did not come. Where can she be, thought =Dad? At 00007 111 =five o'clock =Mother went to =4th Street. =Dad did not come. Where 00008 111 can he be, thought =Mother? When =Mother and =Dad got home, they 00009 111 called =Ted. You have to remember, they said. When you answer the 00010 111 telephone, you have to remember what is said. I will, said =Ted. 00011 111 00012 111 He would help Mr =Mays with the balloons. Right this way, =Bill 00013 111 called. Balloons! Balloons. Get your balloons here! There was a 00014 111 balloon for every boy and girl at =Anders School. Every balloon 00015 111 had a postcard with it. The postcard said: This balloon came to you 00016 111 from the children at the =Anders School. Please mail the postcard 00017 111 back to the school. We want to know who you are and where you live. 00018 111 Mr =Mays let one balloon go. They he called to the children. Let the 00019 111 balloons go! The children thought about the people who would get 00020 111 the balloons. Who could they be? What fun it would be when the 00021 111 postcards came back in the mail. 00022 111 She couldn't run and hop and jump with the other children. But every 00023 111 day school came to =Nan! Every day Miss =Green came to help =Nan 00024 111 with her schoolwork. And every day Mr =Migs came with the mail. 00025 111 Long before he came, =Nan was waiting for him. At the other houses 00026 111 Mr =Migs would put the mail in the boxes. But not at =Nan's house. 00027 111 When the mail came for =Nan, Mr =Migs took it right to her. Once a 00028 111 letter came from =Nan's grandmother, who lived a long way off. 00029 111 Other letters came from other children who could go to school. 00030 111 In the morning the city spreads its wings making a song of stone 00031 111 that sings. In the evening the city goes to bed hanging lights about 00032 111 its head. See the sights! See the sights, called the tall man! 00033 111 Every day the tall man came to =5th street. Every day, he called, 00034 111 See the sights! See the sights! One day =Dan was walking on =5th 00035 111 street. The tall man was there. He was calling, See the sights! 00036 111 =Dan saw a big sight-seeing bus stop on =5th street. There was a 00037 111 sign on the back of the bus. The sign said, See the sights! What 00038 111 sights? Where does the bus go, =Dan thought. The next day,=Dan 00039 111 walked up to the tall man. I want to see the sights, he said. When 00040 111 can I take the bus? 00041 111 At last the truck came to a stop in a cool barn. A big blackbird 00042 111 looked down from the top of the barn. He could see the top of 00043 111 Mr =Harvey's hat in the back of the truck. A hat, thought the 00044 111 blackbird! I know something I can do with that! The blackbird took 00045 111 the hat from the truck. In no time at all he was flying 00046 111 out of the barn and over to the farmer's scarecrow. He put the hat 00047 111 on top of the scarecrow. Now I know the farmer from the scarecrow, 00048 111 said the blackbird. He smiled as he thought of the trick he had 00049 111 played on the farmer. The next Saturday Mr and Mrs =Harvey went for 00050 111 a ride. 00051 111 Cat lived under eagle. Pig lived under Cat. They liked to live this 00052 111 way. Three in a tree! When eagle wanted something, he would call 00053 111 down to Cat. When Cat wanted something, she would call down to Pig. 00054 111 When Pig wanted something, he would call up to all the others. Yes, 00055 111 it was good to live this way. Three in a tree! One morning Cat 00056 111 wanted to sleep but she couldn't. Eagle was going in and out, in and 00057 111 out of the tree top. Pig made funny noises from his home in the 00058 111 tree. How can I sleep here, said Cat? Up, up in the tree she went. 00059 111 See here, Eagle, said Cat. I think Pig is unhappy with all this 00060 111 going in and out, in and out. 00061 111 Where are the machines? Why did the workmen stop building the road? 00062 111 =Jeff's dad looked up from his newspaper. Winter has come, =Jeff, 00063 111 he said. The men can't work on the road now. It says here in the 00064 111 paper that the men will go back to work in the spring. Spring, said 00065 111 =Jeff. But spring is far off! When will I find out what is on the 00066 111 other side of the mountain? The winter was long, but spring came at 00067 111 last. And with the first spring days came the road workers. In no 00068 111 time at all the road had its new black top. There it was, a new 00069 111 road that went up and over the mountain. =Jeff and =Dad talked about 00070 111 the new road. 00071 111 All day long I just stay in this one place. It is no fun being out 00072 111 there alone. Two men come up the hill. The boy sees them. Help! 00073 111 Help! Please help me! A wolf is going to eat my sheep! Where? Where 00074 111 is that a wolf? Which way did it go? Follow me! The men follow the 00075 111 boy to the top of the hill. I see many sheep, but where is a wolf? 00076 111 Which way did the wolf go? There is no wolf. I played a trick on 00077 111 you. The boy laughs. The second man talks to his friend. This boy 00078 111 has tricked us. Come, my friend. Let's get back on our horses and 00079 111 get back to the city. We have no time for this boy's tricks. The men 00080 111 ride down the hill. 00081 111 Other people we know are always in a hurry. Mothers hurry. They 00082 111 walk in a hurry and talk in a hurry. And they always want you in 00083 111 a hurry. But =grandfather and I never hurry. We walk along and walk 00084 111 along. And stop, and look, just as long as we like. Fathers hurry. 00085 111 They hurry off to work and they hurry home again. They hurry when 00086 111 they kiss you and when they take you for a ride. But =Grandfather 00087 111 and I never hurry. We walk along, and walk along and stop, and look 00088 111 just as long as we like. Brothers and sisters hurry too. They go 00089 111 so fast they often bump into you. And when they take you for a walk 00090 111 they are always leaving you far behind. 00091 111 They toot whistles and blow horns. And sometimes scare you. 00092 111 =Grandfather and I never hurry. We walk along and walk along, and 00093 111 stop and look just as long as we like. And when =Grandfather and 00094 111 I get home we sit in a chair and rock and rock. And sing a little 00095 111 and talk a little and rock and rock just as long as we like. 00096 111 Until somebody tells us to hurry. &&000 GINN & CO. (1980) 1ST GRADE GIN9801S.ASC THE DOG NEXT DOOR By Theordore Clymer et al Source: SUNY Oneonta xerox scan edit by DPH March 2, 1993 &&111 Chipmunk was so frightened that he began to run. His feet cracked the branches and leaves on the ground and the bird was gone. Many-Deer was standing still in the path when =Chipmunk ran into him. He was very angry. Why do you do this ? =Many-Deer asked. I said that you were not to run. But that great big bird ! said =Chipmunk. It was flying over my head. That was an owl, said =Many-Deer. It was flying to its nest after a long night's hunting. You have frightened all the game in this part of the forest. Now we will have to go to another place. See if you can be like a hunter, not like a frightened rabbit. Yes, =Uncle, said =Chipmunk in a very small voice. He followed his uncle along the trail. On and on they went, far into the forest. At last =Chipmunk stopped to rest. But when he was ready to start again, he could not see his uncle. He looked for the trail, but he could not find it. There were trees on all sides, but he saw no knife marks on them. He heard the sound of the brook, but the brook was far away, somewhere below him. He looked down and saw green leaves and green branches. The ground at his feet just dropped away. He was standing on the rim of a deep gorge. The gorge was so deep that he could look out over the tops of the trees that grew there. The brook was far down in the gorge. He was alone in this strange still forest. He was lost ! When they reach the top, they see the =United =States =Capitol building with its white dome. They see many monuments. They see far off over the winding rivers. They see =Arlington =Cemetery where lie those who died for our country. The boys and girls look over this beautiful city, this great city, =Washington, , =DC, the capital of our country. =Jen and =Linda and =Kate lived on =Clover =Street. They were always together. Because they were three, everyone called them the =Clover =Street =Trio. They always walked to school together, and they came home together. Then =Jen would hurry out of her flat. =Linda and =Kate would hurry out of their apartment houses. Some days one of the girls had three apples. Some days one would have three doughnuts. They were best friends and they liked =Clover =Street. Mr =Cid came out on the back step. He had a red shirt and a spool of red thread in his hands. He put them down on the step. Hi, Mr =Cid, =Rosa said. How are you getting along ? Everything's going all right, Mr =Cid said. I'm going to sit here in the sun and mend a little rip in this old shirt before I go to work. It's the only clean shirt I have left. The telephone rang. Mr =Cid ran into the house to answer it. =Rosa heard a noise in the oak tree. =CAW, =CAW, =CAW She looked up. The crow sat on a low branch in the tree. Then down it came with a swish. And there it was, a beautiful crow on Mr =Cid's step. One patch of back yard is like a little world, =Jonathan said. You can see everything here, from an ant parade to a bird digging for its food. Almost everything's looking for something to eat. He thought of the refrigerator. I think I'll go inside, he said. I'll go the front way. I'll be right back. =H'm, said his father. Get something for me too. Iced tea ? asked =Jonathan. And maybe some chips ? That would be good, his father said. Time for a snack. I leave the hogan in the morning. I walk the long way to the bus stop. The morning is beautiful. =Stanley jumped around and wagged his tail. Mrs =Bradley took a basket into the house. Mr =Bradley took a box out of the back of the car Mrs =Bradley called to Mr =Bradley, Better call =William right away ! =William's here, Mr =Bradley called back. Hello there, =William. Everything looks fine. Nice work, =William. We knew you would do a good job. =William was very pleased. I liked doing it, he said. Mrs =Bradley and I have something for you, =William. It's a surprise. Your mother and father said you could have it. We thought you would be pleased. Come on in. =William and =Stanley followed Mr =Bradley into the house. There in a basket was a little puppy. We knew you would like him, Mrs =Bradley said. Someday this puppy will look just like =Stanley. At first, =William didn't know what to say. Then he knew. It's just exactly what I want, he said. We knew you would like him, Mrs =Bradley said. There's only one thing better than having a dog next door, =William said, and that's having a dog of your very own. He picked up the puppy. It pushed against =William and licked his chin. And then it wagged its tail, exactly as =Stanley did. When they got to school, =Stanley put the book bag on the steps and went back home. All through the day, =Lucy wished for rain. When it was time to go home from school. Miss =Little said, Don't forget to put on your raincoats, and don't forget to take your umbrellas. There is a gray cloud in the sky and it looks like rain. Outside, =Lucy looked up at the sky. The sky was blue-gray. There was a big gray cloud up there, but it wasn't raining. Then =Lucy looked down the street and saw =Stanley coming to meet her. He jumped around, wanting to carry something. I don't have a thing that you can carry but my umbrella, =Lucy said. Stanley was still jumping. =Lucy decided to let him carry her new umbrella. All right, =Stanley, she said. Stop jumping. Here. Take it. Proudly, =Stanley took the umbrella. &&000 HARPER & ROW (1972) Level 8 1st grade HRAR9721A.ASC IT HAPPENED THIS WAY by Mabel O'Donnell (1-1 but not primer( Source: Hobart WS xerox scan edit by DPH February 9, 1993 &&111 Now see here, girls, said =Kim's mother. I'm not smart enough to think up a riddle just like that. You will have to give me time. Oh, we will, said the girls. Just so you do it! Now we are going to call on the rest of our friends. But we will be back. Good-by now and get to work. Not long after this, the master came again to look the little colt all over. This time the colt poked at him with its big nose. It looked up at him out of its big round eyes. Upon my word! said the master in surprise. Your eyes are blue, =Little =One. Lady Luck, my girl! You and I have a beautiful blue-eyed pony. Now what do you know about that? The Wood Ducks. By that time =Chitter-Chatter was tired of rabbits. So he scampered back into the green woods. He sat on a branch to rest and to eat another acorn. All at once he saw something on the ground under the tree. He could hear something, too. =Quack, =quack, =quack, =quack! What was this all about? =Chitter-Chatter had to find out. So down the tree he ran. There was =Mother =Wood =Duck out for a walk with all her little ducks. Back up the tree he went. Up after him flew the owl. =Chitter-Chatter had just time enough to get back inside the nest. He didn't know why it was. He didn't know how it was. But he did know that he was afraid of that big brown owl. =Brown =Owl looked in at him with one big round eye. She could not get him now. He was safe inside the nest. When =Mark looked at his pictures, one by one, what do you think he did? He laughed! He could not help it. And just then =Mother walked in at the door. How Can I Get It? There was someone else that liked that book about as well as =Steve did. That someone was =Pedro. =Pedro could not get a book at the zoo. He did not have any money. His sister, =Tina, had a little animal book. It was a good book all right, but not like the one =Steve had. And that was the book =Pedro wanted. We Give Up. What are you looking for? Have you lost something? called =John and =Mark. The two boys ran up the walk to talk to Miss =Mary. I have not lost something, said Miss =Mary. I want to find something. I am looking for a four-leaf clover. All right! All right! Why be so cross? I said. Have you another space suit? There is another one in the rocket, he said. Why? I want to get out of here. That's why, I said . You can't go right now, said the man in the space suit. I want to look around a little. So he walked off to see what he could see. =Mark =Park and the puppy came to the big tree in the meadow. Stop here, said =Mark =Park. Someone up in the tree said, Did you hear me sing? I am the lark that sings in the dark. I'll go with you. You can walk, and I'll fly. So that's just what they did. The Best Riddle There was no time to do anything else that day. The next morning the two girls sat down to make that riddle book. Then the best thing happened. Mark came into the house looking for =John. Do you want me to paint a cover for your book? he said. If I do, it will be a good one. Anyway, it's going to rain. I have to have something to do. &&000 HARPER & ROW (1972) LEVEL 9 (1-2) HAR9721B.ASC IN SUNSHINE AND SHADOWS by Mabel O'Donnell Source: Hobart WS xerox scan edit by DPH February 9, 1993 &&111 One morning the =Keeper blew his whistle three times. All the men came running, and the animals looked up to see what was going on. Boys, said the =Keeper, the =Mayor is coming to inspect the =Zoo this afternoon at four. The animals look fine, but the cages sure need cleaning up. And don't forget to get rid of all those spider webs. But =Sam was too tired to answer. All he wanted to do now was sleep. No one knew it then, but that day was the start of the =American =Revolution. The war lasted eight years. At the end, =American was a country on its own. But =Sam didn't think of that. He thought of =John and wondered how he was. Captain =Parker, the head of the =Minutemen, told them to line up near the meeting house. =Sam saw his friend =John =Allen. =John looked the way =Sam felt, which made =Sam feel better. Why are the =British coming? =Sam asked. They want the guns and powder hidden in =Concord, said =John. They have to come past here to get them. About two =hundred years ago a boy named =Sam =Brown lived with his parents on a farm in =Lexington, =Massachusetts, near =Boston. At that time, =American was not a country of its own. It belonged to =England. One eye. One eye in a hole in a fence on a farm. One boy sees one eye in a hole in a fence on a farm. Whose eye? Whose eye am I? asks the voice of the eye in the hole in the fence on the farm. The boy hears it. The wind hears it and carries the question across the farm. Each creature hears it. Whose eye am I? The boy runs off to find out. They went up and down the block. They went to each house. They smiled and they smiled. Snitch smiled at the mailman. The mailman smiled back. But his teeth were not blue. =Snitch looked funny. I was with you, he said. Now =Wizard looked funny. Where were YOU, =Wizard? asked =Tubby and =Skinny. Things to Think About and Do. What is a fantasy? How did the story help you figure it out? If you have read another fantasy, tell about it. Look at the art in this story. Why do you think the illustrator made his pictures with so little color? How did =Jimmie feel in the crowded city? In his school? If you have known someone who felt the way =Jimmie did, tell about him. What did =Jimmie do so he would not feel alone? What do you do when you feel alone? What friend have you made up in your imagination? Look at the fantasy animal and read the story on page =80. Then draw a fantasy animal of your own and write a story about it. I walk up the steep hill to school. My school is so big. There are many, many children. I do not know them. They do not know me. In this big school I sit at my desk I read in books. I do arithmetic. I write. I drink milk. I eat crackers. I listen. I sit. You know that whole books are used as stories in =Stepping =Stones. Sometimes only part of a book is used. Say =Something is the title of a book. In that book the author asks you to talk about things in nature. On one page she says, Say something about a tree. Look on pages =40 and =41 in this book. What words did she use to paint pictures in your mind? How did the illustrator answer? How would you answer? Now read the last sentence on page =41. Be an author and illustrator. Share your ideas in words and pictures. Another author asks a question in her book =Hailstones and =Halibut =Bones. She asks, What Is =Blue? =She answers with a poem. The first part of her poem is on page =42. Read it and then try to answer the same question in a different way. You may give word pictures or make a collage. Look for =Say =Something and =Hailstones and =Halibut =Bones in your library. If any branch on that tree was going to break, it should have been the one =Janet was standing on. She started the trouble. But things never work out that way. It was =John who had bad luck. It was his branch that gave way, and down he came. Down, down on the hard ground! I won't take time to tell you all that happened next. By the end of the morning =John was in bed with a broken leg. In bed, and you know where! The rest of the gang was at home, everyone in his own room. Everyone had had a good talking to, the kind of talking to he would not soon forget. Not one of them looked as if he could ever be happy again. The wildness was all gone out of everyone. And here it was, only the FIRST day of vacation. Miss =Mary was so mad that sparks seemed to fly right out of her eyes when she talked to =Janet. &&000 HARPER & ROW (1972) 1ST GRADE HAR9721S.ASC IT HAPPENED THIS WAY by Mabel O'Donnell Harper & Row Design for Reading series Source: Temple U. xeroxed, scanned and edited by DPH 1-8-93 &&111 You will have to help, said =Mark. So will =Pedro. If =Andy comes around, he will have to help, too. All I do is start the game. I start, and then I stop. One of you will have to go on. Here comes =Andy now. Boy! Is this going to be fun! So get your imagination to work. What if I don't have any? Not any at all! said =David. That will be too bad for you. Come on now! said =Mark. Here I go! Pond in the Meadow By and by they came to a pond. It was a big, big pond. It was big enough for a shark. That was what was in it. A big old shark with a big, big tail! The big old shark said, I am the shark that can see in the dark. I can make my tail spark. Do you want to see me do it? Just see the sparks fly! The sparks flew up and down and all around. They flew all around =Mark =Park and the puppy and the lark. They flew all around the meadow. The meadow is on fire! said =Mark =Park. But the meadow was not on fire. It was just that old shark. A Morning in Spring Once upon a time there was a farm. This farm was not far from town at the edge of a big woods. It was called =Faraway =Farm. =Faraway =Farm was not like the farms you know so much about. Oh, my, no! =Faraway =Farm was different. It was a pony farm. This is what that feeling told him. Squirrels may not like to swim, but they can swim if they have to do so. Swim, =Chitter-Chatter, swim ! So =Chitter-Chatter did swim. By and by that bold little squirrel was back on safe ground again. He was back on safe ground and as mad as mad could be. Another Tease =Chitter, =chitter, =chitter! said the bold little squirrel. No owl to be afraid of! No fox to tease! What could he do now? All at once something else said, =Chitter, chitter, chitter. It was not on the ground. It was something in a big tree not far away. What could it be? =Chitter-Chatter had to find out. =Chitter, =chitter, =chitter, said the bold little squirrel. Who, who, who are you? Now =Brown =Owl was not asleep. She looked at that squirrel out of one big round eye. She looked at him out of two big round eyes. That was enough for =Chitter-Chatter. He didn't like those eyes. In the Green Woods =Chitter-Chatter, the squirrel, looked out the doorway of his home. His home was a nest far up in a big tree. =Mother =Squirrel was not at home. This morning she had run down the tree to climb and jump and play in the green woods. Here are the rest of his pictures. Can you tell what is going on? Can you tell what =Mark is talking about? Did =Steve like his book just as well the next day? Yes, he did. Steve was just like you. When the sun was out, all he wanted to do was play. But when he did not feel well, and had to stay in bed, out came that book. When the rain came down he read that book to =Adam and showed him all the pictures. That zoo book was fun. It was his own book. His best book! No one else had one like it Your mother may be right, =Mark, said =Miss =Mary. It may be just imagination. That may be the word for it. Al I the same, I want to find that clover. Are you boys going to help me? And how! said =John. Hop to it, =Mark. I'll show you. I'll find the first one. Oh, man! Good luck for me! All right! All right! Why be so cross? I said. Have you another space suit? There is another one in the rocket, he said. Why? I want to get out of here. That's why, I said. You can't go right now, said the man in the space suit. I want to look around a little. So he walked off to see what he could see. &&000 HARPER & ROW (1972) 1ST GRADE HAR9721Z.ASC SECOND SAMPLE FOR THIS YEAR IT HAPPENED THIS WAY by Eric P. Hamp et al Source: Elmira College xerox, scan edit by DPH January 16, 1993 &&111 Stick to his bargain! That's just what =Steve had to do. Then one morning =Pedro whizzed down the walk to talk to him. Mother, =Grandmother, =Carlos, =Tina, and I are going on a trip in =Mother's car, he said. We are going to see my =Uncle =John. =Tina read this book three times. I had to give her back her nickel. So here is your book. Now give me back my compass. A compass is a good thing to have on a trip. If =Mother gets lost, this compass will tell her the way to go. Come on, =Steve, trade! So =Steve did. Do you want to know what happened that night? W he n =Uncle =Will came in from work, =Adam ran up to him. Uncle =Will! Uncle =Will! he shouted. It's my turn. You said I could go to the zoo with you this =Saturday morning. So I did, big boy, laughed =Uncle =Will. So I did. A bargain is a bargain, and I can't go back on my word. So off to the zoo we will go on =Saturday morning. And that's just what they did. There was something else =Pedro liked about as well as he liked that book. He liked to trade things. He liked to trade something he had for something he did not have. He wanted that animal book. How do you think =Pedro looked all around. What did he have that =Steve wanted? Not this old game! he said to himself. This isn't good enough. My baseball cap! I can't play baseball without my cap. My space rocket! Just the thing! The one =Carlos made for me! Steve wants one. He said he did. Maybe =Carlos will make me another one. If that will not work, I could give him my . No! Not that! Not that! That's the best thing I own. =Steve ran around the corner of the house. =Daddy! =Daddy! he called. Uncle =Will is the best man in town next to you. He is? laughed =Daddy. That's all right with me. So long as I am the best man! What did Uncle =Will do that makes him so good? He and I are going to the zoo. It's my turn now, said =Steve. Last time it was =David's turn. Next time it will be =Adam's. Now see here, laughed =Daddy. The best man i town is going to work. You and the next best man are off for the zoo. Do you call that all right? Too bad, =Daddy! laughed =Steve. Help me up, I said to the man in the moon. Help me up so that I can get that space suit. So he did. By and by I looked out the door of the rocket and said, Now that I have a space suit, you may have my pajamas. The space man saw all he wanted to see. Then he came back to the rocket. Why did you stay so long? Climb in with me, I said. I want to get going. So the space man sat down by me in the rocket. Down whizzed that rocket. Right down to his back door! Start right in, said =Mother. I want to learn about this. Well, this is it, said =Kim. We want to write a riddle book. Riddles are so much fun. Miss =Mary liked riddles when she was a little girl. Mr =Brown and Mrs =Brown liked them, too. Did you and =Daddy like them? Maybe we did, said her mother. Come to think of it, I know I did. We don't want old riddles in our book, said =Patty. We want all new riddles. So will you make up a riddle and write it down on paper? Spell all the words right, and write your best. See! We have your paper all ready for you. All the papers have to be alike you see. As the master went out of the barn, he patted the brown coat of the mother pony. Listen to me, =Lady, he said. From this time on, I'll call you my =Lady =Luck. This is the best colt in my barn, and you are its mother. Not long after this, the master came again to look the little colt all over. This time the colt poked at him with its big nose. It looked up at him out of its big round eyes. Upon my word ! said the master in surprise. Your eyes are blue, =Little =One. Lady =Luck, my girl! You and I have a beautiful blue-eyed pony. Now what do you know about that? So up that tree he scampered, and what did he see? Not a squirrel! Oh, my, no! It was just an old catbird. =Chitter, =chitter, =chitter, said Mr =Catbird. He looked that bold little squirrel right in the eye. He was not afraid of him. An old catbird is bold, too, you see. Stop it! Stop it right now! said =Chitter-Chatter. You know better than that. You are not a squirrel. Just squirrels have a right to say =chitter-chatter. Not you! Did that old catbird stop? He didn't. He was a tease, too. If the squirrel could tease that old red fox, he could tease the squirrel. He liked to tease. It was fun. =Chitter, =chitter, he said. =Chitter, =chitter, =chitter! When people I didn't know came by, what happened? I shut my green eyes and made those people stop. This went on until all the people who were not my friends were mad at me. Man, did they get mad! One day all those people came tumbling all over me. Before those people let go of me, I didn't have two red eyes and two green eyes. All my eyes were black and blue. That night the man at the head of our town came back to our house to see me. I'll have to fire you, he said, when he looked at me. What good are you as a stop light now? So that's how I lost my job. &&000 HARPER & ROW (1973) 1ST GRADE HAR9731S.ASC FROM DOLPHINS TO DUNES by Bryon H. VanRoekel et al Design for Reading series Level 8 Source: Elmira College xerox, scan, edit by DPH January 16, 1993 &&111 In the chest there was a big key. And on the key there was a paper with these sentences on it. Read the story in this chest. The see if you can answer the question that is at the end of the story. I you can give the answer, you may keep the key. =Dobie started to read the story. Read the story along with =Dobie. Then see if you can help =Dobie answer the question. Then =Dobie saw this question. Why couldn't Mr =Foolish answer Mr =Wise's question? I know why, said =Dobie. Mr =Foolish didn't look over what he was going to read. He didn't use his eyes and his mind. He didn't look for the big ideas when he read. And he didn't tell himself what he had read. So Mr =Foolish didn't know how to mix the colors. Mr =Wise used all four keys. So he could use what he had learned. One day not long ago =Dobie and his family had a very good time. It was my sister's second birthday, said =Dobie. We had a birthday party. And =Mother made a big cake from seagrass. Everyone in the family was there. Do you know where =Africa is? Look for it on this part of a globe. To get to =Africa from your home, you would have to cross a big sea called an ocean. Look at the globe in your room . Find the place where you live on this globe. Then find =Africa. You can see for yourself how far away =Africa is. Not too long ago you were very, very little. You could not do many of the things you can do now. You have changed in other ways, too. What changes can you see in yourself? In social studies books, you will read how people, places, and things change over the years. To get started, turn the page. Look at the clocks one by one. On your paper write the time each clock shows it is. Start with the first clock in the first row. The first clock is at the left. Talk about your answers with a friend . Every person is very special. Every person has a special way of talking and a special laugh. At the same time, every person is like other people in some ways. =Clover =Calf wanted to go far away. She didn't know how to start out on her trip or where to go. Then =Clover saw two books in the barn. On the cover of one book she saw the words How to Make a Nest. Then she looked in the book. She saw that the book had two parts. Finding a Tree for Your Nest and Things You Can Make Your Nest With Well, said =Dobie. Now that I have all these keys, I'll try them. But just then =Dobie could feel something with his tail. It was another key in another chest. From the paper =Dobie learned that this was the last key. All he had to do was read one more story and answer a question. Mr =Wise and Mr =Foolish lived in a far-off woods. Mr =Wise liked to learn. He read about many different things. One day he said to himself, This morning I'll learn something new. Then =Dobie saw this question. Why couldn't Mr =Foolish answer Mr =Wise's question? &&000 HARPER & ROW (1976) 1ST GRADE HAR9761S.ASC WEBS & WHEELS no authors on cover page Source: Elmira College xerox, scan, edit by DPH January 17, 1993 &&111 =Ana was going to be the first to say something. She was going to be a very sad woman. She started to climb up in front of the people. But her hat came down over her head. It was over her eyes. She could not see. Down she went. Her feet went one way. Her hands went the other way. Everyone laughed, and so did =Ana. Just then they were by the henhouse. They had a surprise. Look at those tracks! said =Debbie. Where? asked =Joe. At the side of the henhouse. They look like bear tracks to me! said =Debbie. They could be, said =Joe. It was the first day of school, and =Sabrina was happy. When Miss =Potter said the names of the children, they said Here. When she said =Sabrina's name, everyone looked at =Sabrina. You will learn about the way =Indians do things, said his mother. Your dad and I came to this city to look for work. But we like true =Indian things and true Indian thoughts. We do not forget them. We want you to know about them and to like them, =David. =David started at the new school. He learned things about =Indian people. He learned ways to make =Indian things. He learned about the animals. =Indian =School The rain came down. =David looked out at it. He was an =Indian. He was very, very sad. I wish I did not live in a big city, =David thought. Now people hear what =Connie has to say. And people want to talk to her. Some people stop her when she is going back to her house at night. You are =Connie =Chung, they say. I see you on television. There is something they want to know. What do you look at on television, they ask? =Connie will say, The news! Mr =Snow went up and down the streets in his truck. The can with the chocolate inside was on top of lots of ice. Start and stop! On and off! Up and down went the truck's wheels. The can rocked on the ice again and again. Mr =Snow stopped the truck at his house. Hop in if you want a ride, =Maria, said Mr =Snow. The Sea Otter The sea otter is an animal that lives in the sea. Sea otters eat and play in the sea. Up in the Sky Look ! Up in the sky. What do you see Walking across the night? What do you hear Crying, then laughing? Look ! It stops to think a little. =Sharon's dad was putting out things to eat. Would you like something to eat, =Sharon? said Mr =Smith. No, =Dad. I'm not going to eat now, said =Sharon. You look like you are going to cry, said Mr =Smith. I am not going to cry! said =Sharon. I am going to =Barbara's house. She asked me to come to her house. Stop the van! Can I have a ride?~ Okay. Get in. I am not getting in. I am going to run. You can do what you want. I am going to ride. The Circus Some children live with a circus. They have mothers and dads who work for the circus. They learn how to do things in the circus when they are little. Then everyone can be in the circus when the circus plays. At Night It was night. =Sam was at =Dan's house. =Dan's cat was playing. He was climbing on =Dan. Just look at him play, said =Sam. What can we do to have fun? =Sam thought and thought. So did =Dan. Here we are, =Mom, said =Meg. Good, said Mrs =Lopez. The tacos are on the table. Ask =Pat and =Tim to come in. Looking at Television. =Sono, come out here, said =Mom. Kit is here, and I am going out. You and =Tad can play here, but do not put on the television. I want to be here when you look at television. =Kit will be here with you. Okay, =Mom, said =Sono. &&000 HARCOURT, BRACE, JOVANOVICH (1971) 1ST GRADE HBJ9711S.ASC TOGETHER WE GO by Elizabeth K. Cooper The Bookmark Reading Program Source: Temple U: xeroxed, scanned, edited by DPH 1-8-93 &&111 =Danny saw the little frog before =Pete. And =Danny just had to have that frog for a pet. =Pete helped =Danny get the frog. They picked up a box and put the frog in it. Then =Danny took the frog home. Oh, boy! =Danny said to the frog. Am I happy I saw you. Won't =Mom be surprised! =Carla looked around, but she did not see her mother. Soon she began to think that her mother was not on the bus at all! But just then, =Carla saw a woman who had her back to her. That must be =Mom, said =Carla. =Mom has on a dark dress like that. The woman got out at the next stop. =Carla jumped out after her. =Mom! she yelled. Did you forget about me? =Wasps made paper from wood long before people did. At first, people did not make paper from wood at all. They made paper from grasses and other things. Then, long after that, they began to make paper from wood. The clay house was in bits. The bear sat on the bits of clay. Oh! Oh! Oh! cried the big bear. I cut my legs. And I cut myself where I sit down. Come back and help me! Come back! But the little mouse was far away. And so was the frog, and so was the hen. For days the big black bear cried when he sat down. That bad old bear! On the road to the city, the father and his boy met some children. Look at them! said a girl. The father has a donkey, but he makes his little boy walk! The father said, Then I'll let the boy ride. Donkeys are made to ride on. So he put the boy on the donkey. They went on down the road to trade the little donkey. At that, the rabbit's ears went back. He got set for the race. We will race up the road to the top of the hill, he said. Are you all set, =Turtle? The turtle got his little legs out from under his big shell. All set, he said. Then go! yelled the rabbit. The rabbit ran like lightning. The turtle walked, but not very fast. The big race was on. The teacher looked at the children. Billy, she said, are you a little mixed up? You are the man, Mr =McGregor. You don't need rabbit ears~ What am I thinking of! said =Billy. He put the ears back in the box. Then the children from the next room came to see the play. The play was good, and the children liked it. It was fun when =Peter hid in the can. It was fun when Mr =McGregor yelled. But the best fun of all came when Mr =McGregor put on rabbit ears. Mr =Grant looked for the paints. He had yellow, black, red, and blue. But he had no green. What a funny thing, he said. Did I forget the green paint? I will get some as you are painting. You can paint the green things last. The children painted cars and trucks. They painted flowers and gardens. They painted rockets and planes. They painted big and little people. =Penny and =Ted walk to school. When they get to school, they play in the school yard. The school yard is small for a big school. =Penny and =Ted do not bring lunch boxes to school. =Penny walks back to her apartment for lunch, but =Ted eats the school lunch. Is the school that =Penny and =Ted go to like =Ben's school? Yes, said =Danny's mother. I can see that you do. I can think of just the pet for you, she said. You can? said =Danny. Is it as good as a frog? Oh, yes, said his mother. Is it as good as a mouse? asked =Danny. I think it is, said his mother. Is it as good as the ant farm? asked =Danny. &&000 HARCOURT BRACE JOVANOVICH *1974) 1ST GRADE HBJ9741Z.ASC Second sample TOGETHER WE GO--by Elizabeth K. Cooper Source: Elmira College xerox, scan, edit by DPH January 16, 1993 &&111 =Danny put =Bozo the =Mouse in his room and looked after him. He made things for the cage. He put things to eat and drink in it. He played with =Bozo day after day. =Bozo the =Mouse did not get into the kitchen sink. But the morning came when =Bozo got out of his cage. He got out of =Danny's room. And he went right to the kitchen. I can't forget the day that =Pete got mad at me. I was in his room, and he was in the yard. All I was going to do was play with his pet bird. But when I took down the cage, the door came open, and the bird got out. It went around and around his room. I ran after it, but the bird was too fast for me. Next it went into the kitchen and sat on the kitchen sink. I ran over to the sink, but the bird got away. =Pat put his hand on the baby. She looked up at =Pat. Before long she stopped crying. Soon =Pat's mother came in. =Pat, you are magic! she said. You made her stop crying. What did you do? She likes me, said =Pat in surprise. Do you like her? asked =Mother. She is not so bad, said =Pat. And away he ran to tell his friend. You will need a name for your book. The name of your book will tell what it is about. Will you make a book about the tall buildings in the city? Will you make it about a farm? Will it tell about rockets and planes? Will it tell about the fun you have in winter? What about a book on clouds, rain, snow, and fog? A book about a day in the park is fun to make. So is a book about your pets. I Over in the garden In the bright hot sun, Lived a big mother turtle And her little turtle one. Sleep, said the mother. I will sleep, said the one. I will sleep all day In the bright, hot sun. The little mouse went to the net. First, he pulled at the big net. Next, he bit into it. He bit and bit and bit. And at last the net let go. The big lion looked down at his good little friend. You did not forget me, he said. A little mouse like you can help a big lion like me after all. Look at the web in this picture. Look at the spider that made the web. It is a garden spider. The web of a garden spider looks like a little net. When a bug lands in the net, it won't get out. It can shake the web, but it can't get out. When the web shakes, the garden spider runs to the bug. The hungry spider eats the bug. I won't forget, said =Jeff. I am =Peter =Rabbit, and I am bad. I run away from the rabbit house. I get hungry, and so I go into Mr =McGregor's garden. I eat and eat and eat. What comes next? said the teacher. =Billy's hand went up. I run after =Peter =Rabbit, he said. I am Mr =McGregor, and I yell at him. I don't like rabbits eating things in my garden. Then what? said the teacher. The surprise was a big turtle. See! =Ben said. =Dad got it for me. =Dad said that turtles make good pets. Ben put the turtle down and said, All you can see now is the shell. The turtle lives in the shell. I wish we had the turtle for a pet, said a girl. Do all of you wish we had it for a pet? asked the teacher. Yes, yes, said the happy children. And so, =Ben's room had a pet. The boy with the lunch box is =Ben. =Ben lives in a small house. He lives far away from the city. It is morning, and =Ben is going to school. He rides to school in the bus that comes up the road. &&000 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN (1971) 1ST GRADE HM19711S.ASC TIGERS; LIONS; DINOSAURS (3 books) by William K. Durr, et al Source: Temple U: xeroxed, scanned, edited by DPH 1-8-93 &&111 Not That Lion! We are looking for a lion. Do you have one in here? I'll take you to see the lion. It's in here. Do you want to hunt in the jungle? We can go there on the way home. That will be fun. I can take this book to the library. And I have my library card. I can take a book out today! Oh, =Jan! What a funny surprise! The frog isn't a funny surprise. The jumping box is the surprise! =Jan, you look funny in this picture. I look nice, =Sally. The teeth look funny. Jim, where are you going? This is a school day. I'm not going to school today. I want to play. I'm going to fish here in the park. Dan, will you stop =Gus? He will get =Tiger. Is a tiger on this truck? Is it a real tiger? You have come here with a tiger. And it's a real tiger. =Tony! It's =Tony! I want to see the tiger. Where is it? It's on the truck, =Tony. We are going to the zoo, =Tony. We are going on the bus. We can get to see a real tiger. Can you come? I want to come. I'll have to go and see. =Dan and =Tony want to go with me. Can we go on the bus? I have to go with you on the bus. And I can't stop this to go with you. You can see a tiger in a zoo. The bus will go to the zoo. And I can't go on a bus. It's not a television, =Ben. It's a rocket. Here we go in the rocket. Where will we go? =Ben, you get the cat. I'll help you get on the truck. =Tiger will come to you. A Dinosaur in the Tree House? The dinosaur is going to =Ken's house! The footprints stop at the tree. Sh! Don't make a noise. The dinosaur is in =Ken's tree house. It's waiting to jump out at us. We'll have to tell =Ken. There! The fence is red. Will your dad like it? We'll find out. Here he comes now. What's going on here, boys? I had to paint my tree house. And paint got on the doghouse Where are your treasures, =Ken? I didn't find the treasures. The pictures didn't help me much. But =Dad will help me with my reading. Then I'll win a treasure hunt. We can't wait here. The bus is going back that way. I know it will work. Come with me and you'll find out. You can look now. The bus is stopping. Come and get your dog He's not my dog. This is =Chester. Get up, =Chester! Get up! You have to get up! &&000 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN (1976) 1ST GRADE HM19761S.ASC TAPESTRY by William K. Durr, et al Source: Elmira College: xerox, scn, edit by DPH January 16, 1993 &&111 Some turnips we're taking to sell in the town, said =Hank proudly. Oh, my! Turnips! cried the old man. How I'd love some nice juicy turnips for my dinner. Could you give me just a few; I suppose we wouldn't miss just a few, said =Hetty, and she gave him some. I suppose we wouldn't miss just two, said =Hetty. and she gave the old woman two big ones. =GREG: Coming in whistling. =Wow! Look at that stone! Right in the middle of the road. Lucky I saw it before it got dark. Someone might have bumped into it and been hurt. Wonder if I can move it. Let's see. If I push here. it will roll down there. Nothing's in the way. Pushes stone. There! There it goes! Looks down. Hey! What's in the hole? Gold! It must be the king's gold. No one has that much gold! Wonder if someone stole it. I must tell the king. What will I do? I can't carry it all. I must get help. =KING: Coming in. Well, lad. I've been looking for you. =GREG: Oh. Your =Highness. I just found his gold. I didn't steal it. Really, I didn't. There was a stone here. I rolled it away. Believe me. sir! =KING: I believe you, lad because I saw it all. I planned it all. =GREG: YOU planned it all? =KING: =Yes, I have been looking for someone in my land who thinks of others. I have been looking for someone who can do things for himself. I waited all day, lad. But at last I found you. =GREG: All day, sir? Why, anyone could move that stone. =KING: Anyone could do it. but only you did do it. Thank you, lad. The gold is yours. Good morning. =Hortense. Miss =Finney said. =Peggy and I have brought you some breakfast. Before she knew what she was doing, =Peggy looked up. There was a white swan. It was swimming toward her. And there was Miss =Finney. She was tall but she wasn't cross looking. If he's there. Miss =Finney said. Sometimes he has to go downtown on a job. This time when =Peggy followed Miss =Finney, she didn't look at the black, pinchy shoes. She looked up at her. And she wondered who the next friend would be. But she didn't ask. After a while Miss =Finney pointed. There he is. she said. Under that tree. Now let's suppose that your friend was talking to Mr =Packer instead of to you. Suppose your friend was telling Mrs =Packer what the lawyer next door had said she would help. Your friend might say the same words in the same order, but not quite the same way. The word =Packer would be said in a little higher voice. The pause between =Packer and the would be longer. And your friend wouldn't stop for even a second after the word door. Here's how that sentence should look if we wrote it: Mrs =Packer, the lawyer next door said she'd help us. Notice that in both Sentences and each comma tells you to stop for a second. That stopping helps you know how the sentence would sound. Knowing how it would sound helps you understand the sentence. In Sentence the one comma after =Packer and no comma after door tell you that Mrs =Packer was the one being spoken to. Following are pairs of sentences that use the same words but do not have commas in the same places. Use what you know about commas to help you understand the difference in meaning between the two sentences in each pair. =Joe, my older brother. is building a tree house. =Joe, my older brother is building a tree house . Mr =Buck, our teacher was out sick today. Mr =Buck, our teacher, was out sick today. =Mary, the smallest girl in our class. is the best speller. =Mary, the smallest girl in our class is the best speller. =Pete, a boy who can't keep a secret will soon have no friends. =Pete, a boy who can't keep a secret, will soon have no friends. They planted bushes and flowers. And =Margie put a little fence around her grass, and even planted her own flowers. And we painted the walls. We made trees and lions and mountains and all kinds of stuff. It is a very good park, and everybody is proud of it. All the people on our block came to a party, and they take care of it and don't throw junk in the park. We sure needed that park. But sometimes I go there by myself, real early in the morning, or when it has just rained, or in winter, because that's when there aren't so many other people around. And I make believe. I pretend it's the wat it used to be, just a big pile of dirt in the middle of an empty lot. On Saturday, =Eb\van went to the playground. He took his toothbrush glass and a spoon. The hardtop of the playground was cracked. Grass and weeds grew up through the cracks. =Evan found a weed with big lacy flowers on it. He dug it up with his spoon and planted it in his toothbrush glass. Then he took it home and put it on the window sill in his own corner. =Adam came over to see what was going on. What are you doing, =Evan?, he asked. Watching my plant grow. =Evan told him. I sure am, said =Pip =Squeak Do you think it is wise? asked the owl. I don't know if it is wise, answered =Pip =Squeak, but it is certainly brave . What makes you think you can succeed when everyone else has failed? asked the owl? Every dragon has his weakness, said =Pip =Squeak, l have but to find it. That is how I will succeed where so many have failed. That mouse not only has big ears, but he also has a head on his shoulders, said the owl as =Pip =Squeak and =Hopper moved on =The =Dreadful =Dragonl Suddenly =Pip =Squeak and =Hopper were face to face with the =DreadfulDragon! He was indeed dreadful, and for a moment =Pip =Squeak almost lost his courage. But only for a moment. My, my! said the dragon. You are a mighty small knight with mighty big ears. I am not a knight. said =Pip =Squeak. l am a mouse and my ears are just the right size. The orchestra was tuning up when =Fidelia tiptoed through the door. Hurry up! We're going to play the =Indian Dance first. Mrs =Reed's already here. =Carmela whispered. =Fidelia leaned her grocery bag in the corner and got the tom-tom. She watched Miss =Toomey. She counted carefully. She played her very best. After the =Indian =Dance, Mrs =Reed clapped and said. l see we are going to find many players here for the =All =City =Orchestra. =Miss =Toomey said. Next we will play a quiet song. That was what =Fidelia had been waiting for. Carefully. and quietly she took her violin out of the bag. With loving care, she tucked it under her chin. When she heard the violins. she began to play. =Fidelia knew just where to place her fingers to match the notes. Miss =Toomey tapped her baton on her music stand. Suddenly =Fidelia saw that everyone else had stopped playing. They were all looking at her. Oh, no, moaned =Carmela. Not here, said =Alberto. =Fidelia felt hot all over. =Fidelia, come up here, said Miss =Toomey. =Fidelia came. What is this? asked Miss =Toome, lt's a violin that I made. said =Fidelia . =Alberto and =Carmela helped me. She turned away from the market place and started to walk slowly home. As she passed Mr =Hippolyte's sugar-cane fields, she was surprised to hear her name called. It was Mr =Hippolyte himself leaning on the fence with his big hat resting on his nose. =Josefina tried to smile, but instead she started to cry. She wanted to tell Mr =Hippolyte her terrible trouble, but right now she couldn't. Mr =Hippolyte just waited. At last =Josefina blinked back her tears and told him her story. Mr =Hippolyte looked at =Josefina a long time. Then he said, It just happens that I have a new pair of real leather shoes. Would you be willing to trade =Cap for the shoes?' It was =Josefina's turn to look at Mr =Hippolyte a long time. Then she nodded her head and very quietly said, Yes. While she waited for Mr =Hippolyte to return with the shoes, =Josefina took the ribbons from her hair and tied them in =Cap's mane. She kissed =Cap's nose and told him to be good. She promised =Cap she would never, never forget him. This is =Jerry's school. It is called =Rough =Rock =School. The school is like a little city, with its own water supply and its own fire department. Most of the children come from far away. so they live at =Rough =Rock from =Monday to =Friday. On weekends the children return to their own homes. =Jerry is in the third grade. His teacher's name is =Miss =Dodge =There are eighteen boys and girls in =Jerry's class. All are =Navajos. Miss =Dodge is a =Navajo, too. Teacher and pupils speak and write the =Navajo language, too. Here is a sentence in =Navajo: =Shin~a =bi =ajidi =dooleel. =diyogi =jidooll'ooi =blnllye. Here is the same sentence in =English: My mother is busy spinning, so she can weave a rug. I said to the woman, "Where is my friend who drove the bus?" The woman said, "She is too old. She is at home." "I want to see her. She is my friend," I said. The people on the bus go up and down Up and down, up and down. The people on the bus go up and down All through the town. The kids on the bus go yakkity-yak Yakkity-yak, yakkity-yak. The kids on the bus go yakkity-yak All through the town. --A~lo~lyl~lous Go Round and Round "Will my green rock go here?" said the man. But the rock looked too big. It did not go there. "Will it go here?" But the rock looked too little. It did not go there. Hal Finds Izzy Hal saw the mailman. "Have you seen Izzy?" said Hal. "Who is Izzy?" said the mailman. "Izzy is my lizard," Hal said. "You can be good girls," said Father. "And you can have fun. You can play and ride your bikes. Grandma will take care of things." The family said good-by. T,hen Mother and Father were gone. Mother saw the house. "I love the windows!" she said. "I'll make you a doorway. Then you can go in." When there was a doorway, the boys went into the box. And so did John's frog. Then a girl looked in at the doorway. It was Liza. "You can't come in," said John "My frog is in here with me. And you don't like it." The Fly That Was Not There Silly Sam went on his way. He saw a boy with a box. "I will stop and ask this boy if he can help me," said Silly Sam. "I am on my way to a party for Alice," said Silly Sam. "Do you know what present I can give her? She has books and hats and balls and crayons. She has all kinds of things to play with" What if Rosa wants to be alone? She can't put llel- ~lladow in a bo~. And she can't give it awa~. How do ~!oU sa~ good-b~ to a shadow? At the flower shop there was a little red pony. Rico did not like this pony. But the boys and girls loved it. Every day they came to the shop. They jumped on the pony, and they put in money. The little red pony went up and down. As the pony went up and down, the children liked to pretend. He went to work on the little pony. Then he said,"You can put your dime in." The little girl put her dime in. But the red pony didn't move. "Wait," Rico told her. "I will sit on it and see what I can do." The little girl looked up at Rico and laughed. "Look at you," she said. "You look funny up there." The little helper thought and he thought, and he thought. And then he had a very good idea. "I can make a copy of the king's foot," he said to himself. "And then I will know how big his foot is." BROTHER I had a little brother And I brought him to my mother And I said I want another Little brother for a change. But she said don't be a bother So I took him to my father And I said this little bother Of a brother's very stran~e. But I don't I don't like to rake at all. My father wanted me to rake the leaves when they came off our big tree. "Can I wait until all the leaves are down?" I asked him. "All right," he said. "But the day that the last leaves fall, you will have to rake." New Boy in School One morning a new boy came to Larry's school. "This is Ted," said the teacher. The boys and girls said, "Good morn ing." But Ted did not say a word. He did not look at the teacher or the boys and girls. He just looked down at his shoes The teacher told the new boy to sit by Larry. "Good morning, Ted," Larry said. "Do you want to see the flower I painted?" Ted was very qulet. He did not say "yes" or "no." One day Little Frog wanted to take a walk in the woods. On the way to the woods he saw something that made him stop. He saw many, many frogs around a big tree. "What are you doing?" asked Little Frog. "Look at that!" said one of the frogs. Little Frog saw a sign on the tree. The sign said Time for Bed "I want that bed," Betsy said when she saw my room. "That's my bed," I said. But my mother said it was all right for Betsy to have my bed. She said I could sleep in it any time. My mother said it would be such fun for me to sleep in the other bed. So we went to bed. Here are two more animals that are friends. One is a bird. The other is a deer. Just like Leroy, this bird eats tiny animals. He eats them off the deer. The deer likes to be cleaned by the bird. Sometimes, this bird will find things on the deer. He can use the~e tllings to help him make his home. He went to see his teacher. "What is it, James?" she said. "I cut my finger," said James. "It is bleeding a little. And it h u rts, too." "I see," said the teacher. "How do you feel ?" "Just awful," said James. &&000 MACMILLAN (1975) 1ST GRADE MAC9751S.ASC Sampled and Scanned from the several books in series DPH 11-17-92 source: SUNY Cortland Library Senior Editor: C. B. Smith & R. Wardhaugh &&111 Can you run, too? The big man says, "I can't jump. And I can't run. But I can sit. like to sit. So I sit." Bob likes fish. That is why he likes to fish. Why does he walk and walk? Why does he run and run? Why does he jump and jump? Why does he look and look? Why does he call and call? So =Kim runs in to see =Kate. And =Kate runs out to see =Kim. I like to walk in the city. I can see funny things in the city. " I can't fly, " says the little bird. " But I can run . " So the little bird runs to the city. I can't see the hill. can't see the lake. can't see my house. My pony and I are lost. Standing in line, Standing in line, Someone's ahead of me Every time. Someone's ahead And someone's behind Every time I'm standing in line! The hat is a house. And the house is a hat. Can we live in it, too? We like the house. We like the house that is a hat. =Ben looks at the present. What is it? What is the present? The present is a big umbrella. I said to the woman, "Where is my friend who drove the bus?" The woman said, "She is too old. She is at home." "I want to see her. She is my friend," I said. The people on the bus go up and down Up and down, up and down. The people on the bus go up and down All through the town. The kids on the bus go =Yakkity-Yak =Yakkity-Yak, =Yakkity-Yak. The kids on the bus go =Yakkity-Yak All through the town. Go Round and Round "Will my green rock go here?" said the man. But the rock looked too big. It did not go there. "Will it go here?" But the rock looked too little. It did not go there. =Hal Finds =Izzy =Hal saw the mailman. "Have you seen =Izzy?" said =Hal. "Who is =Izzy?" said the mailman. "=Izzy is my lizard," =Hal said. "You can be good girls," said =Father. "And you can have fun. You can play and ride your bikes. =Grandma will take care of things." The family said good-by. Then =Mother and =Father were gone. =Mother saw the house. "I love the windows!" she said. "I'll make you a doorway. Then you can go in." When there was a doorway, the boys went into the box. And so did =John's frog. Then a girl looked in at the doorway. It was =Liza. "You can't come in," said =John "My frog is in here with me. And you don't like it." The Fly That Was Not There =SillySam went on his way. He saw a boy with a box. "I will stop and ask this boy if he can help me," said =SillySam. "I am on my way to a party for =Alice," said =SillySam. "Do you know what present I can give her? She has books and hats and balls and crayons. She has all kinds of things to play with" What if =Rosa wants to be alone? She can't put her shadow in a box. And she can't give it away. How do You say good-bye to a shadow? At the flower shop there was a little red pony. =Rico did not like this pony. But the boys and girls loved it. Every day they came to the shop. They jumped on the pony, and they put in money. The little red pony went up and down. As the pony went up and down, the children liked to pretend. He went to work on the little pony. Then he said,"You can put your dime in." The little girl put her dime in. But the red pony didn't move. "Wait," =Rico told her. "I will sit on it and see what I can do." The little girl looked up at =Rico and laughed. "Look at you," she said. "You look funny up there." The little helper thought and he thought, and he thought. And then he had a very good idea. "I can make a copy of the king's foot," he said to himself. "And then I will know how big his foot is." BROTHER I had a little brother And I brought him to my mother And I said I want another Little brother for a change. But she said don't be a bother So I took him to my father And I said this little bother Of a brother's very strange. But I don't I don't like to rake at all. My father wanted me to rake the leaves when they came off our big tree. "Can I wait until all the leaves are down?" I asked him. "All right," he said. "But the day that the last leaves fall, you will have to rake." New Boy in School One morning a new boy came to =Larry's school. "This is =Ted," said the teacher. The boys and girls said, "Good morning." But =Ted did not say a word. He did not look at the teacher or the boys and girls. He just looked down at his shoes The teacher told the new boy to sit by =Larry. "Good morning, =Ted," =Larry said. "Do you want to see the flower I painted?" =Ted was very quiet. He did not say "yes" or "no." One day =LittleFrog wanted to take a walk in the woods. On the way to the woods he saw something that made him stop. He saw many, many frogs around a big tree. "What are you doing?" asked =LittleFrog. "Look at that!" said one of the frogs. =LittleFrog saw a sign on the tree. The sign said Important, All frogs are to come to old frog's house today at three o'clock. Time for Bed "I want that bed," =Betsy said when she saw my room. "That's my bed," I said. But my mother said it was all right for =Betsy to have my bed. She said I could sleep in it any time. My mother said it would be such fun for me to sleep in the other bed. So we went to bed. Here are two more animals that are friends. One is a bird. The other is a deer. Just like =Leroy, this bird eats tiny animals. He eats them off the deer. The deer likes to be cleaned by the bird. Sometimes, this bird will find things on the deer. He can use these things to help him make his home. He went to see his teacher. "What is it, =James?" she said. "I cut my finger," said =James. "It is bleeding a little. And it hurts, too." "I see," said the teacher. "How do you feel ?" "Just awful," said =James. &&000 NOBLE AND NOBLE (1970) 1ST GRADE NOB9701S.ASC LET'S TAKE A TRIP by Dolores M. Baugh & Marjorie P. Pulsifer Source: Hobert WS xerox, scan, edit by DPH February 9, 1993 &&111 =Dog wasn't wagging his tail any more. He was just sitting and watching =Leopard with the bone. =Leopard took another taste or two, and then he threw that juicy bone up, high over the heads of the animals. =Dog jumped for it, thinking only of himself and that bone. He came down with his front feet in =Snake's bowl of soup. My bone! he shouted. He pushed =Monkey out of the way. He climbed over =Turtle's back. My bone! My bone! he shouted over and over again. Everyone was shouting. Get your dirty feet out of my soup! shouted =Snake. Stop pushing! =Monkey shouted. That's me you are jumping on! shouted =Turtle, pulling back inside his shell. =Bird shouted, too. =Dog! Please mind your manners! =Dog pushed and shouted and then got hold of the bone in his mouth. With a wag of his tail he ran away as fast as he could. He wanted to be by himself to eat the bone. The first little pig saw a man with some straw. He said, Man, man, please give me some straw to build me a house. The man gave him some straw. The first little pig put up a straw house. The second little pig saw a man with some sticks. He said, Man, man, please give me some sticks to build me a house. The man gave him some sticks. The second little pig put up a stick house. Do you know what I think? =Jerry asked. I think it would be great to train dolphins. If I learn the right things in school, maybe I can be a trainer some day. I think my father would like that. You would make a good trainer, =Jerry. You have helped to train all the pets on our street. We'll have to hurry, =Greg, or the others will be waiting. We have a long ride home. =Billy asked, What is the trainer doing now? He has to get things ready for the next trick, =Jerry said. Look at the bike tire, =Jerry. The trainer just let it down over the water. That isn't a bike tire, =Billy. That's a hoop for the trick the man is going to tell us about. People come a long way to see this trick, the man said. It is such a hard trick that just one dolphin has learned to do it. First we trained him to swim through the hoop under the water. Every time he went through the hoop, we would give him some food. Next we trained him to jump through the hoop when it was high over the water. Now you'll see what a hard trick this is. Watch the hoop, everyone. So that's the great =Mike, =Tony thought. He saw =Mike looking at him. He saw the boys watching =Mike to see what he would do. When =Mike walked over, =Tony felt a little afraid. He'll ask me what I'm doing here, =Tony thought. But =Mike didn't. He looked at =David and said, Who is your new friend? Did you ask him to meet you here? Here we are, =Father said. This is our new street, and there is our new home. =Carmen, please take your cat into the house. Tony, I want you to wait here for the truck. We don't want it to go by our house. I'll wait here, =Daddy. I'll tell you when it comes. Thank you, =Tony. Now we can go down, =Mack. Are you ready? I'm ready. Let's slide down without holding on. It won't be hard to do. First give a big push. Then hold your hands up high. Okay. Let's go! Here we come, =Paul, down the slide. =Mack said, Let's not build anything. Let's just put rocks in the bag. The big ones are the kind we want. Here is a big one, =Mack. Hold the bag open and I'll put it in. =Greg looked at =Mack. We aren't going to take the rocks home, are we, =Mack? Don't be funny, =Greg. I'll think of something to do with them. The boys worked fast, picking up rocks and bringing them over to =Mack. =Pat picked up the net. May I see that, =Pat? =Billy said. What is it? That is a fishing net, =Billy. When you catch a big fish, I'll show you what I do with it. When I am big, I'll get a net like that. When you are big, =Billy, you can make a net like that. Come on, =Billy, =Jerry said. Get in the car. =Greg and I want to go fishing. I'll do all of them, =Mother. I'll take good care of =Happy. I think he is hungry now. Do you have some food for him? Yes, I'll open a can of dog food. Here are his new bowls. His food can go in this bowl. His water can go in that bowl. Let me get the water, =Mother. Happy will like his new clean bowls. Look at him eat, =Sandra. He was hungry. &&000 OPEN COURT (1970) 1ST GRADE OPN9701S.ASC READING IS FUN by Arthur S. Trace, Jr & Marriane Carus Source: Hobart WS xerox scan edit by DPH February 9, 1993 &&111 How selfish that father is, to ride on the donkey while his son walks, said the young man! The father then decided that the thing to do was to have his son ride on the donkey with him. So the boy got on the donkey with him, and they both rode the donkey for a while until they met an old woman. How cruel you are to be both riding on that poor little donkey. You will break its back, said the old woman. When the boy and his father heard these words, they decided that the only thing to do was to carry the donkey; so they tied its legs together on a long pole and carried it to market. But when they entered the town, the people laughed at the strange sight. They laughed so loud that the donkey became frightened. While the man and the boy were carrying the donkey over a bridge, the donkey kicked himself free, tumbled into the river, and was drowned. There was nothing for the man and the boy to do now but to go back home. On their way home, the father said to the boy, At least we have learned one thing: If you try to please everyone you please no one, not even yourself. But I can also make a big tree bend its top over toward the ground. I can make the waves of the sea very high and strong. Sometimes the waves are so strong that they break the ships. When I am noisy and angry, you are afraid of me. When I am gentle, you are glad. If you are warm and tired, I fan you. I am cold and noisy when I come from the north. Then they call me =North =Wind. When I am =East =Wind, I am sometimes damp and chilly. When I come from the south, you call me =South =Wind. Then I am mild and gentle. When I come from the west, I am brave and strong. Then you call me =West =Wind. Once upon a time there were three bears, a great big bear, a middle-sized bear, and a little tiny bear. They all lived together in a house in the middle of a wood. One day the three bears sat down to breakfast, but their porridge was so hot that they couldn't eat it. They decided to go for a walk in the wood and leave the porridge on the kitchen table to cool off. While they were away a little girl named =Goldilocks came to the house in the wood. She had been picking flowers since early in the morning and was very tired. When she saw the little house, she said to herself, Surely the people who live here will let me rest for a while. She knocked on the door. But nobody came, for the three bears were out walking in the wood. When walking in a tiny rain Across the vacant lot, A pup's a good companion, If a pup you've got. And when you've had a scold, And no one loves you very, And you cannot be merry, A pup will let you look at him, And even let you hold His little wiggly warmness, And let you snuggle down beside, Nor mock the tears you have to hide. The tailor liked to sing when he worked. He sang one song after another. But the rich man liked to sleep a lot, and the singing bothered him. One day the rich man said, Tailor, I will give you a bag full of money every day if you will stop singing. Fine, said the tailor. And so the tailor stopped singing and became richer and richer. But the more money he got from the rich man, the more unhappy he became, because he wanted very much to sing again. Finally he brought all his money back to the rich man. Here, he said, take your money. I cannot be happy if I cannot sing. And so he gave the money back to the rich man and went away singing. He sang and he sang and he was happier than ever before. When the farmer's day is done, In the barnyard, every one, Beast and bird politely say, Thank you for my food today. She went to the baker's To buy him some bread, But when she came back The poor dog was dead. She went to the joiner's To buy him a coffin, But when she came back The poor dog was laughing. She took a clean dish To get him some tripe, But when she came back He was smoking a pipe. She went to the hatter's To buy him a hat, But when she came back He was feeding the cat. She went to the barber's To buy him a wig, But when she came back He was dancing a jig. Away he ran, out of the door and down the road. The little old woman and the little old man ran after him. But the =Gingerbread =Boy looked back and called out, Run! run! as fast as you can! You can't catch me, I'm the =Gingerbread =Man, I am! I am! And they could not catch him. The little =Gingerbread =Boy ran on and on. Soon he came to a cow. Stop, little =Gingerbread =Boy, said the cow; I should like to eat you. But the little =Gingerbread =Boy called out, I've run away from a little old woman, I've run away from a little old man, And I can run away from you, I can! I can! The cow ran after him. But the =Gingerbread =Boy looked back and called, One day =Beth said to her brother, =David, what do you do in school? Oh, we read and write and spell, said =David, and we do arithmetic. I want to read and write and spell and do arithmetic, too, said =Beth. You cannot do those things yet, said =David. You are much too little. When you are much bigger, like me, then you can learn all the things that I know. I can learn now. I am big enough now. Show me how to read and write now, said =Beth. Silly, said =David. You are much too little. Wait two more years. Then you can learn. No. I want to learn now, said =Beth. Show me how you write your name and then I will write my name. =David thought this was very funny, but he did what his sister asked him to do. He got a pencil and some paper and he wrote =Dick did not know what the bells meant, but he turned around and went back home. Some weeks later the ship came back. It was filled with sacks of gold and silver and fine things for everyone. But the biggest treasure of all was for =Dick. How could a little cat be worth so much? the people asked. Then the captain of the ship told them the story. He said that in the country of =Barbary, the king and queen had invited him to dinner in the palace. But when the food was brought out, mice ran out from all sides. They seized the food and ran away with it. The king and queen said this happened all the time. They said they would give half their treasure to anyone who would help them get rid of the mice. &&000 RAND MCNALLY (1978) 1ST GRADE RAN9781S.ASC RED ROCK RANCH Young America Basic Series Rand McNally Reading Program by Leo Fay Source: SUNY Cortland xerox scan edit by DPH January 13, 1993 &&111 Then the little mouse sat down and chewed one of the big ropes. Then he chewed another rope. He chewed and chewed. Soon he had chewed all the ropes. The lion was free! Thank you, little mouse, he said. You are a good friend. Never again will I say that anyone is too little to help! The crow looked all about him. He saw some stones. I'll put the stones into the glass, said the crow. Then I can get the water. So that is just what the crow did. He put the stones into the glass, one at a time. The water came up in the glass. Every time the crow put a stone into the glass, the water came up a little. At last the crow could drink the water. You get good ideas when you have to. The animals spoke loudly. How did the animals speak? Read the sentences below. Find the word in each sentence that tells how an animal did something. The pig walked away slowly. The dog ran quickly to the house. The cat purred softly and went to sleep. The hen looked sadly at her friends. Think of something you did. Then think of words that tell how you did it. Soon =Big =Rooster saw something that looked like a long road. =H-m-m, said =Big =Rooster. This looks like a road. But there are no cars here. This may not be a road at all. I'll sleep here. Just as =Big =Rooster was about to go to sleep, he heard a terrible sound. Nothing to Do =Soo =Wong wanted something to do. She looked in the houseboat, and she looked out of the houseboat. But she didn't see a thing to do. =Soo =Wong went to her mother. Mother was working. Mother, I have nothing to do, said =Soo =Wong. I've looked and looked, but I can find nothing to do. The last little pig saw a man who had many bricks. Please, man, give me some of your bricks to build a house, said the little pig. So the man did. And the little pig built a house of bricks. Uncle =Bill landed the airplane. =Mom and =Dad were waiting for them. =Mom! =Dad! I'm home! shouted =Harriet. =Harriet! said =Mom. We're so happy to see you! My little girl. You look so big! What have you been eating? That's good water, said the man. Look at that blue airplane. Would I like a ride in that! So would I! said the woman. So would we! said the boys and girls. How much is a ride? the man asked. A penny a pound, said Uncle =Bill. I am =200 pounds, said the man. Then it would be =$2'00, Uncle =Bill said. A Blue Airplane One day, Uncle =Bill and =Harriet went out to look at =Red =Rock =Ranch. =Uncle =Bill said, All the land you see out there is mine. I have a lot of land and a lot of cows. It must be fun, said =Harriet. They went up one road and down another. =Harriet looked out of the taxi. Do you know where we are? she asked. Yes, yes, said the taxi man. I do. We are on the road to =Red =Rock =Ranch. Or are we? Little girl, do you know the way to =Red =Rock =Ranch? The big airplane was ready. =Harriet got in and sat down. A woman said, We are ready to go. Now put on your seat belts. Harriet put her seat belt on. Then she sat back and looked out. Before long, the airplane moved. It moved faster and faster. Then the big plane was in the air. &&000 RANK\D MCNALLY & CO. (1981) RAN9781Z.ASC 1ST GRADE READER (levels 2-6) scanned by dph from SUNY Cortland library 11-15-92 &&111 I see you. Little Pig, I see you. Will you be my pig? He will be my pig. Here? In here? No. Not in here. No pigs in here. No! No! No pigs in here. He can't stay with me. =Littlepig stays out! "Oh," said =CAZOO "You are not for me. I don't need a kangaroo. You can't stay here. No, you can't stay with me." "Oh, =Kangaroo," said =CAZOO. "I can't get a home for you. Oh, my. Oh, my. What can I do?" "Oh! =Kangaroo," said =CAZOO. "What is all that? I don't need all that." "No, =CAZOO," said =Jack. =Kangaroo is not going away. Look. She is going to jump. =Kangaroo will get =Littlepig down. =Kangaroo is the best jumper!" "I can get that pig back," said a girl. "I am a good jumper. I can Jump. I can jump up and get the string. Then I will get the pig down." "Hello," said =CAZOO. "What can I do for you?" =Kangaroo is lost," said =Pat. "She is not in the zoo. We are looking for her. Will you help us find her?" "Hello," said the man. "Can I help you?" "Yes," said =Pat. "We are looking for a kangaroo. The man at the zoo can't find her. Is she here?" "Oh, no," said the man. "I did see her, but she is not here now." Mrs =Cat likes to make rings. She makes big rings, little rings, funny rings, and pretty rings. "Oh, what a ring," said Mrs =Cat. "This is my very best ring." One day Mrs =Cat said, "I will take this ring to the contest." Then she walked to the contest. The judges looked at all the rings. They looked for a very long time. "This ring is best," said the judge. "You are the winner, Mrs =Cat. This is for you." =Jack said, "I can do something. It is something magic." =Harriet, =Pat, and =David looked. They saw =Jack with a big box. I They saw =Jack do some magic. =Jack looked in the box. =Harriet, =Pat, and =David looked in the box. "Do you see something?" asked =Jack. "No," they all said. "Wait," said =Jack, "I will do something." Then =Jack said, "One, two, three. Do some magic for me." =Jack looked in the box again. =Harriet, =Pat, and =David looked in the box. "Oh," said =Pat, "it's a dog. L "How did he get in this box?" asked =Harriet. "I can't say," said =Jack. "It's magic." One, Two, Three =Jack asked =Ned to play "One, Two, Three." =Jack went to a tree and did not look. He said, "One, two, three. I will find you." Ned found a big umbrella. He said, "=Jack can't find me here." Then =Jack looked for =Ned. "I will find you," he said. =Jack looked and looked. He didn't see =Ned. Then he saw something. "Come out, =Ned. I see you now," said =Jack. "I can see you in back of the umbrella." =Harriet ran home. "Mom, Mom!" she said. "School is out! No more books. No more work to do. I can play all day." "Oh?" said =Harriet's mom. "No work? You'll help me with the house work. Won't you?" "Yes, =Mom," said =Harriet. "I'll help you. But I'll have time to play, too." She jumped out and ran to the little man. "Uncle =Bill!" she said. "=Harriet!" said Uncle =Bill. "I was on the way to get you. But my truck stopped here. And that's not all. A bad man just took some of my cows!" "That's good water," said the man. "Look at that blue airplane. Would I like a ride in that!" "So would I!" said the woman. "So would we!" said the boys and girls. "How much is a ride?" the man asked. "A penny a pound," said Uncle =Bill. "I am 200 pounds," said the man. "Then it would be =$2'00," Uncle =Bill said. The next little pig saw a man with a lot of sticks. "Please, man, give me some of your sticks to build a house," said the little pig. So the man did. And the little pig built a house of sticks. Ants with Green Hair I do not know Where I have been. But I do know What I have seen. For I peeped in While I was there And saw three ants With long green hair. "They fit and squeak," said the giant. "I'll buy them." Left! Right! Tie them up tight! He wore them all year because he couldn't untie them. Untie them! Untie them! He wore them all year because he couldn't untie them! &&000 RAND MCNALLY (1978) 1ST GRADE RND9781S.ASC RED ROCK RANCH Young America Basic Series Rand McNally Reading Program by Leo Fay Source: SUNY Cortland xerox scan edit by DPH January 13, 1993 &&111 Then the little mouse sat down and chewed one of the big ropes. Then he chewed another rope. He chewed and chewed. Soon he had chewed all the ropes. The lion was free! Thank you, little mouse, he said. You are a good friend. Never again will I say that anyone is too little to help! The crow looked all about him. He saw some stones. I'll put the stones into the glass, said the crow. Then I can get the water. So that is just what the crow did. He put the stones into the glass, one at a time. The water came up in the glass. Every time the crow put a stone into the glass, the water came up a little. At last the crow could drink the water. You get good ideas when you have to. The animals spoke loudly. How did the animals speak? Read the sentences below. Find the word in each sentence that tells how an animal did something. The pig walked away slowly. The dog ran quickly to the house. The cat purred softly and went to sleep. The hen looked sadly at her friends. Think of something you did. Then think of words that tell how you did it. Soon =Big =Rooster saw something that looked like a long road. =H-m-m, said =Big =Rooster. This looks like a road. But there are no cars here. This may not be a road at all. I'll sleep here. Just as =Big =Rooster was about to go to sleep, he heard a terrible sound. Nothing to Do =Soo =Wong wanted something to do. She looked in the houseboat, and she looked out of the houseboat. But she didn't see a thing to do. =Soo =Wong went to her mother. Mother was working. Mother, I have nothing to do, said =Soo =Wong. I've looked and looked, but I can find nothing to do. The last little pig saw a man who had many bricks. Please, man, give me some of your bricks to build a house, said the little pig. So the man did. And the little pig built a house of bricks. Uncle =Bill landed the airplane. =Mom and =Dad were waiting for them. =Mom! =Dad! I'm home! shouted =Harriet. =Harriet! said =Mom. We're so happy to see you! My little girl. You look so big! What have you been eating? That's good water, said the man. Look at that blue airplane. Would I like a ride in that! So would I! said the woman. So would we! said the boys and girls. How much is a ride? the man asked. A penny a pound, said Uncle =Bill. I am =200 pounds, said the man. Then it would be =$2'00, Uncle =Bill said. A Blue Airplane One day, Uncle =Bill and =Harriet went out to look at =Red =Rock =Ranch. =Uncle =Bill said, All the land you see out there is mine. I have a lot of land and a lot of cows. It must be fun, said =Harriet. They went up one road and down another. =Harriet looked out of the taxi. Do you know where we are? she asked. Yes, yes, said the taxi man. I do. We are on the road to =Red =Rock =Ranch. Or are we? Little girl, do you know the way to =Red =Rock =Ranch? The big airplane was ready. =Harriet got in and sat down. A woman said, We are ready to go. Now put on your seat belts. Harriet put her seat belt on. Then she sat back and looked out. Before long, the airplane moved. It moved faster and faster. Then the big plane was in the air. &&000 SCOTT, FORESMAN (1974) 1ST GRADE SF19741S.ASC THE NEW OPEN HIGHWAYS --ROLLING ALONG by Ida Moe Johnson, et al READY TO ROLL etc Source: Temple U xeroxed, scanned, edited by DPH 1-8-93 &&111 I'm =Glad I'm =Me by =Ruth =Dana =Pedersen No one looks The way I do. I have noticed That it's true; No one walks The way I walk. No one talks The way I talk. No one plays The way I play. No one says The things I say. I am special. I am me. There's no one I'd rather be than me! New =Kittens. We had one cat And that was that; And then today While at our play We heard a mew, And there were two Small baby kits. Their eyes were slits Not opened quite To any light. Their bodies were Round balls of fur, Their tiny tails Were up like sails, Their tongues were pinK, And oh, I think They are so sweet, Those balls with feet! =Yoshi said, I know what the surprise is. It's a caterpillar. Is =Yoshi right? asked Mrs =Quinn. Do you have a caterpillar, =Tony? =Tony said, Yes, I do. I'll show you the caterpillar. =Sandy met =Cedric. =Cedric had a magnet. I'll trade you, said =Sandy. I'll trade you a penny for the magnet. =Cedric wanted some bubble gum. He could get bubble gum for a penny. So =Cedric said, All right. I'll trade you. The helicopter put the horse down. =Ron and =Ernie went to the horse. =Ernie said to the horse, Easy, boy. You're all right now. Storm by =Aileen =Fisher I have often wondered why So many faucets in the sky Could open up and not run dry. I zigzag through the traffic. I ride the playground swings. I dash down to the subway As if I had real wings. When You Read coat cap =Karen has a brown coat. =Kevin has a brown cap. =Karen has black hair. =Kevin has brown hair. =Kevin got some paper and paint. =Kevin found a mitten. =Karen found a friend. If I had a friend, There'd be two of us. If she had a friend, There'd be three. If that friend had a friend, There'd be four of us. And without them There would only be me. Not I, said the dog. Not I, said the pig. Not I, said the cat. I will then, said the little red hen. And she did. Then =Melvin went to a library. A woman was reading a story. The story was not =The =Little =Red =Hen. &&000 SCOTT, FORESMAN (1976) 1ST GRADE SF19761S.ASC MYSTERY SEEDS by Joanne David Source: Elmira College: xerox, scan, edit by DPH January 16, 1993 addition January 30, 1993 NOTE: THIS TEXT IS THE SAME AS IN 1965 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &&111 =Joey was the first clown to paint his face white and wear baggy pants. Sometimes he made a man out of carrots, turnips, lettuce, and onions. Sometimes he dressed like a soldier and wore buckets on his feet. =Thomas asked, What can you be? A clown, =Roger said. I'm good at making funny faces. My brother can be a clown too. Wait! I'll get some clown hats. So the circus parade waited. Soon the clowns joined the parade. =Slim and =Shorty lined up the mules. =Slim got on the mule at the front of the line. =Shorty got on the mule at the end of the line. Then =Shorty said, How will we get all five mules to town? We might lose one. =Slim said, You watch the mules. That way we won't lose any. The little knight said, Why don't you come and live at the castle? The castle is always cold. You could keep it warm, and you'd have lots of friends. Blow your nose and come with me. The king and the queen were sad because their castle was so cold. Sometimes the queen had to put on a blanket to keep warm. And the king had to put on an old rug. Then they didn't look like a king and a queen. Look for salamanders at night. They don't like the sun. Salamanders like cool, wet places. You might see salamanders in the water. =Gail put her hands out in front of her. I do have mittens like yours, she said. You left your blue mitten at my house and took my red mitten. I know, said his mother. I know it was very beautiful. It wasn't another baby animal you saw. You saw yourself in the water. Now you know what you look like. Yes, said =Baby =Monkey. Now I know. =Baby =Monkey saw another animal. It was tan and had big brown spots. It had a long neck and long legs. Is that what I look like? asked =Baby =Monkey. You look just like a baby monkey should, his mother answered. I think you're very beautiful. But =Baby =Monkey still wanted to know what he looked like. One day =Henry's father said, I think it's time for you to learn how to take care of a pet. So he took =Henry to a pet store. Pick out the pet you want, =Henry's father said. The ringmaster shouts, Ladies and gentlemen! Here come the horses. You are about to see the most famous riders in the world. One day the king sent for his knights. There were four big knights and one little knight. The king was mad. I can't get any sleep, he said. Do something about that dragon!" =Baby =Monkey saw another animal. It looked like a big cat. It was yellow and had long whiskers on its nose. Is that what I look like? asked =Baby =Monkey. Look at the lion and rhinoceros. Are they the same color? What is different about their feet? How is the head of the rhinoceros different from the head of the lion? How are the two animals alike? Everybody was happy. The king and queen were happy because the dragon was quiet and the castle was warm. The dragon was happy because no one was afraid of him, and he had lots of friends. And the little knight was happy because everybody else was happy. &&000 SCOTT, FORESMAN (1978) 1ST GRADE--SAMPLE 2 SF19781S.ASC CALICO CAPER by Ira E. Cohen et al Source: Elmira College xerox, scan and edit by DPH January 16, 1993 &&111 I caught this for you. I want you to have my umbrella. It was splendid, My kite, It flew and it flew When we let out the string In the wind, And we knew It would fly with the birds. It would fly to the sea. Then its tail Tangled up in a Terrible tree. First wash out the milk carton. Let it dry. Next cut a circle out of paper. Draw a clown's face on it. =Jojo is funny. He has big feet. Look at the underlined word. He stands for =Jojo. =Dolly is smart. She does a trick. Look at the underlined word. She stands for =Dolly. =Jojo and =Dolly are clowns. make the children laugh. Who does they stand for? the clowns the children I wanted to play ball. So =Grandpa said he would teach me. He is teaching me to bat and catch. I bat the ball. =Grandpa runs and catches it. Then =Grandpa bats the ball to me. We have not played ball very long. I hope =Grandpa teaches me to run and slide too. I want to go on playing ball. I want to play ball as well as my grandpa does. =Nan set up her blocks. She pushed Just one. All the blocks fell down. Think about skills Why did all the blocks fall down? Did you say it was because =Nan pushed a block? If you did, you were right. =Sam's baby brother was crying. =Dad fixed a bottle for the baby. =Sam gave his brother the bottle. Then his brother was happy. Why did the baby cry? What made the baby happy? The ape and the fox found a hat. My hat is at home, said the ape. I need this hat. My hat is at home, said the fox. I need this hat. =Debbie swam to her mother. You're safe now, said her mother. The cat won't get us here. Cats don't like water. I'm glad ducks do, said =Debbie. Once there was a little duck named =Debbie. Every day =Debbie and her mother went to the pond. =Debbie's mother would swim in the water. =Debbie would sit in the warm sand. =Grandmother took some clothes out of a bag. She held them up to =Lupe. I guess these clothes would have fit you last year, =Grandmother said. Come on, =Lupe. Let's go into the store. We'll take these clothes back. We'll get some things to fit you now. =Dad and =Stacy found =Mikey. =Mikey was putting things away. Oh, =Mikey, said =Dad. You want to help, don't you? I'll give you my list. =Dad put =Mikey in the cart. He gave =Mikey a list to hold. Then =Stacy and =Dad went to find the things again. &&000 SCOTT, FORESMAN (1978) 1ST GRADE SF19781Z.ASC --second sample-- CALICO CAPER by Ira E. Aaron et al BACK OF BOOK HAS PRINTED '1' FOR 1ST GRADE Source: Elmira College xerox, scan edit by DPH January 17, 1993 &&111 I don't like it, said =Debbie. I'm not going to swim. But all ducks swim, said her mother. Not this duck, said =Debbie. Then she sat down on a pile of sand. Every day =Debbie's mother would swim. Every day =Debbie would sit in the sand. =Jean said, Now I'll fly my kite. The king and the queen said, Please let us help you. =Jean said, No, thank you. I can fly it myself. =Jean got her skates. Then she went to the top of the castle. She skated around the roof of the castle. =Jean felt the breeze take the kite up. The kite went up and up and up. It went far, far up. There, said =Jean. At last I did something all by myself. All that help made =Jean mad. I want to do something all by myself, she said. I'll make a kite and fly it. So =Jean got these things. She got some paper, sticks, paste, rags, and some string. An elf had animals to feed. Eve the goat ate cheese. The sheep liked her grass. Fresh cream would please =Bea. The elf had geese named =Bert and =Deane. These geese wanted to eat ferns. But the elf chased them. Think about skills A vowel letter stands for more than one sound. Two vowel letters together usually stand for one sound. Words like elf and fresh usually have a short vowel sound. Words like her and ferns usually have an =r controlled vowel sound. Words like these, eat, please, feed, and cheese usually have a long vowel sound. When the shoes were made, the clown tried one on. It looked big. It looked bright. The clowns never say a word. But they have fun. Sometimes people stop. Sometimes they smile. =Chip does not run too fast. He does not run too slow. =Chip runs just fast enough for me. Please don't leave, said =Turtle. Goose wishes you could go. And I do too, said =Duck. But I can't go, said =Turtle. You will be flying. I don't have wings. All the letters went to the post office. Many people work there. They help the letters go to the right places. =Marla thought about the problem. She saw a calendar. She got an idea. Then =Marla sent a letter to =Tom. =Pete was =Sue's pet bird. =Sue wanted =Pete to talk. So she said =Pretty =Pete over and over. Then one day =Pete said =Pretty =Pete too. Why did =Sue say =Pretty =Pete to the bird? Practice skills =Pablo blew up a balloon. It got bigger and bigger. =Pablo let the balloon go. The air . rushed out. The balloon flew. What made the balloon get bigger and bigger? What made the balloon fly? =Kim had a new bike. It was her first big bike. It was so big that it was hard to ride. =Kim wanted to ride. But she kept falling. One day =Kim fell in the dirt. She hit her head. =Debbie swam to her mother. You're safe now, said her mother. The cat won't get us here. Cats don't like water. I'm glad ducks do, said =Debbie. =Grandmother took a good look at =Lupe. She looked at =Lupe from head to toe. I bought a surprise for you, said =Grandmother. But I'm the one who's surprised. =Dad and the children went to the store. =Dad gave a list to =Stacy. Find the things on your list, =Stacy, =Dad said. Put them in the cart. I'll get the things on my list. &&000 SCOTT, FORESMAN AND COMPANY (1972) 11TH GRADE SF97211T.ASC "ACCENT" (?) THE NAME OF THE BOOK GRADE 11 SOURCE: U OF ROCHESTER XEROXED, SCANNED AND EDITED BY DPH 12-06-92 &&111 than his relief, that this man could see nothing unusual about the engine. Why, I bet he even lets a gas-station man check his oil for him, =Charlie thought. "Well,' said =Jellico finally, "you can never be sure just by looking. I'll have to test it." =He got behind the wheel. "But, sir =Charlie said. =Jellico fixed him with a hard look. "I might as well tell you, soldier, that I don't like you and I don't like your attitude. You've done a lot of unauthorized tampering with this machine. We're going from here to the =Second =Battalion and then to the front. and while I don't know what you've done to the engine, I don't intend to risk a breakdown and leave the general stranded up there. I'm going to satisfy myself that it's in running order.' The captain stepped on the starter and รน =Charlie had to admit from where he stood that the exhaust did have quite a growl. Should have put a truck muffler on it, he thought. He winced as =Jellico viciously ground the gears into low. =Ah-ha!' shouted =Jellico as he raced the engine and let out the clutch and the jeep shuddered in agony. "You've let the clutch burn out!" =Charlie could see there was nothing wrong with the clutch. The wheels, lacking traction from the lightened jeep and being propelled by at least three times the horsepower to which they were accustomed, simply spun futilely and dug into the frosted clay almost to their hubs. Then the tires hit bedrock and, with an upward surge and sidewise slew, the jeep sprang out from under =Captain =Jellico and left him sprawled on the ground. =Charlie raced after the runaway, which quickly slowed down with the pressure off its throttle, caught it as it was about to nose its way into the colonel's tent, and brought it back. The aide climbed gingerly into the rear seat. marathon months before, and so, the next afternoon, =Johnny told him he was going to use that entry and run this year's race by proxy and make the record an even twenty. Even now he could see the thin wan face brighten as his father lay there in bed with the pillows propping him up. You will? You'll take my place? he'd said. Honest, =Johnny? And then, thinking, the doubt had come. But that race in =New =York you've been talking about? That's the next day. The invitation mile? =Johnny had said. What's that? I've beaten all those guys before, one time or another. You could win that race, though. I'll win the marathon too. His father had laughed at that. You're crazy! I only won twice in nineteen years and I was better than most. Ah, you were never anything but a fair country runner. I could outrun you the best day you ever saw, his father had cracked, and =Johnny had jeered at him past the hardness in his throat because he saw how good it made his father feel. There had been but two weeks in which to train, and he had worked diligently, following the schedule his father mapped out, wanting to cry sometimes when he saw how thrilled and proud his father seemed when he listened to the nightly reports. Johnny had worked up to twenty miles the day before yesterday, and when his father heard the time he admitted that =Johnny might have a chance. Only don't try to win it, =Johnny, he said. This is no mile. You've been running races where only the first three places count. In this one the first =thirtyfive get listed in the papers. =Johnny hadn't argued then, nor had he told anyone the truth. He knew how the newspapers would =Since the year =1806 a cloak of red and yellow feathers has hung in the hallway of the =March house on the =Ridge, with a helmet made from the same plumage suspended above it. These two articles have always held the same position on the wall, except for such times as they have been put away in camphor to protect them from the moths. The cloak was brought there by =John =March and indicates very accurately the first venture of the =March ships in the fur and sandalwood trade with =China. It was hung there by =John =March when he returned as supercargo on the brig =Polly, =Moses =March, owner, and =Elihu' =Griggs, master. A single glance at that cloak in the shady, spacious hallway of that square =Federalist house is startling to anyone who is even remotely familiar with the curiosities of the =South =Seas. It hangs there, an alien object, and yet, through association, somehow strangely suitable to a house like the old =March house in a =New =England seaport town. Granted that its presence there is known proved their innocence to him before they even knew what they did? But whom had he not yet called on? Heads turned and necks crooked. =Simon =Hampstead looked up, smiling bleakly. Dame =Alice smiled too, frosty and secure in her rich cloak. Sarah =Hampstead, will you repeat the =Lord's=Prayer? =SarahHampstead stood up. Our, =Our =Father, she began tremulously, and broke off. Continue, he said evenly, if you can. Our =Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name, gasped =Sarah. Through to the end she gasped it, and then sat down and began to cry quietly into the folds of her cloak. Thomas =Warne let his eyes wander about the hushed room. Then he turned to =Stephen =Reeve. Stephen rose and answered straightforwardly in a toneless voice. He recited the prayer without missing a syllable. Then he too sat down. =Simon =Hampstead! =Thomas called sharply. The miller stood up, scraping his rough boots on the pine floor. He looked boldly toward the pulpit, then lowered his head again like a bull about to charge. Our =Father who art in heaven Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come Thy will be done. =He rushed through the prayer without halt or error and threw himself back into his seat. And then =Thomas called on =Joan =Alder. =Joan stood up and curtsied, and smiled all about her. Our =Father who art in =Heaven, she chanted sweetly, piously, her brown eyes cast down demurely. And the accused witch gave the =Lord his own again, word for word. Then she smiled again, and dimpled toward the young man in the pulpit. She settled herself better condition, pushed ahead with their five wagons; with them went =Reed's teamsters, except for =Milt =Elliott. In the second section were the =Reeds, =Eddys, =Breens, and =Graveses, together with the =Murphy clan and the =Germans, a dozen Wagons in all. The forward section gained rapidly, and in less than a week was a good day's journey in advance. Everyone able was walking in order to lighten the loads. Most were short on rations, for game was not plentiful as it had been for a while. It was autumn now. Nights were colder and days shorter. The wild geese were going south, honking through the night. Petty disagreements grew more irksome. The company had been together for too long. By this time they should have been in =California, ready each to go his own way. As it was they plodded daily along the =Humboldt, which had become a scrawny stream. About noon on =October =5, the second section reached an unusually high and long sand hill, covered with rocks at the top. It was probably no worse then twenty others they had passed, but it was the final point of strain. The hill was difficult enough to call for doubling teams. Two of the =Graveses' wagons were got over in this way, and =John =Snyder. who drove the third, was next in line. Behind him was =Milt =Elliott driving the wagon shared by the =Reeds and =Eddys. =Milt decided to try to pass =Snyder. The way was narrow; the lead yoke became unruly and tangled with =Snyder's team. Sharp words passed between the drivers, and =Snyder, enraged, fell to beating the oxen violently over the head. Reed rushed forward protesting, and =Snyder's rage shifted. Cursing furiously and whip in hand, he threatened the owner of the oxen with a cowhiding, too. Soft words did not put him off, but instead he became so menacing that the fiery =Reed, who was ot a man to take a beating from anyone, drew his hunting knife. Alarmed in his turn, =Snyder suddenly reversed hiS whip nd struck out viciously with the butt. The blow caught =Reed cross the head, laying open a long gash, but as =Reed tried to dodge he struck back with hiS knife, driving it home just below =Snyder's collarbone. Mrs =Reed rushed between them, and =Snyder, still fighting, struck her once and =Reed twice more. The last blow felled =Reed to his knees. The encounter must have been only a matter of seconds, too Sudden and brief for any of the men to interfere. Snyder turned, and went a few steps up the hill, then staggered. Young =Billy =Graves caught him and eased him to the ground. Uncle =Patrick, I am dead, he spoke out as =Breen came hurrying up. of rain, he was showered with tiny lead pellets. The next morning, he interpreted his dream to mean that molten lead, falling through air, would harden into small spheres. Watt melted several pounds of lead and flung it from the bell tower of a church that had a water-filled moat at its base. Hastening down the stairs, he scooped tiny lead pellets from the bottom of the moat and revolutionized the lead-shot industry. =Robert =Louis =Stevenson discovered early in his life that he could dream complete stories and even go back to them on succeeding nights to change an unsatisfactory ending. Perhaps his most significant dream came one night when he pictured a fleeing criminal who drank a potion that changed his appearance. The dream became =The =Strange =Case of =Dr =Jekyll and Mr =Hyde. Other writers and poets, such as =Goethe, =William =Blake, =Leo =Tolstoy, and =Samuel =Taylor =Coleridge also used dream material in their poetry and prose. =Wolfgang =Amadeus =Mozart, =Robert =Schumann, =Camille =Saint-Saens, and =Vincent =d'lndy claimed that they first heard some of their music in dreams. These examples emphasize the role that dreams play in the life of the creative person. Some people remember their dreams more frequently than others, but this is related to variations in personality and situations, rather than to actual time spent dreaming. The creative thinker typically accepts and exploits his dreams and the creative elements of his inner experience. Oh. I remember having to move out of our house. My father had brought in a team of horses and wagon. We had always lived in that house, and we couldn't understand why we were moving out. When we got to the other house, it was a worse house, a poor house. That must have been around =1934 was about six years old. It's known as the =North =Gila =Valley, about =fifty miles north of =Yuma =My dad was being turned out of his small plot of land. He had inherited this from his father, who had homesteaded it. I saw my two, three other uncles also moving out. And for the same reason. The bank had foreclosed on the loan. If the local bank approved, the =Government would guarantee the loan and small farmers like my father would continue in business. It so happened the president of the bank was the guy who most wanted our land. We were surrounded by him: he owned all the land around us. Of course, he wouldn't pass the loan. One morning a giant tractor came in, like we had never seen before. My daddy used to do all his work with horses. So this huge tractor came in and began to knock down this corral, this small corral where my father kept his horses. We didn't understand why. In the matter of a week, the whole face of the land was changed. Ditches were dug, and it was different. I didn't like it as much. We all of us climbed into an old =Chevy that my dad had. And then we were in =California, and migratory workers. There were five kids, a small family by those standards. It must have been around =36 was about eight. Well, it was a strange life. We had been poor, but we knew every night there was a bed there, and that this was our room. There was a kitchen. It was sort of a settled life, and we had chickens and hogs, eggs and all those things. But that all of a sudden changed. When you're small, you can't figure these things out. You know something's not right and you don't like it, but you don't question it and you don't let that get you down. You sort of just continue to move. countless others before us, and made our way home as best we could. It was suddenly impossible to understand or even remember how I could have been so gullible. and I was on my feet, stumbling through the dark across the uneven floor, with some notion of getting to a phone and the police. The big barn door was heavier than I'd thought, but I slid it back, took a running step through it, then turned to shout back to the others to come along. You have seen how very much you can observe in the fractional instant of a lightning flash, an entire landscape sometimes. every detail etched on your memory, to be seen and studied in your mind for long moments afterward. As I turned back toward the opened door the inside of that barn came alight. Through every wide crack of its walls and ceiling and through the big dust-coated windows in its side streamed the light of an intensely brilliant blue and sunny sky, and the air pulling into my lungs as I opened my mouth to shout was sweeter than any I had ever tasted in my life. Dimly, through a wide, dust-smeared window of that barn, I looked, for less than the blink of an eye, down into a deep majestic of forest-covered slope, and I saw, tumbling through it, far below, a tiny stream, blue from the sky, and at that stream's edge between two low roofs, a yellow patch of sun-drenched beach. And then, that picture engraved on my mind forever, the heavy door slid shut, my fingernails rasping along the splintery wood in a desperate effort to stop it, and I was standing alone in a cold and rain-swept night. It took four or five seconds, no longer, fumbling at that door, to heave it open again, =But it was four or five seconds too long. The barn was empty, dark. There was nothing inside but a worn pine bench, and, in the flicker of the lighted match in my hand, tiny drifts of what looked like damp confetti on the floor. As my mind had known even as my hands scratched at the outside of that door. there was no one inside now; and I knew where they were, knew they were walking, laughing aloud in a sudden wonderful and eager ecstasy, down into that forest-green valley. toward home. I work in a bank, in a job I don't like; and I ride to and from it in the subway, reading the daily papers, the news they contain. I live in a rented room, and in the battered dresser under a pile of my folded handkerchiefs is a little rectangle of yellow cardboard. Printed on its face are the words, =Good, when validated, for one trip to =Verna. and stamped on the back is a date. But the date is gone, long since, the ticket void, punched in a pattern of tiny holes. I've been back to the =Acme =Travel =Bureau. The first time, the tall grayhaired man walked up to me and laid two five-dollar bills, a one, and seventeen cents in change before me. You left this on the counter last time you were here,' he said gravely. Looking me squarely in the eyes, he added bleakly, =I don't know why. =Then some customers came in, he turned to greet them, and there was nothing for me to do but leave. Walk in as though it were the ordinary agency it seems, you can find it, somewhere, in any city you try! Ask a few ordinary questions, about a trip you're planning, a vacation, anything you like. Then hint about =The =Folder a little, but don't mention it directly. Give him time to size you up and offer it himself. And if he does, if you're the type, if you can believe, then make up your mind and stick to it! Because you won't ever get a second chance. I know, because I've tried. And tried. And tried. &&000 STECK-VAUGHN CO. (1970) 1ST GRADE STK9701S.ASC MYSELF by Zelda B. Blanchette et al Source: U of Rochester xerox, scan, edit by DPH January 24, 1993 &&111 =Bob was very cold. He pulled and pulled. No cover, he said. Four in a bed was fun when the boys played. Four in a bed was fun when =Jim told a story. But four in a bed was not fun on a cold night. =Bob said, No, =Pal. You cannot get in this bed. But I know what we can do. =Bob got out of bed. He got =Jim's big coat. He lay down on it. Then he pulled up his coat. =Pal lay down by him. Let's make angels for =Lynn, said =Carol. Let's do, said =Jean. The girls lay down in the snow. Arms went up and down. Legs went in and out. Look, =Lynn! they called. Angels just for you! One day =Tony said, Every day you have the same old thing. =Bob said, Why do you have the same old thing? I have what I want, said =Andy. And I want what I have. Every day =Bob got a lunch at school. Sometimes =Tony got a lunch at school. Today he had a lunch box. He had chicken. It looked good. After school =Andy said to his mother, =Tony had chicken in his lunch box today. Did it look good? asked =Mother. Yes, it did, said =Andy. Oh, boy, YOU are cooking chicken! =Bob said, Come with me. But do not help me. I want to fly my kite. =Jim laughed and said, I know you want to fly it. The day was just right. The kite was just right. =Bob ran with the kite. But the kite did not fly. One big boy said, Look at me hit it. He missed. One big boy said, You did not hit it. Look at me! I will hit it. =Bob was afraid. =Jim was afraid, too. But he wanted to help =Bob. Stop! he called. Stop that! At lunch something exciting happened to =Petcr. Mr =Brown was in the lunch room. =Peter looked out the window. Look at the flag, said =Peter. Mr =Brown said, We must take it down. Can I help? asked =Peter. Yes, come with me, said Mr =Brown. But he could not go to sleep. He looked at the little tooth again and again. At last he went to sleep. In the night someone got the dog's tooth. And someone put a dog biscuit under =Richard's pillow. =Lynn and =Larry were going to the store to get new shoes. I will be there soon, called =Mother. I see myself, said =Lynn. I see myself in this puddle, said =Larry.