&&000 AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY (1957) 1ST GRADE AMR9571S.ASC Each and all Successor to McGuffey SOURCE: U. of Rochester 12-05-92 Xeroxed, scanned, edited by DPH &&111 I want to play circus, said =Jack. Do you want to play circus with me, =Susan? =Oh, yes! said =Susan. We can all do something funny. =You can do something funny, said =Jack. I want to run the circus. =Then =Jack ran up to =Betsy. I can't find your dime, he said. I have looked all around here. =Tommy looked down at the street. How he wanted that dime! He wanted a new ball. He wanted a pony ride. He wanted candy. But the dime was =Betsy's. Here, =Betsy, said =Tommy. Here is your dime. =Anne's dog ran after her. Go home, =Pogo, said =Anne. It's no use for you to look at =Bobby's lunch like that. This is =Bobby's lunch, and you can't have it. Go home, now! But =Pogo did not go home. He went to school with =Anne. Oh me, oh my! said =Peggy. Do you think =I will have enough money to get a big surprise for =Mother? Not with that! said =Will. But I have some money, =Peggy. I will help you get a big surprise. I don't want help, said =Peggy. I want to get something all by myself. Come on, said =Carol. We will go with you to help you look. Now =Peggy was afraid. Help! she called. Will, help me! Will ran and pulled =Peggy out of the way of the fire. =Peggy, are you all right? he said. Yes, said =Peggy. But it's a good thing =I was wrong when I said you were afraid! You were not wrong! said =Will. Peggy, there are some things it is good to be afraid of. And a good, big fire is one of them! One little =Indian went on working. He put some more paint where the kitten had jumped. He painted a big red pony and two yellow birds. Then he went to work on the stick. After he sawed it in two, he went to get =Tommy's stick. Then he was ready to put up the tent. When =Davy came back, Mr =Wills did not look happy at all. I looked and looked, he said. But I could not find the old toys that we used to have around here. This pogo stick was all there was. You may have it if you think it will help. Oh boy, a pogo stick! said =Davy. Thank you, Mr =Wills, thank you! Just then =Candy's mother called them to come and eat. First I have to give the prize for the best loser, said =Candy. Oh! thought =Nancy =May. Maybe I will get a prize after all! No one lost as much as I did! But =Candy was not looking at her. I am looking for a happy loser, said =Candy. A happy loser? said =Nancy =May. Is that what you call a good loser? Then =Nancy =May laughed. Yes, I guess it is! she said. And I guess I will have to learn how to be one. Then maybe I will win a prize the next time! &&000 AMEICAN BOOK CO. (1958) 1ST GRADE AMR9581S.ASC BETTS BASIC READERS AROUND GREEN HILLS by Emmett A. Betts and Carolyn M. Welsh SOURCE: U. of Rochester: xerox, scan, edit by DPH January 18, 1993 &&111 What Can It Be? Mrs =White looked at the clock. But it was not working. The hands of the clock were broken. Oh, my, the children must not be late for school ! she said. And that old clock is broken again. Just then the children came in. All three of them were laughing. =Jack had a box in his hands. Mother, said =Jack. Here is a surprise for you. =Ted wished he could find a story about a pine tree. He looked in some story books at school. In one of the books he did find this fairy story. A little pine tree was not happy. It said, My leaves are not as pretty as other leaves. I wish I had gold leaves. My leaves would be the best of all if they were gold. What now ? Mrs =Big asked. And she ran to the henhouse to see. Miss =White and =Miss =Red had something to show her. Two eggs! said Mrs =Big. Now I shall not have to buy eggs. Just then the kitten came into the barnyard. He had something to show Mrs =Big. He rolled it right up to her. My can of pepper! she said. How good of you to find it for me! Now I shall not have to buy pepper. =Me-e-ow! said =Little =Boy =Black. It is fall in =Green =Hills. Trees are red and yellow and brown. Gardens are red and yellow and brown, too. It is time for the =Country =Fair. Many things are ready for the =Fair. Good things from farms and gardens are ready. Farm animals are ready, too. They will all be at the =Fair. =Dick and the twins ran to Mr =Wills. The other day =Pat had a ride on a pig, =Dick said. Does the other twin want a ride on a pig, too? asked Mr =Wills. No, no! said =Dick. She wants a ride on a horse. But she does not want to fall off! Mr =Wills laughed and said, She will not fall off =Old =Joe. We will see that =Penny gets a ride. Party for Clowns The big circus was over. Now =Jimmy and =Sue were playing circus under the tree. =Sue had on her little clown hat. I am =Happy =Joe, she said. My dolls will be the people who have come to see the circus. =Jimmy was on his toy horse. I am the little clown, he called. This horse is my circus horse. =Pepper will have to be the monkey. The Circus Train All night long In the good spring rain, Over the hill Comes the circus train. May Day It was the first day of =May. All the spring flowers had come up in the garden. The garden was white and blue. It was red and yellow, too. What a pretty May garden it was! =Jimmy ! called =Polly. We know where you are. Come out of the garden. I am coming, said =Jimmy. And see what I have! Look there! said =Polly. A pretty green bird! &&000 GINN & CO. (1953) 1ST GRADE READER GIN9531S.ASC UNDER THE APPLE TREE SCANNED 11-7-92 DPH LW from Columbia Teacher's College Collection &&111 " Look, =Tom, look ! " said =Betty. " Here comes =Flip. And here comes =Pony ! " =Tom said, " Come here, =Pony. I want to play cowboy. I want to ride fast." =Betty said, " Ride, Cowboy =Tom ! Here is something for a cowboy. Come and get this." =Tom said, " Here I come. Here I come ! Fast ! I can get it, =Betty. =Pony and I can get it." " =Tom, =Tom," said =Susan. " Look at your cowboy hat ! And look at =Frisky ! See =Frisky and your big hat ! " =Tom said, " Come and get it, =Frisky. This is your cowboy dinner. You can play cowboy, too ! " =Father said, " Now look at me. I will play cowboy. This is what cowboys do." =Tom said, " Look at =Father. =Father is a cowboy now. See what he can do ! " " I want to see this," said =Betty. " I want to see =Father play cowboy ! " " =Tom, =Tom," said =Susan. " Look at your cowboy hat ! And look at =Frisky ! See =Frisky and your big hat ! " =Tom said, " Come and get it, =Frisky. This is your cowboy dinner. You can play cowboy, too ! " =Father said, " Now look at me. I will play cowboy. This is what cowboys do." =Tom said, " Look at =Father. =Father is a cowboy now. See what he can do ! " " I want to see this," said =Betty. " I want to see =Father play cowboy ! " " Look, look," said =Susan. " See my airplane go up. Get my airplane, =Tom." =Tom laughed. " Look, =Jack," said =Tom. " Look up on the bird house. What a funny, funny bird ! " " Look, =Flip," said =Susan. " Here is the ice cream wagon. Ice cream ! Ice cream ! I like ice cream. I will get =Mother." " My ! My ! " said =Susan. " See this go, =Betty. It can go fast." =Betty said, " It can work. But what a noise it makes ! =Put-put-put ! =Put-put-put ! I like the funny noise." " See =Flip," said =Susan. "And look at =Frisky ! They do not like the noise. They can go in the house." " =Put-put-put," said =Tom. " I like the noise it makes. I like to see it work too." " My ! My ! " said =Susan. " See this go, =Betty. It can go fast." =Betty said, " It can work. But what a noise it makes ! =Put-put-put ! =Put-put-put ! I like the funny noise." " See =Flip," said =Susan. "And look at =Frisky ! They do not like the noise. They can go in the house." " =Put-put-put," said =Tom. " I like the noise it makes. I like to see it work too." " Stop, =Frisky ! " called =Betty. " Do not get Mr =Funny. Come down here, =Frisky ! " But =Frisky went on and on. Up and up in the tree she went Then she came to Mr =Funny. =Bang ! went Mr =Bunny. "=Bang ! " said =Susan. " Look at Mr =Funny now ! And look at =Frisky ! " =Frisky ran to =Betty. " =Mew, =mew," she said. =Frisky did not like Mr =Funny. She did not like the noise. But she did like =Betty. =Betty laughed. " You are a funny =Frisky," she said =Tom said, " We can play in the barn now. =Susan can play, too." Then down came the rain. Down, down, down. " See Mr =TTurkey ! " said =Betty. " Here come the hens too. They can run fast." " Hens know what to do," said =Billy. " They do not like the rain. Look under the wagon." " What a rain ! " said Uncle =Fred Then he jumped into the wagon He did not look under it. " Get up, =BigRed," he called. " We will go to the barn." Then splash ! went the rain on Mr =TTurkey. " =Gobble," said Mr =TTurkey And into the barn he ran. All the hens ran, too. What a funny race ! The Dinner Party Mr =Bunny saw some red apples. " I will make a pie," he said. " I will make a big cake too. I will get a good dinner. And I will eat it all ! " Mr =Bunny went to work. Then Mr =Bunny went to the door. He saw Mr =Mouse come up the hill. Mr =Mouse called to Mr =Bunny. " It is cold," he said. " I looked for something to eat. I looked and looked. But we can not have dinner at my house now." The little old woman went to see =Tony. =Tony wanted to run and run. He wanted to play and play. He did not want to stop. The little old woman said, " =Tony ! Do you want to come to my house ? Do you want to play with =Boppet ? " =Tony did ! He came home with =Boppet. " I like my house now," said the little old woman. "The mouse and the hen like it. The fish likes it, too ! They do not want to sleep now. They like to see the fun. We are all happy." =Flip and the Boat =Tom called =Betty and =Susan. " Come here," he called. " Come and see my boat. See it go out on the lake. This is a good little boat." =Betty and =Susan looked at the new toy boat. =Tom put it into the water. Then out on =BlueLake it went. " Now look," said =Tom. " I can make my toy boat come back to me." But the toy boat did not come back to =Tom. " Stop, =Tom ! " called =Betty. " I see something in the water. The boat can not come back ! " " Come with me," said Father. " I have a play house for you. It is this old blue boat. Just see what I can do to it ! You can have a play house under this boat." " This is a good play house," said =Betty. " It is just what we want. We will not get wet here. It is fun to have a play house under this old boat." =Susan and =Betty put chairs in the play house. Then =Susan came with =Bunny. =Betty came with =Patsy. =Tom and =Father came to look. =Flip came, too. Then =Mother came. " Here you are," she said. " We can all have dinner here. Come and help." &&000 GINN AND COMPANY (1955) GIN9551S.ASC 1ST GRADE READER OPEN THE GATE Scanned by DPH from Colunbia Teacher's College Collection 11-9-11 &&111 Here comes =Father ! said =Peggy. Here he comes with our new pet ! =Father ! =Father ! called =Bob. Is the new pet in the truck ? I want to see him. He is here, said =Father. Come and look at him. =Bob and =Peggy ran to =Father. They looked in the truck. They saw a frisky little goat. What a funny pet ! said =Bob. What is his name ? Will he play with me ? =Father said, His name is =Smoky. =Smoky likes to play. I will help him out of the truck now. Away went =Smoky in the truck. He looked out at the children. Good-by ! they called. Be a good little goat, =Smoky. Win a blue ribbon. We will see you at the fair. =Maa-aa ! =Maa-aa ! said =Smoky. He did not want to go to the fair. He did not want to win a blue ribbon. The children went to the fair with =Father. Look, =Peggy ! said =Bob. Look at the big black cow ! There is a blue ribbon on the cow. Look at this red cow ! said =Peggy. She has a blue ribbon, too. I do not see =Smoky, said =Bob. Where can =Smoky be ? Away went =Smoky in the truck. He looked out at the children. Good-by ! they called. Be a good little goat, =Smoky. Win a blue ribbon. We will see you at the fair. =Maa-aa ! =Maa-aa ! said =Smoky. He did not want to go to the fair. He did not want to win a blue ribbon. The children went to the fair with =Father. Look, =Peggy ! said =Bob. Look at the big black cow ! There is a blue ribbon on the cow. Look at this red cow ! said =Peggy. She has a blue ribbon, too. I do not see =Smoky, said =Bob. Where can =Smoky be ? =GreenFrog went splash into the lake. Come on, =LittleDuck ! he called. Then =LittleDuck went splash into the lake. She called, =Come on, =BlackHen! Come and get the corn ! =BlackHen could not get the corn. Do you know why ? =Taffy and the Glasses Mother Cow said, Come, =Taffy. You may go and play now. But stay here in the barn yard. I will stay here, said =Taffy. I will not go away. =Taffy walked around and around. Then she went to the gate. I will go just a little way, she said. =LittleBear was not happy. Why did I go to sleep ? he said. Now I can not find my cherries. =LittleBear ran down the hill. I will not go to sleep next time, he said. Next time I will go right home. Soon =Little =Bear came to the house. There he saw =Father =Bear and =Mother =Bear. Little =Bear saw his yellow pail. He saw a big cherry pie ! =Oh, =Father ! said =Little =Bear. I had a pail of cherries. Did you find my cherries ? =FatherBear did not say a word. He just laughed and laughed. Then =LittleBear laughed and said, Oh me, oh my! What a good cherry pie ! I have a surprise for you too, said Mr =Long. Do you children want to ride up the mountain with me ? I am going to =BigAppleFarm. I want to see Mr =Brown. Up the mountain ! said =Bob. Let's all go and see what our mothers say. Hurry back, said Mr =Long. Mr =White is here for the day. He will stay in the store for me. Up the Mountain =The children came running back to the store. Mr =Long looked up and saw them. =Here you are ! he said. =Get into the car now. Then we can be on our way. It is just the day for a ride. =Then up the mountain they went. Up and up and up. Just then Mrs =Brown called, =Bob ! =-Peggy ! Come here ! =Bob and =Peggy ran to the door. Here we are, said =Bob. I am =Bob, and this is =Peggy. Mrs =Brown laughed. Then she said, I have a =Bob and =Peggy too: They are =Bob and =Peggy =Brown. Here they come now. The children went to the barn. They looked at all the cows. They saw a big black horse. They saw a big brown horse too. Then they came back to the yard. I like your white rabbits, said =Jean. It is fun to see them eat. We have a pet goat, said =Peggy. But I wish we had some little rabbits too. =Brown =Pony said, I will back up my new green wagon. I will back it up to this big rock. =Little =Pig walked up on the big rock. Then he walked into the wagon. Thank you, =Brown =Pony, said =Little =Pig. =Quack ! =Quack ! said Mrs =Duck. Now we are ready for a ride. =Brown =Pony laughed. Now something is in my wagon, he said. Then away =Brown =Pony went with the pretty green wagon. Away went =Brown =Bunny. Away went Mrs =Duck and =Little =Pig. What a good ride ! they said. Thank you, =Brown =Pony ! =Upsy-Daisy went back to the merry-go-round. Then she went to sleep. Soon it was morning. The merry-go-round began going around again. =Upsy-Daisy was going around, too. Up and down and around ! The boys and girls heard the merry-go-round. They ran up to the man. We want to ride, they called. We want to ride =Upsy-Daisy. =Upsy-Daisy was happy now. The boys and girls like to ride on me, she said. =Upsy-daisy ! said the man. And he put a little boy up on the big pink horse. Then away the merry-go-round went around and around and around. The children all sang, =Upsy-Daisy ! Go ! Go ! Go ! Do not stop ! No ! No ! No ! =Upsy-Daisy was happy now. She never ran away again. Just then a horse came by. Why are you two dogs here ? asked the horse. We want to drink all the water, said the black dog. Then we can get the bones in the lake for dinner. You funny little dogs ! said the horse. You can not drink all the water in the lake. The two dogs looked down at the bones again. They looked at all the water in the lake. The black dog said to the horse, You are right. We can not drink all the water. We can never get the bones. =Up the hill went the two dogs. They did not have bones for dinner that day. The =Farmer and the =Traveler =A farmer and a traveler came to see the king. They had a big black horse with them. The traveler said to the king, This is my horse. I let the farmer ride with me. Now he wants my horse. He says this is his horse. Then the farmer walked up to the king. This is my horse, he said. The horse works on my farm. I will not let the traveler take him away. Please help me. Put the horse in my barn, said the king. Then come back in the morning. We will see. &&000 On Cherry Street. Gin9571S.ASC Ginn, First Reader Source: Columbia Teacher's College Collection Prepared by LW 11-8-92 &&111 Then =Flip saw something. He saw something on the walk. He saw a red mitten. =Flip ran down the walk. He ran for the mitten. Then he ran to school. =Flip ran fast! =Tom saw =Flip at school. He saw the red mitten. He ran to get the mitten. =Flip! =Flip! said =Tim. You have my red mitten. You are a good dog. Thank you, =Flip! Thank you! =Bow-wow, said =Flip. =Bow-wow, =Bow-wow! =Nan!=Nan! said =Betty. Look at my new dress! I look just like you. You look just like me. This is funny, funny! Come and look, =Tom, said ==Jack. See what I have found. See this big button in the box. =Tom came and looked in the box. He saw a blue mitten. He saw a little red ball. He saw a toy airplane. Then he saw the big button. Look at all the snow, said =Betty. Come and play in the snow, =Tom. We can make a funny snowman. We can surprise =Susan. =Tom called to =Jack. Come over here and help make a snowman. Help me make a big ball of snow for a big, big, snowman. =Betty said, =Nan and I can make a little ball of snow. We can put the little ball of snow on the big ball. Look at this, said =Jack. Here are some red mittens. We can put the mittens on the snowman. =Kittencat did not know where to go. She walked over to a tree and sat down. Just then a big black dog ran to the tree. =Bow-wow! said the big black dog. Up the tree ran =Kittencat. Then away went the big black dog. So =Kittencat came down the tree. The little white kitten did want to find a home! She walked and she walked. Then she saw a little red house. =Kittencat did not go to the little red house. She did not want to hear =Scat! =Scat! again. Then =Kittencat saw =Patsy come out of the house. =Patsy saw =Kittencat too. =Betty and =Tom ran to the toy box. =Betty took out the toy train. =Tom took out his big airplane. Away went the big airplane. =Zoom! =Zoom! =Zoom! =Zoom! Out came the toy monkey. Out came the little toy mouse. Then out came a box of paints and some birthday candles. =Tom and =Betty looked at the train. They looked at the toy monkey. They looked at the toy mouse. Then they looked at the paint and the birthday candles. They looked at all the toys. But =Bunny was not in the toy box. We must find =Bunny for =Susan, said =Betty. Let's run out to the apple tree. =Susan likes to play there. Here is her toy farm, said =Tom. I see her little farm wagon and her little toy bus. But I do not see =Bunny! Soon =Mother called, =Tom! =Betty! have you found =Bunny? =Bunny is not out here, said =Tom. We have not found =Bunny. Mrs. =Fox, will you come back? Will you come back down the hill by this house? Yes, said =Littlelamb. I will come back down the hill. I will come by this house. I shall eat a big dinner Then I shall make a big dinner for you and Mr =Fox. Hurry back, said Mr =Fox. We want some dinner soon. We want a big dinner So up the hill went =LittleLamb to his aunt's house. He ate a big, big, dinner Then it was time to go home. What shall I do? said =LittleLamb. I must go back down the hill. Mr and Mrs =Fox will eat me. Get in this drum, =Littlelamb, said his aunt. Then down the hill you can go. So down the hill rolled =LittleLamb in a drum. Soon the drum rolled by Mr and Mrs =Fox. Did you see =LittleLamb? they called. The next day the rain had gone. The sun came out. The seven little monkeys were happy again. They did not want a house now. What fun they had! They ran up trees. They ran down trees. They jumped from tree to tree. They had a good time all day. But they did not build a house. They wanted a house at night. But all day they just wanted to play in the sun. So the seven little monkeys never did build a house. Never! Never! Never! One day =FunnyBunnyRabbit found a cabbage. It was just what she wanted. She said, my, but this cabbage will make a good dinner! Then =FunnyBunnyRabbit took the cabbage to her little house. But she could not get in. Just then =Susan saw =Nan and =Betty. She saw =Tom and =Jack too. I see you! she called. I see =Nan and =Betty. I see =Tom and =Jack! Did you hear the funny noise, too? The children laughed. We could hear the organ, =Tom said. So we came to see the monkey. This is not the time to hide! Around and around went the little monkey. =Tink-Tink-Tinkle, went the organ. See the monkey dance! said =Tom. We can give the monkey some money for his little basket. Then he will dance for us. =Jingle, =Jingle, went the money into the little red basket. =Tink-Tink-Tinkle, went the organ. Then the little monkey went around and around again. Come and look, called =Tom. Look at the big sprinkler Here is comes up =CherryStreet. Look at the water, said =Betty. Hear it splash and splash. See it run down the street. =Bow-wow! said =Flip. He saw the big sprinkler, too. He did not know what it was. =Flip! =Flip! laughed =Tom. That is the big street sprinkler See the water splash! =Bow-wow! said =Flip again. Then he ran into the street after the sprinker Come back =Flip! called =Tom. Do not run after that sprinkler You must not run into the street. Come back here, =Flip! called =Betty. We can not run after you! We do not run into the street. Where is =Tom! said =UncleFred. It is time for him to get up. I am ready to go to the barn now. =AuntMary and =UncleFred looked in at =Tom. Let him sleep, said =AuntMary. The sun is just up. It is not time for =Tom to get up. You will come back from the barn soon. Then we will call him. =Pony saw =UncleFred go out to the barn. He saw =AuntMary at the window. He wanted to see =Tom too. =Pony went all around the house, but he could not find =Tom. Then he put his nose in a window. He looked into the house. There was =Tom! =He-e-e! =He-e-e called =Pony. =He-e-e! =He-e-e! Then something buzzed up at =Flip. He looked up and saw a bee. =Bow-wow! he said and ran after the bee. Away buzzed the bee. Up, up, and away it buzzed. Soon =Flip had to stop. He sat down and looked around. =Flip could not catch the mouse. The mouse ran away. =Flip could not catch the ducks. They jumped into the water He could not catch the bee. It buzzed up and away. So =Flip ran back to the brook. He wanted to find =Tom. Then =Flip saw something funny. It looked like a ball, but it could walk! =Flip did not know what it was. So he put his nose on it. Then he put his foot on it. The funny ball walked away. =Flip walked after it. The funny ball walked on. =Flip walked on after it. Mr =Rabbit sat down by the brook. He looked at Mr =Green's garden on the other side of the brook. He saw big cabbages and green corn. Mr =Rabbit wanted some! He wanted to get over to the other side of the brook. Just then two big ducks came down to the brook. =Quack, =Quack they said. Stop, stop called Mr =Rabbit. Will you please help me? I do not have a boat. Will you take me across the brook on your backs? I want to get over to the other side. I want some corn and cabbage from Mr =Green's garden. I want to learn to dance, said =Jingle. So I must do something about it. What shall I do, Mr =Billygoat? I will help you, said Mr =Billygoat. See how I dance. Look at me and do as i do. Then you will soon learn. Step! Step! Step! Step! One, two, three, four! Step! Step! Step! Step! I cannot do that, said =Jingle. I cannot learn to dance. Let me think now. What shall I do? I know, said Mr =Billygoat. Go to a school. You can learn to dance there. So =Jingle went to a school. He worked and he worked. But he could not learn to dance. &&000 LAIDLAW BROTHERS (1955) 1ST GRADE LAI9551S.ASC year is an est.--no date shown) Stories To Remember by Harold G. Shane et al Source: U of Rochester xerox, scan, edit by DPH January 24, 1993 NOTE: some text makes use of pictures for the missing noun. &&111 It was a big mother rabbit and three little rabbits. Father =Rabbit came home with a big When the little rabbits saw the =. what do you think they said? All at one time the little rabbits said, Will you please? And I thank you. That is the way =Mother said to do. Then one little rabbit said, =Father, please give me a =. =Little =Red =Fox ran on and on. He did not want to be with the rabbits. They said =Please and Thank you. Before long =Little =Red =Fox saw some bears. Mother =Bear and two little bears were at the =. What is it? asked the fox. It is a big rabbit, said the kitten. I will help you get down to it. This is the way down! And the kitten jumped into the =. Down went the kitten and the = to the water. But on the way down the kitten jumped out of the =. He jumped on the = because he did not want to get into the water. Then the =teeny-tiny put the =teeny-tiny bone into her =teeny-tiny =. Down the she went to see the =teeny-tiny man. He was not in. Then she went back to her =teeny-tiny house. When the =teeny-tiny = went into her =teeny-tiny house, her =teeny-tiny dog was not there. I will put the =teeny-tiny bone into my =teeny-tiny = , she said. Then my =teeny-tiny dog can eat it when he comes home. A long time ago there was a =teeny-tiny =. She lived in a =teeny-tiny house on a =teeny-tiny farm. Now one day this =teeny-tiny . put on her =teeny-tiny =. She went out of her =teeny-tiny house. The =teeny-tiny = wanted to go to see a =teeny-tiny man. She went out of her =teeny-tiny house. And down a =teeny-tiny ~ she went. Soon she saw something on the =teeny-tiny It was a =teeny-tiny bone. I will take this =teeny-tiny bone home. Then my =teeny-tiny dog will have something to eat, said the =teeny-tiny =. One day a voice said to =Noah I am going to make it It will for a long, long time. But before I make it I have work for you to do. You make a big house. But make it like a =. It will be an =/ Then you can live in it on the water. =Noah did what the voice wanted him to do. Then the voice said to =Noah, Take =Mother =Noah into the with you. Take all the children, too. And you will want some One day a little dog had a big bone. A big dog came down the =. Give me that bone! said the big dog. No! No! That is my bone! said the little dog. But the big dog ran away with the bone. Down the = ran the big dog. The little dog's bone was in his =. Soon the big dog came to some water. He saw a =. The big dog ran out on the =. He looked down into the water. There he saw his shadow. What we want, said the =, is a king who can go way up into the blue sky. The = had his way. The = said, Good! Our king will be the one who can go way up in the sky. We will see who can do it when the comes up. Be here as soon as you can. When the came up, all the = were there. At a call, the = went way up into the blue sky. One by one they came down. The = was big. On and on he went. But he had to come down, too. The children ran out of the house. Mother! =Mother! they called. Come and see our =Easter rabbit! =Me =Too had always wanted to be an =Easter rabbit. And now he was! =Happy =Easter from =Me =Too! he called as he hopped away. The Boy Who Called =Wolf! One time there was a boy who had a pretty white lamb. The boy liked to play with his lamb. And the lamb liked to run and play, too. At bed time =Little =Bear ran to his little red bed. There was a blue bed for =Mother =Bear. It was not as little as the red bed. There was a big black bed for =Father =Bear. One time =Mother =Bear put porridge on the =. The three bears sat down to eat it. But they could not eat the porridge. It was too hot. Three bears had a pretty house. Father =Bear was big. =Mother =Bear was not as big as =Father =Bear. =Little =Bear was not as big as =Mother =Bear. &&000 LYONS & CARNAHAN (1954) FIRST READER LYN9541S.ASC Source: from Columbia University Teacher's College Collection Scanned by DPH 11-9-92 &&111 =Choto was a little elephant. He was with a circus. There were many elephants in the circus. Some of them did tricks. Some of them had to work. =Choto did not have to work. He did not do tricks. One day =Tom was looking at the elephants. He saw them do circus tricks. He wanted =Choto to do a trick. =Tom said, Come here, =Choto. You can do a trick, too. I will show you what to do. Here is a red box. Get up on the box, =Choto. A man was going down the street. The man had a little wagon. Many things were in it. The man pulled the wagon. He pulled and pulled, but the wagon did not go fast. =Choto saw the man. He wanted to help the man. Circus elephants know how to make wagons go. =Choto went to the little wagon. He pushed and pushed. The wagon began to go fast. The man began to go fast. He went as fast as he could go. Fun in the Yard The children were in the yard. They played with =Rex and =Skip. =Skip can do some tricks, said =Billy. Come here, =Skip. Show them what you can do. Waddle like a duck, =Skip. The children laug~ed when =Skip did the trick. =Skip is a funny duck, said =Judy. I know what we can do, said =Billy. We can have a circus. We can put up a tent. =Skip can do tricks. =Rex can be in the circus, too. I will be a clown, said =Jane. A clown knows how to do many funny things. You can not come up here, said =Jane. =Rex looked up at =Jane, but he did not go away. Get down, =Rex, said =Jane. You can not do this trick. Just then =Rex saw =Kitty, so he ran after her. =Kitty ran fast. One of the girls said, Good for =Kitty. =Rex ran after =Kitty, but she got away. Look, look, said a girl. Here comes a funny man. Who is he? =Betty looked at the clown. He had on a long coat. He had on a funny hat. Look at his hat, said =Betty. He pulled something on it. A little rabbit came out. Stop, =Barky, said =Jerry. You can not make =Niki run. He will not go fast. Then =Jerry looked at =Niki. Be a good horse, he said. Take me to the woods. You do not have to run. The horse made his tail swish. He began to go. Thank you, said =Jerry. You are a good horse. The Red Bird =Jerry was in the woods. He was looking for animals that lived there. Something flew near =Jerry. It was a red bird. The bird had a big seed in its mouth. It flew to a tree. It put down the seed. The boys saw two rabbits. =Barky saw them, too. He ran after them. Where will they go? asked =Lee. Will =Barky get them? No, answered =Jerry. =Barky will not run far. Those rabbits go fast. They get away every time. Then =Lee saw something. Look, =Jerry, he said. See that long animal. What is it? =Jerry laughed and laughed. You will see, he answered. That animal is not so long. One little animal came out. Soon another came out. Then =Lee laughed, too. That is funny, he said. I saw two animals. I saw the head of one animal. I saw the tail of the other. They gave me a surprise. The bear had other neighbors. Some of them were rabbits. Squirrels lived in the woods, too. One day they were looking for something to eat. The squirrels saw a box. Something that they liked was in the box. Each squirrel went to the box. Then away it went to its nest. The squirrels wanted to get ready for winter, too. Soon there was snow in the woods. Down, down the snow came. It was all over the ground. The rabbits played in the snow. When the days were not too cold, the squirrels came out. They played with their neighbors. The skunks did not like the cold. They did not come out ~f their home in the ground. The bear did not like the cold. She did not come out all winter. The New Neighbors There was a new house near the woods. It was a pretty white house. Many apple trees were near it. A new neighbor lived in the white house. His name was =WillLong. One morning Will put apples into a big basket. He put the basket into his car. Then away he went in the car. The bears saw the new house. They saw the car go away. They went near the house. One bear saw some white stones. He got a stone in his paws. The other bear was looking into some water. Up went the white stone. Splash it went into the water. It made the brown bear jurnp. The girls liked the show. They laughed at what they saw in the show. They saw two bears near a tent. The tent was open, so the bears went in. They saw a lunch basket. The bears tried to open it with their paws. Then one bear sat on it. =Crack, =crack went the basket. When it broke, many good things came out. The big bear got a chicken. Out he marched with it. The other bear got a big cake. Out of the tent he marched, behind the big bear. Some boys saw the bears going away from the tent. What do you think of that! said one of the boys. Those bears have the lunch. Before long, the show was over. Those bears are like the ones that came to see me in the summer, said Uncle =Will. Good day, friends, he said. Where is your mother? =Mother is not here, said one of the rabbits. She went to the store. Where is your daddy? asked Mr =Fox. =Daddy went to work, said another little rabbit. Open the door, said Mr =Fox. Do not be afraid of me. The rabbits would not open the door. Then Mr =Fox said, Come out. I have a surprise for you. The rabbits would not come out. Oh, show us the surprise, they said. You are too far away from me, said Mr =Fox. If you come out of the house, I will show it to you. The rabbits would not come out. I think Mr =Fox is very hungry, said one small rabbit. I am afraid he will eat us. =Mother always said to watch out for Mr =Fox. So little =WhiteRabbit went down to the =WishingWater again. He looked in and made a wish. Then he began to turn around four times. Soon he could feel the red wings going away. =WhiteRabbit went home. This time his mother let him in. She was so glad to see him. =WhiteRabbit never again wanted to be like another animal. He always wanted to be just a little white rabbit. The Donkey and the Dog There was an old man who lived on a mountain. He had a dog and a donkey. The dog was a pet, but the donkey always had to work. The dog lived in the house with the old man. The donkey lived in the fields. &&000 MACMILLAN AND COMPANY (1957) 1ST GRADE MAC9571S.ASC ON FOUR FEET by Arthur I. Gates Huner and Salisbury 1957 Source: U of Rochester Xeroxed, scanned and edited by DPH 12-08-92 &&111 Oh, =Ted ! said =Sally. I see something coming. Do you see it? Yes, I do, said =Ted. What is it? What is it, =Sally? Here is Mr =Brown now, said =Mother. Run and get in the car. I see =Jean, said =Sally. =Bruce is in the car, too. Come on, =Ted. Good-by, =Mother. Good-by, =Mother, said =Ted. Good-by, =Ted and =Sally, said =Mother. The pandas are red, said =Jean. Yes, said =Sally. They are red and black. I see yellow on the pandas, said =Bruce. I see brown, too. Yes, said Mr =Brown. They are red and black, and yellow and brown. They are pretty little animals. =Jean and =Bruce and =Ted and =Sally looked at =Boots. They all laughed. =Jean, =Jean ! said =Sally. Look at your puppy's feet. He has no boots on his feet. But he has mittens. Do you see the white mittens on your puppy's feet? My ! My ! said =Jean. I do see the mittens. Away went the hen and the duck and the pig. They saw the horse. Hello, =Horse! they said. Do you know where =Little =Boy's mittens are? But the horse did not know. Then they saw the cow. Cow, they said. Little =Boy has lost his mittens. Will you help us find them? =Oh, yes! said the cow. I will help you. Once there was a little panda. His home was far, far away. He had a mother and a father. There were little pandas for him to play with. Little =Panda was happy in his home far away. Baby =Monkey laughed and laughed and laughed. Oh, oh, oh! he said. Who are you? Where did you get that funny long nose? I am =Little =Elephant, said the animal. And my nose is not funny. Oh, =Jean! said =Ted. What will you do with =Mittens? Can he go on the ship? No, we can not take =Mittens with us, said =Jean. He is going to stay with our grandfather. Grandfather =Brown has a farm. Mittens will stay all summer on the farm. That will be fun for =Mittens, said =Ted. He will like to stay on a farm. Will you come to our ship and see us go? said =Bruce. Oh, yes! said =Ted and =Sally. Down the road went =Mittens and Mr =Good in the blue car. There were so many things for =Mittens to see. He saw some horses. He saw some pigs. Once he saw a big black cow by the load. Not far away, he heald a train. Choo-choo ! Choo-choo ! said the train. =Mittens thought it was fun to ride with Mr Good in the car. Look, look! said a boy. There is a little dog! Just look at him! said a girl. He has pretty white feet. Hello, little dog! Hello! All the boys and girls looked at =Mittens. But the boys and girls had to get home. The big car did not stop. &&000 SCOTT, FORESMAN (1956) 1ST GRADE SF19561S.ASC THE NEW OUR NEW FRIENDS by William S Gray et al Source: U. of Rochester xerox, scan, edit by DPH January 24, 1993 &&111 At last they came to the town. Now, said the little old woman. Now give me all of your pennies. As soon as she had all the pennies, she put them into her pocket. Now look in my basket, she said. The animals all looked at once. How surprised they were! =Moo, =moo, said the cow. I see nothing at all in the basket. Nothing at all! said the pig. Nothing at all! said the rooster. Nothing at all in the basket. Then the old woman said, =I'll buy something good with your pennies. She took them out of her pocket and went to a store in the town. Now, said the little old woman Now there is food in the basket. Come to my party and eat it. Eat apples and cookies and corn. =Moo, =moo, =moo, said the cow. Now we are glad. We are glad that you have all our pennies. We are glad there is food in the basket. =Slow Mrs =Duck was on the hill looking for something to eat. She saw the three animal~ running down the hill, one behind the other. =Quack! =Quack! =Quack! she said with a surprised look. Why are they running? Maybe they are running after something to eat. I'll hurry and try to get it. Down the hill ran =Slow Mrs =Duck, =Sleepy =Old =Cat, =Bunny =White =Tail, and =Fat =Puppy. Soon they were all down the hill. The rabbit, the duck, and the cat were all looking at =Fat =Puppy. How surprised they were to see the red ball that =Fat =Puppy had! Dear me! said Mrs =Duck. Well, well! said =Sleepy =Old =Cat. Oh, my! said =Bunny =White =Tail. Why did I hurry after that? Why did I run after a ball? And back up the hill they all went. The Wind and the Toys =Sally was playing outdoors with her little green car. =Jill and =Tim sat in the car. So did =Toy =Dog and =Toy =Cat. Soon =Mother came to the door and called =Sally. Don't you know that it is going to rain? she asked. So =Sally stopped playing and ran into the house. Down it fell on =Sally's green car. Down on =Tim's head. Down on =Jill and on the other toys. =Oo-oo-oo-oo went the wind. It began to push the green car. It pushed the car out of the yard and into the street. It pushed the car along the street and down the hill. Then the car began going faster. It was running away. One day =Dick was playing store under the big umbrella. He had many things in his store. As soon as he saw his friends, he began to call, Come and buy! Buy a boat! Buy a dog! Buy a storybook to read! I want a store, too, said =Jane. =Ellen ran with her to the house and helped find things for her store. Soon the girls came out again with things for =Jane's store. I am going to have a food store, said =Jane. Here are many, many things for my store. Here are apples and cookies and eggs and milk. Everyone will buy milk and other things from me. =Swish, =swish! Down from the trees came other birds. They helped eat the corn and nuts. Look, said =Susan at last. The animals ate all the food! Now we can't have a snow party. Oh, =Susan, we have had it, laughed =Father. =Susan began to laugh, too. She said, Now I can guess who the party was for. It was for our animal friends! A Home in a Tree There was an apple tree in =Jim and =Patty's back yard. One day two birds came to the tree and began to make a nest. The children saw them at work. The robins will live here, said =Patty. They will live here in our tree. Now we can see how a nest is made. of the next room. Something bumped and bumped. Let's open the door, said =Father. Let's see what bumped it. What a surprise they had when the door was open! Here is a rabbit! said =Jane. But it is not =Bunny =Boy. This rabbit is black! As black as night! =Dick said, See what =Pu is doing. This is not a black rabbit. This is =Bunny =Boy. =Pu knows him. Soon she will make him white. Oh, =Bunny =Boy! said =Jane. How did you get so black? I can guess, laughed =Mother. He fell down on something black, and I know what it was. So do =I, laughed =Dick. =Father began to laugh. We have made the old toy horse look like the new horse, he said. I don't know which is which. I don't know which horse you want to give away. Then =Peter and =Ellen ran to =Old =Toy =Horse. They said, This is =Old =Toy =Horse. We don't want to give him away. Let's give the new horse to =Tom. And that is what they did. =Patty Reads to Baby Oh, =Patty, said =Mother one day I am very busy here, and =Baby will not go to sleep. Will you stop your play and read to him? Yes, =Mother, said =Patty. I will stop and read to =Baby. I will give him his toy dog and read to him. Maybe he will go to sleep then. Oh, =Sally, said =Jane. Your birthday will come very soon. It will come in four days. Do you want a little red wagon? Do you want a pretty doll? No, no, no! said =Sally. Not a wagon! Not a doll! I want a playhouse. A big, big playhouse. Then =Sally ran out to play. What will? I know, said =Dick. We can make a playhouse for her. Maybe =Father will help us. At first =Father didn't say yes. He did not say no. But at last he said, Maybe. Maybe we three can make it at =Grandfather's farm. See that car, said =Jane. The family is here at last. See the two boys get out. But there are no girls. There is no dog. Our two new friends are boys. Come with me, =Jane, said =Dick. We will go out there and help our friends. Hello! said =Dick to the family. Can we help you? Yes, thank you, said the father. You can help =Peter and =Ellen. Oh, where is =Ellen? said =Jane. I see two boys. But I do not see a girl. Now look, said =Ellen. Do you see two boys now? No, laughed =Jane. Now I see a boy and a girl. A Funny Girl Here we are at school, said =Dick. I will help you find your room. =Dick found =Peter and =Ellen's room. Then he said, Now I must say good-by and go to my room. But I will come back for you and take you home. Good-by, said =Ellen. Good-by, said =Peter. =Peter was happy, too. It will be fun to work with the boys and girls. Soon =Ellen looked up. She saw some girls go out. She saw =Peter go out with some boys. Oh, my! There go all the girls and boys, she said. It is time to go home to eat. So I will go home, too.