&&000 HOLT RINEHART & WINSTON (1966) PRIMER WIN9662N.ASC SOUNDS OF NUMBERS (PRIMER) by Bill Martin , Jr. Source: SUNY Oneonta xerox (@ 15 cents each!!) scan edit by DPH February 21, 1993 &&111 Yes, said =Sandy. Ten pieces of candy will be enough. A piece of candy for each of my friends, one for me, and one. for my dog! Star light, Star bright The first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might Have the wish I wish tonight. Sing a song of sixpence, A pocket full of rye Four and twenty blackbirds, Baked in a pie. When the pie was opened, The birds began to sing. Wasn't that a dainty dish, To set before the =King. The =King was in his counting house, Counting out his money; The =Queen was in the parlor Eating bread and honey; The maid was in the garden, Hanging out the clothes. Along came a blackbird, And snipped off her nose. In the twelfth month of the year, I found =12 striped chipmunks, and they followed me home. Then =Father and =Mother said Please! No more pets! I never saw a =Purple =Cow, I never hope to see one, But I can tell you, anyhow, I'd rather see one than be one. As I was going up the stair I met a man who wasn't there! He wasn't there again today! I wish, I wish he'd stay away! Hello, Mr =Moore , said =Sandy. I have ten pennies for candy. I want one piece of candy for each penny. Ten pennies, said Mr =Moore. He counted the pennies. Will ten pieces of candy be enough? =Sandy said, =Mother, I'm going to the store now. All right, =Sandy, said =Mother. Your money is on the table. Oh boy! said =Sandy. Ten pennies for candy. What is violet? Clouds are violet In the summer twilight. The north wind doth blow And we shall have snow, And what shall poor =Robin do then? Poor thing! He'll sit in the barn And keep himself warm, And hide his head under his wing. Poor thing! Three little dachshunds see a gray squirrel. =Bow-wow-wow! say three little dachshunds. Three little dachshunds see a red bird. =Bow-wow-wow! say three little dachshunds. Three little dachshunds. One, two, three. Three little dachshunds in one little bed. Three little dachshund. go to the store. They go to the store with =Old =Miss =Marvelous. &&000 GINN & CO. (1969) (LEVELS 3 & 4) PRIMER GIN969PR.ASC TWO BOOKS: LEVEL 3--A DUCK IS A DUCK (NO AUTHOR IN COVER) 1969 LEVEL 4--HELICOPTERS AND GINGERBREAD (NO AUTHOR) WHOLE BOOKS TRANSCRIBED BY DPH IN MARCH 1983 SOURCE: ITHACA SCHOOLS EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES CENTER &&111 This is =Bill. =Bill is in the park. Here is =Jill. =Jill is in the park. Here is =Ben. =Ben is in the park. Is =Lad in the park? =Bill said, Look here, =Ben. Look at the ducks. =Ben said, Here ducks. Look here. Get this, ducks. =Jill said, Look =Bill. Look at =Ben and the ducks. =Ben said, Here is a duck. The duck can get this. =Ben said, Stop, ducks. Stop this, ducks! =Jill said, Help =Ben. Stop the ducks. Help =Ben stop the ducks. =Jill said, =Bill! =Bill! =Lad will get the ducks. =Bill, stop =Lad. =Bill said, Here, =Lad. No, =Lad. No, =Lad! No! =Jill said, No, =Lad! Stop! Stop! =Ben said, Here =Lad. Look at this. Get this, =Lad. =Bill said. =Jill, look here. =Ben can help. =Ben can get =Lad. =Lad will not get the ducks. =Ben said, Stop, =Bill. Can we eat here? =Jill said, Can we, =Bill? Can we eat here? =Bill said, Yes, =Jill. We will eat here. =Ben said, Stop ducks! You can't eat this. No, you can't! No, ducks! No! You can't eat this. =Bill said, =Lad will help. =Lad will stop the ducks. =Ben said, Run, ducks! Run! You can't eat here. =Lad will stop you. =Bill said, Here =Lad. You can eat this. Eat this, =Lad. =Ben said, Yes, =Lad. You can eat this. We will not stop you. =Ben said, Look at me =Jill. Look at me. =Jill said, Yes, =Ben. You can ride. =Ben said, Help me! Help me! I can't stop! I can't stop this! =Jill said, =Ben can't stop. Run, =Bill. Run and help =Ben. =Bill said, I can stop this. =Jill and I will help you, =Ben. =Jill said, Yes, =Ben. We can help you. =Ben said, Will you ride, =Jill? Will you ride with me? =Jill said, Yes, =Ben. I will ride with you. =Bill and I will help you. =Bill said, No, =Lad. You can't come with me. =Ben said, Come here, =Lad. =Jill said, Look, =Bill. Look at =Lad. =Ben said, What is it, =Lad. What is it? Bill said, It is a turtle! Look at the turtle, =Ben. =Ben said, A turtle! It can hide. This turtle can hide. =Bill said, =Come here, =Ted. Come and see what is here. =Ben said, It is a turtle! Come and see it, =Ted. The turtle can hide. =Ted said, A turtle? You see a turtle at the park! I want to see this. =Bill said, Here it is, =Ted. Here is the turtle. We want you to see it. =Jill said, Come here, =Nan. See what is here. =Nan said, A turtle! I want to see it. =Ted said, Come with me, =Turtle. =Lad will get you here. I will help you. =Bill said, come, =Nan and =Jill. Come with =Ted and me. We will help this turtle. =Ben said, I want to come. =Lad and I will come with you. =Jill said, No, =Ben. You can't come. You and =Lad can't come. Can you guess? =Ted said, =Guess what is here? Will you guess, =Miss =Hill? Miss =Hill said, Yes, =Ted. I will guess. Will you help me guess? =Jill said, it is little. Can you guess, =Miss =Hill? Miss =Hill said, it is little. What is little? Is it this? =Nan said, it is little. It can hide. Can you guess, =Miss =Hill? Miss =Hill said, it is little. What is little and can hide. is it this? =Bill said, it can hide. What is little and can hide? Can you guess, =Miss =Hill? Miss =Hill said, it is little. A turtle is little and can hide. Is it a turtle? =Ted said, it is! It is! Here is the turtle, =Miss =Hill! =Jill said, =The turtle is little. We want to help it. What can we do? Miss =Hill said, We will see. What do you want to do? =Ted wants to do this. =Bill wants to do this. =Nan wants to do this. =Jill wants to do this. =Jill said, Look here, turtle. What do you want? What do turtles like to do? =Nan said, =Turtles like to hide. Turtles like to eat. But what will this turtle eat? =Bill said, Turtles like to swim. But this turtle can't swim here. =Ted said, we can help the turtle. It can't swim here. But it can swim at the park. =Nan said, This turtle is little. Will it like the park? Miss =Hill said, You can see. Run to the park with the turtle. See what it will do. =Jill said, =Here, little turtle. I will help you. =Nan said, =Swim. little turtle. We want to see you swim. =Ted said, The turtle can swim! It likes to swim here. =Jill said, =Don't hide, turtle. I want to see you swim. I don't want you to hide. =Nan said, Will the turtle eat? It can swim here. But will it eat? =Bill said, it wants to eat. Don't you see, =Nan? Don't you see what it wants? =Nan said, I can see. I see what the turtle wants. It will eat at the park. =Jill said, Guess what! This is a park turtle. =Ted said, it will like the park. We can come here and see it. Help me read. =Ben said, I want to read. I will read this book. =Bill said, Can you read, =Ben? Can you read this book? =Ben said. I can read. I can read a little. But I want you to help me. Rabbit said, I can run. I can run fast. You can't run, =Turtle. You can't run fast. Turtle said, Look, =Rabbit. Do you see the park? You and I will run. You and I will run. We will run to the park. =Rabbit said, I want to stop. I will stop here. I can run, but turtle can't. I can get to the park fast. =Turtle said, I can't run fast. But I will not stop. =Rabbit can't see me. I will go to the park. =Rabbit said, =Turtle! You are here! I can run fast and you can't. But you are here. This is not like you, =Turtle. =Turtle said, I do not stop. You run fast, =Rabbit. I can't run fast. But you stop and I don't. Little duck said, Look at me! Look at me, little rabbit. What can you do? Can you swim, little rabbit? Little rabbit said, Look at me! Look at me, little duck. I can hop. I can hop fast. Can you do this? Can you hop, =Little =Duck? =Little =Duck said, I can't hop. I can swim, but I can't hop. I don't want to swim. I want to hop, little rabbit. You can hop fast. I want to hop like a rabbit. Little rabbit said, Help me! I want to swim, but I can't. I can hop, but I can't swim . You can swim, =Little =Duck. Help me swim. Mother =Duck said, Come here. Come here little =Duck. Come and swim with me. You can't hop. You are not a rabbit. You are a duck! Ducks can swim. Come and swim like a duck. Mother =Rabbit said, See here! You are not a duck. You are a rabbit. Rabbit can't swim. Rabbits hop and hop. Come and hop with me. Come and hop like a rabbit. A duck is a duck and a rabbit is a rabbit. &&000 GINN READERS 1969 LEVEL 4 Grade 1 GIN969L4.ASC HELICOPTERS AND GINGERBREAD (NO AUTHOR ON COVER) DISKS 91; 540 TRANSCRIBED BY DPH ENTIRE BOOK TRANSCRIBED(almost p8-68) &&111 =Bill said, Come with me, =Ben. I want to see the zoo. =Ben said, Stop, =Bill! Who said, hello? Who said hello to me? We will see, said =Bill. =Ben said, Help me =Mother. Who said hello? Who said hello to me? =Mother said, Can't you guess? Guess who said hello, =Ben. I can guess, said =Jill. A parrot, said =Bill. This parrot can say =Hello. Hello, said the parrot. Hello! Hello! =Ben said, You can say hello! Say hello, parrot. Say hello to me. =Ted said, Hello, =Bill. Do you want to see the seal? Yes, I do, said =Bill. Come, =Ben. We will see what a seal can do. =Ben said, No! I like this parrot. It can say hello. The seal can swim, said =Ted. And it can play ball. Seals can't play ball, said =Ben! This seal can, said =Ted. Come and see it, =Ben. Here is the seal, said =Bill. It can play ball, =Ben. It can! It can, said =Ben! Come here =Dad. This seal can play ball. =Dad said, Yes, it can, =Ben. The seal likes to play with the ball. I like the seal, said =Ben. It can swim and play ball. But it can't say hello. I want you to see the =parrot, =Dad. I want the parrot to say hello to you. =Nan said, Come here, =Jill. Come and see this elephant. What a little elephant, said =Jill. =Kay said, Help me, =Dad. I can't see the elephant. =Dad said, Here you are, =Kay. Can you see the elephant? I can! I can, said =Kay. The elephant wants to swim. It can't swim here, said =Dad. But it can play. Elephants like this, =Kay. =Kay said, Here comes a man. Who is he, =Dad? Is he the zoo man? Yes, he is, said =Dad. The elephant sees the man, said =Kay. This elephant can run, =Dad. Here, little elephant, said the man. You will like this. =Kay said, I can guess what the elephant wants. Can you guess, =Dad? The little goats. I want to see the goats, said =Bill. Here they are, =Ted. =Ted said, we can play with the goats. Here they come, =Bill. =Bill said, Look at this goat. He wants something, =Ted. Hello, little goat, said =Ted. Do you want something? Do you want to play with me? What do you want? The goats don't want to play, said =Jill. They want something to eat. =Nan said, Help the goats, =Ted. this is what they want you to do. =Ben said, I want to help this goat. I can get something for it to eat. I will help you, said =Dad. Here you are, =Ben. Stop, goat, said =Ben! I can get this for you. Can't I help you? A man wants help. He sees a helicopter. He wants to get in it. Who is in the helicopter? What will he do? This man can't swim. He wants help. The man sees a helicopter. Who is in the helicopter? What will he do? This man wants a ride. He wants a ride to the airport. Here comes a helicopter. It will stop for the man. He will ride to the airport in the helicopter. The animals want something. What do they want? Here comes a helicopter. A man is in it. He comes with something for the animals. It is something the animals will eat. Here comes a helicopter. It comes with something big. It comes with something this man wants. The helicopter is little. But it is a big help. What can the helicopter do? Will it stop here? A man said, Who will go for a ride with me? Who will go for a ride in this helicopter? Get in! Get in! Who wants a helicopter ride? Will the helicopter go fast? The surprise. =Dad said, Here we are boys. This is the airport. =Bill said, Is the surprise here? Is it something we can do? =Dad said, The surprise is here. It is something boys like to do. What a big airport, said =Ted! Look at the helicopters, =Bill. A helicopter, =Bill. Is the surprise a ride in a helicopter? Did we guess, =Dad? Yes, you did, said =Dad. And here is the helicopter. Get in, boys. The man said, Here we go. Did you guess the surprise? Yes, we did, said =Ted. This ride is a big surprise. =Dad said, Boys like surprises. And I like to ride in a helicopter. Look boys, said the man. Can you see the zoo? I can, said =Bill. But I can't the animals. I guess they are too little. Look for the elephants, said the man. They are not too little. I can see a big elephant and the goats, said =Ted. But I can't see the =parrot. It is too small for me to see. I like this ride, said =Bill. This is the ride for me! A funny ride. Here is a funny old helicopter. A parrot is in it. The parrot likes to ride in the funny old helicopter. The =parrot said, =Hello, =Bill. Do you want to ride with me? Yes, I do, said =Bill. This is a funny old helicopter but I will ride in it. Hop in, said the =parrot. Hop in, =Bill. I can see the zoo, said =Bill. Look here, =Parrot. Are you from the zoo =parrot? Did you say hello to =Ben? Yes, I did, said the parrot. I said hello to =Ben. He likes me. =Bill said, can I make the helicopter go? Yes, you can, said the =parrot. Make the helicopter go. =Bill said, I like a fast ride. Will this old helicopter go fast? Yes, it will, said the =parrot. You can make it go fast. =Bill said, Here we go for a fast ride. Stop! Stop, said the =parrot. This is not funny. Stop the helicopter. I can't, said =Bill! I can't make it stop. Help me, =Parrot. Help me! =Dad said, I will help you. What do you want, =Bill? I want you, said =Bill. I don't want the =parrot. He is not funny. I don't want the old helicopter. And I don't want to ride in it. Don't go, =Dad. I want you here. =Dad said. Here is the =lion. And here is the little mouse. =Kay said, =What will the =lion do to the mouse? Read the book, =Dad. you read, and I will look at the animals. The =Lion and the =Mouse. =Lion said, =Hello, =Mouse. I want something to eat. I will eat you. Don't eat me, said the =Mouse. Let me go, =Lion. Let me go. And I will do something for you. =Lion said, you can't help me. you are too little. Yes, I am little, said =Mouse. But I am not too little to help you. Let me go, and you will see. =Lion said, I will let you go. Run fast, =Mouse. I will surprise you, said =Mouse. You will see what I can do. =Lion said, Help! Help! I want to get away from here, but I can't. =Mouse said, Here I am, =Lion. I will help you get away from here. =Lion said, You can't help me. You are too little. =Mouse said, No, =Lion. I am not too little to help you. I can help you get away from here. Do something fast, said =Lion. A man will come and get me. He will get you too. =Mouse said, Look here, =Lion. See what I can do. Lion said, =You did help me! You are little, =Mouse. But you did something big for me. Yes, I did, said =Mouse. But you did not eat me, =Lion. You did something for me, too. &&000 HARCOURT BRACE & WORLD (1970) PRIMER HBJ970PR.ASC Note--- this says Harcourt Brace & WORLD, INC.!!!! SUN AND SHADOWS Margaret Early et al SOURCE: SUNY Oneonta xerox, scan, edit by DPH February 28, 1993 &&111 It was a summer morning. The sun was bright when Miss =Poppy got up. She looked up at the sky. What a good day, she said. This is the day I will make my flower garden. Miss =Poppy picked up a small ball. The small bag was filled with flower seeds. She looked at the seeds in the ball. Seeds are very little, she said. But they will make big flowers ! With that, =Miss =Poppy put the seeds on the chair. She got her big garden hat. Then she went into the yard. The man picked up the cat and went back to his truck. You poor little cat! he said. You are so cold and wet. You need a friend like =Kim. Kim is my little girl. She will like you. I will let you ride with me to see =Kim. At last the man came to his street. He picked up the cat and went into his apartment. His little girl met him as he went in. What did you bring me, =Dad ? =Kim asked. This is =Little =Fog, =Dad said. This poor cat was lost in the fog. Is he for me? asked =Kim. Is =Little =Fog my cat now ? You must ask =Mother, said =Dad. The little girl ran to her mother. Look at my friend, =Kim said. This is =Little =Fog. People are in the city. It is fun to look at the people. You see big people and little people. You see happy people and sad people. This is what the people look like. Can you see a man parking his car? Can you see a boy picking up a box ? Can you see a woman looking up at the clouds in the sky? Buildings are in the city. People go to and from the building. You see buildings that are very tall. You see buildings that are not so tall. =This is what the buildings look like. It is fun to go to a city. It is fun to see the people. and the tall buildings. The poor cat ran and ran and ran. She went back to the poor man in the cold, wet house. The poor man was so happy to see his lost cat! The poor man and the cat still had very little to eat. They had no milk to drink. And the poor little house was very cold and wet. But the cat was happy at last. The poor man liked cats! It was a happy summer morning. A little duck swam in the pond. The little duck looked down into the pond. It looked big to him. Then he looked up at the bright sky. And the sky looked very big to him. The bad fox was very hungry. But he did like to see a good dance. And so he said, I will sit down, and you can dance the jig. I will eat you after you dance. The rabbit did his funny dance in the moonlight. The rabbit's dance was a jig that went around and around. Around and around went the rabbit. What a funny dance ! said the fox. Will you let me dance with you ? Yes, said the rabbit, I will. You spin around and around. Spin around very, very fast. The fox went around so fast that he did not see the rabbit. Like a flash the rabbit ran away. He ran far and hid in the shadows. And the bad fox still went around and around in the moonlight. =reg got the bug into the jar. He said, Look at it, =Stan ! It lights up ! =Greg let =Stan look at the jar. What makes it light up ? said =Greg. I can't tell, said =Stan. =Greg let the lightning bug go. Look at it go ! said =Stan. It looks as bright as a star. =Greg's mother came from the house. She met =Greg in the yard. You need to go to sleep, she said. You need to go to sleep, so you can get up in the morning. Moonlight was on the hill. A little rabbit ran the hill. The rabbit ran in the moonlight. The rabbit made a shadow. The shadow was a moon shadow. The shadow ran when the rabbit ran. It ran with the little rabbit in the moonlight. Moonlight was on the pond. Hungry ducks swan in the pond. They swam in the moonlight. They made dark shadows when they swam. Splash! Splash! The ducks went after pond bugs. Down and up went the ducks. They got the bugs in the moonlight.&&000 D.C. HEATH &.CO. (1964) PRIMER HEA964PR.ASC PERRPERMINT FENCE BY PAUL A WITTY ET AL Source: SUNY Oneonta xerox (@ 15 a page) scan edit by DPH February 21, 1993 &&111 Willie came to a little red house. Willie liked it. He said, =Mee-ow. But no one came. So =Willie went in. Then something went, =Wo-o-of ! =Willie was in the dog house! But in no time he was out. =Willie was out in the rain again. =Willie came to a green house. It was the green house by a brook. =Willie said, =Mee-ow. But no one came. So =Willie went to the brook. There was a big catfish. And there was a fishline. Snap! went the catfish. He had the fishline. =Mee-ow! went =Willie. He had the fishline, too. =Henny-Penny wanted something to eat. She looked and looked. Something came down, =pl-o-p! Oh, said =Henny-Penny. The sky is falling! I am going to tell the =King. And away she went. =Henny-Penny went on and on. She came to =Cocky-Locky. Where are you going? said =Cocky-Locky. Oh, =Cocky-Locky! said =Henny-Penny. The sky is falling! I am going to tell the =King. I will go with you, said =Cocky-Locky. =Mops, said =Molly. I want to have a birthday party. =Danny and =Ted will come. =Timothy and =Jill will come. And I want you to come, too. =Mops looked up at =Molly. =Bow-wow-wow, said =Mops. One day =Molly jumped out of bed. =Mops! =Mops! she said. Where are you? This is my birthday. But =Mops did not come. =Molly looked and looked. But no =Mops! =Little =Dog came out to play. =Bow-wow-wow, he said. A snow boy! A snow boy! =Bow-wow-wow. Hello, =Snow =Boy, he said. I want to play with you. =Little =Dog was happy. He jumped up and down. He went around and around =Snow =Boy. =Little =Dog played and played. =Snow =Boy, he said. You are my friend. I like to play with you. But I have to stop now. And =Little =Dog went home. My kitten is afraid! said =Ted. And up the tree he went. Down =Ted came with the kitten. Oh, little kitten! said =Ted. I was not afraid! I was not afraid! I like to climb trees now. =Ted's =Balloon =Ted wanted to climb the tree. But what can I do? he said. I can not climb with a balloon. What can I do with it? =Ted saw the car. My balloon can go here, he said. Now I can climb the tree. &&000 LAIDLAW BROTHERS (1966) PRIMER LAI966PR.ASC TALES TO READ by Harold G Shane et al Source: SUNY Oneonta xerox scan edit by DPH February 28, 1993 &&111 Little =Red =Riding =Hood went down the with her Look at the , said =Little =Red =Riding =Hood. I will get red and blue ones for =Grandmother. I can take the in my , too. A big saw =Little =Red =Riding =Hood. Where are you going? said the To see my grandmother, said =Little =Red =Riding =Hood. Mother wants me to take this and to her. But =Little =Red =Riding =Hood played and played in the . She looked for . She saw a , too. The wolf went to =Grandmother's house. Grandmother was in bed. Who is it? she said. Grandmother, what big you have! To get you! said the wolf. And he jumped out of bed. He jumped at =Little =Red =Riding =Hood. But her father was at the Out the and into the went the wolf. Where is =Grandmother? said =Father. Here I am, in here, said =Grandmother. Then =Little =Red =Riding =Hood and her father and her grandmother looked for the wolf They looked and looked. But the wolf was not in the house. The and the A went out one day. He saw big, blue , . The looked good. I want the , said the fox. And he jumped away up. Then the man looked at the . This is what he saw. There was a big, big in the paw. I will help you, said the man. I will get the out. And he did! One day the saw the and the man. This is what the did. For a long time the man was in . And the was in a . =Puppycat went to the . There, in a , he saw something big and blue. It was the =Christmas . I like this, said =Puppycat. Into =Puppycat's went the . Down the he ran. Now where will I go? he said. =Puppycat ran out into the . He jumped and played with the =Christmas . He played for a long time. And then, look where =Puppycat went! One day the little boy said, =Mother, I want a =Gingerbread =Man. Will you make one for me? I will make a =Gingerbread =Man, said =Mother. And you can help me. Here is the That the little boy planted. Here is the That came down on the That the little boy planted. Here is the , That came from the seed When the sun came out And the came down On the seed That the little boy planted. Here are two r That came from the That came from the seed When the sun came out And the rain came down On the seed That the little boy planted. Run into the red house, then, said the cat. The man in the red house is good. He will help you. No! No! said the wolf. He will not help me. I made this man's run into the . &&000 LIPPINCOTT (1969) PRIMER LIP969PR.ASC LEVEL B no book name By Glenn McCracken Charles C. Walcutt Source: Hobart xerox, scan edit by DPH February 9, 1993 &&111 The Sad Goat Once upon a time a goat sat near the side of a road. He was an old, fat goat. His coat was black as coal. The goat saw a green toad go down the road. I want to hop like a toad, said the fat old goat. I want to hop, hop, hop down the road. He had a spade with him. He dug and tossed dirt on the fire. Farmer =Tom is a fine man, said =Bill. He came in time to stop the fire. =Gail tossed her braids back. The pail fell off and all the milk was spilled. The sad milk maid did not get a hen, or eggs, or a silk dress. Please pass me a clam, said =Nell. =Nell ate ten clams for her meal. =Don ate fifteen clams. After the big meal, =Don and =Nell were full of clams. =Black =Mane and =Tim. =Black =Mane was a pet mare. Her mane was black as slate. Tim was a small, brown hare. =Black =Mane and =Tim ate grass. The clams saw =Flat =Sam. =Flat =Sam wanted to get the clams. A clam called, Dig, clams, dig! Get under the sand! Dig far into the sand! =Sam and =Win hunted for the fawn. It hid in the tent. =Sam started to the farm. =Sam must not harm a fawn. =Pat and the Wagon Winter had wet the grass. =Sam darted into the garden. =Win started to run to him. And =Wag went fast to =Win. The Cats and the Cart =Tom is a farm hand. =Tom has a farm cart. A card is on the cart. =Tom puts eggs in his cart. &&000 NOBLE AND NOBLE (1965-also 1970) NOB965PR.ASC LET'S SEE THE ANIMALS by Dolores M Baugh et al Source: Hobart WS xerox, scan edit by DPH February 9, 1993 &&111 Good morning. What are you doing? What is that you have? This is a new bird I want you to see. He is a big bird. Do you have a big cage for him? His cage is over there. I'm going to put him in it. You go over and look at the other birds. Now we have to clean the cage. Can you find some clean paper for the cage? Yes. Here is some paper. We don't have to help you clean the cage. You can push the paper in there. Go eat your carrot, =Fuzzy. You don't have to watch me. Here is my house. Let's go in and see the cage. This is the cage I have for him. It is a good cage. Can we help you with it? I think you can. Do you know what to do? Yes, I know. Watch me. Come, children. We have to catch the bus. Our bus will stop over here. Here comes our bus. I see it. Yes, children. Here is our bus. Let's get on it. I know a story with bears in it. The bears in the story look like the bears here. Do you know what story it is? I know a bear story. Is it A Big Bear? Is that the story you know? No. That is not my story. Look at the bears, and you will know. See. His mouth is open. He can catch my fish. Watch him. He has the fish! He has it in his mouth. He is going to eat it. This seal can catch fish. That is a good trick. I like it! See. The hippo is in the water. What a big mouth! I don't like that big mouth. The hippo wants that tire. He can get it. I like to watch the hippo do that. Where are the ducks going? They are going for a swim. They can swim fast. Ducks like the water. I know how to swim. I like to swim. Come on. Let's go over there. Look at the water. Let's see what is in the water. I want to look for fish. Watch for the Zoo. Look up there! Look how fast the cars are going! The cars are up high. Can the bus go up there? Are we going up there? &&000 SCOTT, FORESMAN AND COMPANY (1962) SF1962PR.ASC FUN WITH OUR FRIENDS--the PRIMER directed by : Helen M. Robinson, Marion Monroem A. Sterl Artley source: Columbia Teacher's College Collection scanned by DPH 11-10-92 &&111 The Hat =Jane said, =Dick ! =Dick ! Can you do this? =Jane said, What is that, =Dick? Is it for us? Can we play with it? No, =Jane, said =Dick. We can't play with this. But you will like it. We can have fun with it. =Sally said, Get away, =Jane! Get away! I can't see what that is. =Spot and I want to look at it. =Father said, Not now, =Sally. You and =Jane go away. Go and play with =Spot. I have work to do. =Sally said, =Billy and I can do it. Look at us! We can do what =Puff did. This is easy. =Jane said, Oh, =Sally ! You are a funny little girl. That's not what =Puff did. This is too easy ! Two Funny Girls Girls ! Girls ! said =Mother. Come in the house now. I have something for you. =Jane said, Oh, =Mother! What do you have for us? Come and find out, said =Mother. I have something pretty for you. I can't see, said =Sally. I don't want this hat on me. I don't want to play. Look out, =Pete! said =Susan. Look out for =Puff and =Spot! =Pete said, Will do. Will do. One, two ! One, two ! =Pete said, Oh, oh! Down we go! Oh, =Pete! said =Jane. You did not look out for =Spot! I can't get up, said =Billy. Help me up! Please help me up! =Dick said, Oh, oh! We don't have a fast train now. This train can't take us home. =Sally said, Get a horse, boys. Get a horse. A horse will take you home. =Susan Reads a Book =Pete said, Hello, =Tom. Hello, =Susan. Come and play with us. =Susan said, Not now, =Pete. I want to read this book. Tom will play with you boys. =Sally said, Run fast, =Mother ! Run Home! I will help you. Here I come with the wagon. =Dick said, Don't do that, =Sally! I know you want to help =Mother. But that is not how we play. =Susan said, What a funny blue Can we play with it? =Jane said, Yes, we can play with But I don't want =Spot to see it. =Spot likes to play with my animal. He will take my blue cat and run away with it. =Sally said, See that black pony! It is in the park. That is the pony I want to ride. =Father said, Oh, I see. That is a good pony for you. =Jane can ride the white one. This is fun! said =Sally. I like this black pony. I like to ride on it. Good! said =Father. There go =Dick and =Jane. They will have a good time, too. =Father said, Here comes =Jane, but =Dick is not with her. I will have to go back and find him. Let me go, said =Sally. =Dick is here in the park. I can find him. No, =Sally, said her mother. I don't want you to go away. =Dick will come back here. He knows we want to go home. =Dick came back! said =Sally. Here he is. Yes, said =Father. =Dick came back. You are all three here now. Don't run away. We have to go home. Hello, =Grandfather, said =Dick. This is my friend =Pete. I had to go get him. =Grandfather said, Hello, =Pete. Happy birthday, =Dick! Let's all get in the car now. It is time to go. Here comes =Spot, said =Dick. He wants to go with us. =Grandfather said, Jump in the car, =Spot I guess we can take you, too. Have a good time! called =Mother. Have a good time at the farm. Fire ! Fire ! =Grandmother said, Come down, =Sally ! You can't play up there. =Sally said, Look, =Grandmother ! Look at that fire! Oh my! said =Grandmother. I will have to put it out! Soon =Grandmother called, =Sally! This fire is so big I can't put it out. Go get your grandfather. Run, =Sally, run! Back to the house ran =Sally. Fire ! Fire ! Fire ! she called. Come fast, =Grandfather. Don't walk ! Run ! =Grandfather ran to help =Grandmother. All the children ran after him. What =Sally and =Billy Saw Look there! said =Jane. Look at that funny animal. What is it? =Billy said, That is a rabbit. A big zoo rabbit. See it hop, hop, hop. =Sally laughed and laughed. Oh, =Billy, she said. That is not a rabbit. =Billy said, It can hop. It can hop like a rabbit. See it =hop, =hop, =hop. It looks like a rabbit to me. =Sally laughed and laughed. Oh, Tom, she said. It is easy to guess what you are. I saw you at the zoo. I can find you in the book. Here you are. =Pete said, I am a big animal. Who can guess what I am? =Billy said, Are you a cow? No, no! said =Pete. I am not a farm animal. I am a zoo pet. You saw me in the children's zoo. &&000 SCOTT, FORESMAN & COMPANY (1967) SF967PRE.ASC title: READY TO ROLL (EARLY 1ST GRADE READER) EDITED BY HELEN ROBINSON OPEN HIGHWAYS series &&111 Goldilocks saw a little house. This porridge is too hot. This porridge is too cold., This porridge is just right. Goldilocks ate it all up. How to Make a Puppet You will need these things. First you will color Next you will cut. =Melvin went to find a new home. The building was a library. A lady was reading a story. The library was a good home for =Melvin And =Melvin was a happy mouse. Hi, =Mark and =Don. What are you playing? I want to play, too. We're playing shadow tag. Do you see what we're doing? Now you're It, =Andy. People in the Story =Dad took the children to the zoo. First they went to see the wild animals. =Dad took the children to the barn to see the farm animals. =Dad said, "The people are looking at baby chicks. Let's look at them, too." Once there was a little red hen. She lived on a farm with her chicks. Other animals lived on the farm, too. One day the little red hen found a grain of wheat. "Who will help me plant this wheat?" said the little red hen. "Not I," said the dog. "Not I," said the pig. "Not I," said the cat. "I will then," said the little red hen. And she did. Words for Things ball toy dogs doll jacks logs tracks train truck =Mother came and said one day, Children, put your things away. You can go to the park to play. =Kim said, "=Wendy and I are in one play. I'm going to be =MissMuffet." =Wendy said, "I'm going to be something funny. Look for me when you see this." =Jack said, "Where's =Wendy? I want to see =Wendy." =Sh-sh-sh," said =Tom. "This isn't =Wendy's play." =Herman was a little helicopter who did not know he was a helicopter. Day after day he said, "What am I? What can I do?" Then one day =Herman saw a boat. "Maybe I'm a boat," he said. So he ran and jumped into the water. Splash ! Down went =Herman. "Help!" he shouted. "Get me out.' A big ship came and helped =Herman The ship said, "You're not a boat. The water is no place for you. Go home!" &&000 SCIENCE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES (IBM) PRIMER SRA964PR.ASC COPYWRITE 1964, 1965, 1970 AND 1976 SIX DUCKS IN A POND --- LEVEL C By Donald Rasmussen and Lynn Goldberg Source: Elmira College xerox scan edit by DPH February 6, 1993 &&111 =Tick-tock! =Tick-tock! went the gift. The twins sat still, as still as rocks. It's not a truck or a drum, said =Jill. It's not a tent or blocks, said =Jack. It's just a =CLOCK! said =Jill. And it was. A big clock was in the box. A clock won't be any fun, said =Jack. I don't want a clock, said =Jill. What can a clock do? said =Jack. Let's just put it in the den. They left the big clock in the den. As they left the den, the clock said: =Tick-tock! =Tick-tock! Don't the twins know I am a trick clock? I am a trick clock! =Tick-tock! =Tick-tock! Its =ticks were sad. Its =tocks were sad. But the twins did not stop. They did not know what the clock had said. They did not know it was a trick clock. =Brad sat to rest next to a pond. A big rock was in the pond. And a fat frog was on the rock. =Brad said to himself, A frog can hop. It can skip and swim. But if I can trap it, I can have it for a pet. So =Brad set a trap by the rock in the pond. The frog began to hop and jump. It went off the rock and into the pond. It swam up to the trap. It swam past it and back to the rock. It swam up and back, up and back. The frog knows I set a trap for it, =Brad said. And it wants to have fun. It wants to get me mad. But I will get it yet! =The frog swam up to the mud and sat in it. =Brad said, I will jump into the mud and grab you, frog! But =Brad fell into the pond and got wet up to his neck. He was mad. If you are at the pond, you should not slip and sit on a crab, =Skip. But I am glad you did. Glad! Why? The crab let you know you should get back. It is ten past six. And you were to be back at six. You forgot. So the crab was a big help! =Fran went to =Dad and said, =Dad, will you get a sled for me? =Fred went to =Dad and said, If you get a sled for =Fran, will you get me a sled? =The twins ran to =Dad, and THEY said, =Dad, we want two sleds! Get us two sleds! Dad said, I can't get so many sleds. I would if I could, but I can't. I want you to have fun, but I can't get so many sleds. But you know I can sled on a hill, =Dad. Why must I pass a test? said =Stan. My test is not a sled test, said =Dad. It is a test to =GET a sled. Okay, =Dad, said =Stan. Let me have the test. I can pass it. You should help =Stan if you can. =Stan's dad said, =Tell me, =Stan: Can a step step? Can a tent tent? Can a duck duck? Can a rock rock? Can a mop mop? Can a box box? Can a pin pin? Can a peg peg? I can pass the test, =Dad, =Stan said. I know a step can't step and a tent can't tent. But a duck can duck. And a rock can rock. And a mop can mop. But a box can't box. A pin can pin. But a peg can't peg. Did I pass? =Stan's dad said, =You know a lot. But tell me, =Stan: Can you step on a step? Can you rock on a rock? Can you pump a pump? Can you land on land? Can you flap a flap? =Bess could not help him. And =Rex would not help himself. The wind kept up. The raft hit a rock and would not go on. =Rex is in a fix, said =Bess. He must have help. He must have help. If the wind would help . Just as =Bess said it, the wind DID help. A gust of wind hit the back of the raft. Bess began to yell, Go to the back! Go to the back of the raft, =Rex! It will help lift the end of the raft off the rocks! =Rex ran to the back of the raft and sat. The wind began to =huff and =puff. At last the wind sent the raft back, back to the dock and back to =Bess. Bess ran to get the dog. She was not mad at =Rex. She did not yell at him. She just sat and held him. =Red =Hen and six big hens sat on nests. The six hens had eggs, but =Red =Hen did not. So she sat on the nest and was sad. I must have an egg, =Red =Hen said. I will sit till I have an egg. She sat and sat. At last she had an egg. It was a BIG, BIG egg. Mr =Lunt, the egg man, went to the nests to get the eggs. Hens, he said, let's have the eggs. I must put the eggs into a box. And I must send it to =Miss =West. Miss =West will sell the eggs. He went to the nests of the six hens. He put his hand into the nests and got the eggs. And he put the eggs into a box. Well, Mrs =Hen, he said to =Red =Hen, will you let me have an egg? I have a BIG, BIG egg, =Red =Hen said, but you can't have it. You can't put it into the box. And you must not sell it. But Mrs =Hen, said Mr =Lunt, I must have the egg to fill the box. If I can't have it, =Miss =West will not sell the rest. So =Ann went up the hill. And =Jill went to the pond. At the pond =Jill met a duck and the duck had six eggs in a sack. Sell me the sack of eggs, Mrs =Duck, said =Jill. If I lend six eggs to =Nell, she can win an egg hunt. I cannot sell you my eggs, said the duck, but go to the gull by the dock. She has eggs to sell. So =Jill went to the gull by the dock and said, Mrs =Gull, sell me six eggs. My pal =Nell has to get six eggs to win an egg hunt. But the gull said, I cannot sell an egg to =Nell. Mrs =Kent's dog was on a hunt and he got MY eggs! =Jill was sad as she went back to =Nell. She said to =Nell, I had bad luck. Not an egg did I get. I cannot lend a hand to win the egg hunt. =Rags said, =Yip, =yip! and sat up to beg. Run, =Rags! =Nell began to yell. Run into the inn and get the pan of ham! =Rags ran into the inn to get the ham. =Muff, =Cuff, =Huff, =Puff, =Ruff, and =ENuff got into the box. Miss =Hull got the box to =Jim =Bell, and the bus man ran his bus. =Bess was not well. So =Mom said =Bess had to get into bed. Why is =Bess in bed? said =Dad. =Bess is ill, said =Mom. I will not let =Bess get up till =Bess gets well. So =Bess had to miss a lot of fun. And it was not fun to get pills. =Bess is sad, said =Dad. I can tell. I will get =Bess a big box. =Dad sat on the sill. &&000 WINSTON PUBLISHER (1960) PRIMER WIN960PR.ASC COME WITH ME by Russell Stouffer Source: Columbia Teacher's College Collection Scanned by DPH 11-10-92 &&111 I See Two We can play here, said Nancy. The big umbrella is a playhouse. =Susan said, I can play here. The little umbrella is a playhouse. Look up, said Bill. I see something. See it ! See it ! Run, said Mother. Here it comes. We have to run for the house. Look, =Dad, said =Bill. See the two umbrellas go. I can run for the little umbrella. You get the big umbrella. Two Can Play =Susan said, See my airplane. I will make it go up. It is my airplane, said the boy. I will go to my house with it. You will not, said =Susan. It is my airplane. Go! said =Susan. I will not play with you. I will play with =Bill. =Bill is my brother. The little boy said, You can go. T will play with =Cooky. =Cooky is my brother. =Bill said, Here, here. Stop this. =Cooky and I will not play with you. We Play Family Here is ==Cherry, said ==Nancy. She likes to play family. She can sit down on this and eat. Sit here, =Cherry, said =Bill. Sit down here. Get something for the little boy. Look, said =Cherry. This boy likes to eat. Here is a cookie for my boy. My, said =Cherry. You have a pretty baby. Will she have a cookie? My baby can eat, said =Nancy She can eat and eat. She is like =Cooky's brother. =Bill said, Look up. =Red sees something. I will go and see. The duck is out, said =Susan. Here it comes down the street. Look at the duck, said =Nancy. See the boys and girls. This is a funny parade. Yes, it is, said =Bill. Come on, =Nancy and =Susan. We can get in this parade. Down the street went the duck. Down the street went the parade. Come on, =Cooky, said =Bill. Get in this funny duck parade. The rabbit can come with you. See, said =Cooky. The duck looks at my house. Will the parade come in here? This Is Not Funny Mother went to the car. =Bill and =Nancy went with her. =Red went with =Bill. Mother, said =Susan. Little Spotty and I will come. You can come, said Mother. Little Spotty cannot. Big Spotty will look for her. Put her in the house. =Red, said =Bill. We will go in the store. You will have to sit in the car. Look at this, =Susan said. This is pretty. Get it for me. Mother laughed. Yes, she said. I will get something for you. This store is big. Two Houses Ride A house will go for a ride? said =Nancy. I want to see it. Is it a big house? Come and see, said =Cherry. It is not my house. =Nancy called to =Bill. Come, she said. A house will go for a ride. You will want to see it. Boys and girls went up the street. A lady looked out at the children. She called to the children. Do you see something new? Is it a parade? Come and see, said =Bill. It is something new. A house will go for a ride in the street. You will want to see it. I have looked, said =Bill. I do not see a rabbit. =Nancy said, It is not here. I have looked and looked. Do not stop now, said the girl. The rabbit is a baby. It will want me. What will it do? =Susan asked, Can milk help? I put milk out, and =Spotty comes. We have looked, said =Bill. The rabbit is not here. Have you looked up the street? No, the girl said. I looked in the house. I looked in the car. It may have run up the street. I will go and see. Look, said =Cooky. The man and the truck are here. Now he will take the papers. A Morning with =RedPet Hungry Rabbit ran to Miss =DoDuck. What do you have? he asked. Something for =RedPet, said Miss =DoDuck. He is hurt. He went to =PetTown to get help. I like =RedPet, said =HungryRabbit. He runs and jumps with me. I will take something to =RedPet. =SpottyBig came down the street. Good morning, she said. I have something for =RedPet. Do you want to go to =PetTown? Yes, we do, said Miss =DoDuck. We will go with you. =HungryRabbit ran up the street. Come on, he said. I want to get to =PetTown. I have something =RedPet will like. The umbrella saw the paints. She saw the clean paper. Up she jumped into the paint. Down she jumped on the paper. I am Miss =Ball, she said. You can be a little girl. Come paint with me, little girl. =LittleHat jumped down. You may be Miss =Ball, she said. I will not be a little girl. I am a hat. I do not want to go to school. I want to go to =Nancy's house. Look, =LittleHat, said Miss =Ball. I will read this book to you. See the cooky man. You will see why he runs away. Thank you, said =LittleHat. This book looks good. Can a cooky run? Read it to me, and I will see. =LittleHat laughed and laughed at the cooky man. I want to read, she said. Will you help me ? &&000 ALLYN & BACON (1968) PRIMER ALL968PR.ASC OUR SCHOOL by William D. Sheldon et al Source: Elmira College : xerox, scan, edit by DPH January 18, 1993 &&111 =Bill said, Hi, =Jay. What did you get ? A coat, said =Jay. A blue coat for school. My coat is like that coat. What did you get?l A school coat, said =Bill. My coat is not like that coat. My coat is red. Near the school =Yuki met =Bill and =Jay. She said, Hi, =Bill ! Hi, =Jay ! Come here and see my pet. =Bill and =Jay ran to look. Where is it ? said =Bill. Here it is, said =Yuki. Look in my hand. =Bill and =Jay did look. There in =Yuki's hand was a little cage. Here comes Miss =Read, the school nurse, said =Bill. She will want to see the little white rabbits, too. Miss =Read said, Little rabbits ! Are there little rabbits in here? Yes, there are, said =Bill. Come and look. Funny ! Funny ! Funny ! said Mr =Big. I am funny, I am. Yes, you are, said =Bill. You don't want my help. You want to have fun. Funny ! Funny ! Funny ! said Mr =Big. =Jay, said Miss =Day. I like my surprise. So do we ! said the children. Miss =Day laughed. We all like cookies, she said. So let's have a cookie party. That will be fun, said =Jay. And it was fun. The children liked the cookie party. They liked the cookies, too. Some children went to see Mr =Works. Hello, Mr =Works, they said. We want to ask you something. We want to see a farm. May we go to see a farm ? Yes, you may, said Mr =Works. Farms are fun to see. The children had a good lunch. Then =Mary's mother came out with something they all liked. It was cold, cold ice cream and little party cakes. Mary said, The little cakes are surprise cakes. What are surprise cakes ? asked =Bill. Mary laughed and said, Eat one and you will find out. =Daddy came home. =Daddy ! =Daddy ! said =Linda. We have two surprises for you. I painted one at school today. Ricky painted one at home. Come and see the one I painted. Look in the cage, said =Yuki. My little pet is in there. =Bill said, I see it. But it looks funny to me. It is not like our pets, said =Jay. What is it, =Yuki ? This is a cricket cage, said =Yuki. And that is my pet cricket in the cricket cage. Big ! Little ! Big ! Little ! Here I am ! Here I am ! said Mr =Big. Where is the show ? Where is the show ? Where is the show ? The children laughed and laughed at Mr =Big.