&&000 CANADIAN SCHOOLBOOKS CA302.TXT GRADE 2, FROM THE 1930s through 1945 (this produced in 1945) Sample drawn by dph at Toronto 9-10 Dec 03 1sr edit by dph 19 dec 03 -RE-EDITED 20 June 05 &&111 The girls and boys of =FriendlyVillage like to go to school. The school is big, with big windows and a big school yard. =Alice, =Jerry, =Bobby, and =Billy like to read, draw, and sing in school. They like to play. ball and tag in the big yard. School closes when summer comes. Then the boys and girls have summer holidays. One summer =Bobby and =Billy went to the seashore with their mother. They had a good holiday. =Alice and =Jerry had to stay at home that summer. But exciting things can happen even at home. I thanked the little girl, and smiled happily as she held up the flowers for the people to see. "Isn't she lovely?" whispered =Alice. "He is every inch a King!" said Mr =Jim. The band again played as the train moved slowly out of the station. The =King and =Queen stood on the platform at the back of the last car, waving good-bye. The train became smaller and smaller. At last it was out of sight. " Oh, =Jerry! " said =Alice. "I wish it were going to happen all over again. I shall never forget seeing them. Shall you Mr =Jim? " There were tears in the old shoemaker's eyes as he answered-tears of pride and And she lifted a tousled yellow head Out of her green and grassy bed. " I hope it will pour ! I hope it will pour ! " Purred the tree toad at his gray back door. "For, with a broad leaf for a roof, I am perfectly weather proof." Sang the brook : " I laugh at every drop, And wish they never need to stop Till a big, big river I grew to be, And could find my way out to the sea." "I," shouted =Ted, " for I can run, With my high-top boots and my raincoat on, Through every puddle and streamlet and pool That I can find on my way to school." Then =Bobby and =Billy ran home to their dinner. Of course they told Mother about Captain =Sandy and the monkey. "We never expected to see a real sea captain with a monkey," said =Billy. " We made a discovery - a real discovery." When they went out to play again, Mother said, "Now don't go to Captain =Lee's house any more today. You will be in the way." "Do you think we could look through the fence and see the monkey?" said Bobby. "Yes," said Mother, "but don't go in." =Bobby and =Billy stood at the place where the sunflower stalks grew high over the fence. No one inside could see them. Each one looked through the cracks in the fence. Suddenly a bright light shone around him and a voice said "Look up, my friend; why do you cry so bitterly? " The woodman looked up and gazed upon a beautiful shining girl standing on the water. It was the water-fairy. "My axe is at the bottom of the river ; I loved it as a brother," said the woodman. " Where shall I find another?" Down went the fairy under the water. The next moment she came up with a golden axe in her hands. "Is this your axe, my friend?" she asked. " No! no! " said the woodman. " That axe is worth a thousand times as much as mine. But it is not mine, it is not mine." Captain =Lee did not want to stay on the shore much longer after he saw the basket of soft-shelled crabs. He wanted to get home to eat the crabs for dinner. "You two might just as well stay for dinner and help me eat the crabs," he said, as they climbed the hill. =Bobby and =Billy were sure they wanted to stay for dinner. They were not so sure they wanted to eat crabs. Mrs =Lee soon had a good dinner ready for the Captain and the boys. At first =Bobby and =Billy ate a little of the crabs. Then they ate more. When dinner was over, they wished there had been many more crabs in the big basket. She was just about to take a drink when a sound was heard at the door. An old lady, looking tired and ill, stepped into the room. " Water ! Water ! " she cried, as she sank to the floor beside the bed. =Dawn's mother had the silver dipper in her hand. She was very thirsty, but she leaned from the bed -and held the dipper to the woman's lips. As the old lady drank, the dipper turned from silver into sparkling gold. But another wonderful thing happened. The old lady no longer looked tired and ill. Her hair began to shine like gold and her dress, turned soft and white. Her face became young and beautiful. As she rose to her feet, =Dawn saw that she was When =SantaClaus Comes Merrily, merrily, merrily, Oh, The reindeer prance across the snow ; We hear the tinkling silver bells, Whose merry music softly tells. Old =SantaClaus is coming. Merrily, merrily, merrily, Oh The evergreens in the woodland grow ; They rustle gently in the breeze Oh, don't you think the =Christmas trees Know =SantaClaus is coming? Merrily, merrily, merrily, Oh, We've hung our stockings in a row; Into our beds we softly creep, Just shut our eyes and go to sleep. For =SantaClaus is coming. But as he jumped, he bumped into Mother. The bowl flew out of her hands and broke into pieces. The corn bread went flying all over the floor. "Bow-wow ! " said the yellow pup, when he saw the mischief he had done. " Oh, my bowl, my brown bowl, " cried Mother. " It was the only bowl in the house. What shall I do without it? " "It was all my fault, Mother," =Lem cried. " I whistled and that is why the yellow pup ran into you. " "Now don't think about it any more, said Mother. " Things like that will happen sometimes. I still have time to clean the floor. " I will clean the floor, Mother, " said =em. " I can do it. Really I can. " Mother was getting breakfast for =Jerry. "You never can tell," called Mother from the kitchen. "Some days are like that, but if something exciting is going to happen, it will happen to you alone. I have so much to do this morning that =Alice is going to help me." When you have a feeling in your bones, it never takes long to eat your breakfast. In a minute or two =Jerry stood at the back door, thinking what he was going to do next. And then believe it or not something exciting did happen ! Down the road and into Mr =Andrews' garden trotted a white goat. He began at once to eat the sunflowers that grew at the corner of the old red barn. "I shall have to take a day off from my work and clean that barn," said Mr =Andrews. "It may take more than one day to clean it all." Next day Mr =Andrews asked someone to stay in his fruit store. He began early in the morning to clean the barn. He threw out the first things he came to, basket after basket of bottles and cans. He made so much noise that Alice and Jerry heard him. Soon they were out of bed and down at the barn door ready to help. It took twenty minutes to get out all the bottles and cans. Then they began to move out the larger things. Tables and chairs, pictures and beds followed one another out of the barn. "Put them over here," said Mr =Andrews. " I shall sell them if I can, or give them away to anyone who wants them." It would take too long to tell about all the things they took out of that barn. There were so many things that =Alice and =Jerry and Mr =Andrews had to work all day. By the time the sun went down, the barn was clean, even to the windows. Just as they were ready to go home, =Alice looked up. " Oh, Mr =Andrews," she said, "there is another story to this barn." =Jerry and Mr =Andrews looked up and saw a hole that opened into the second story of the barn. have worked enough for one day." "Well, well ! " said one of the circus men. " Here are the boy and girl who rode old =Dolly." " How would you like some good seats for the show? " said another man. " Here are two good seats for two good riders." He gave =Alice and =Jerry the tickets. How surprised and delighted they were ! At that minute Mr =Andrews came running into the tent. He was looking for =Alice, =Jerry, and =Dolly. "We are going to the circus after all," shouted =Alice and =Jerry. "Look, Mr =Andrews, look ! We have two tickets for the circus." Then they ran past Mr =Andrews and out of the tent. They had to run home to tell the good news to Mother. Mr =Andrews did two things to earn his living. He was the village milkman. In the early morning he took milk around to some of the houses. After that he went to his fruit store on =River Street. There he worked all day selling fruit. =Alice and =Jerry had been to the fruit store many, many times. They never thought that Mr =Andrews would come to live in the house next door. When Mr =Andrews moved in he brought =Dolly with him. =Dolly was his horse. She was old, but he liked her just the same. =Alice and =Jerry thought there never was another horse like =Dolly. She looked at them in the wisest way and she was not afraid of anything. Or Mr =Andrews remembered the runaway horse and the flying apples. He had to tell everyone about that. The more he told, the more he laughed. He laughed so hard and so long that he had to hold his sides. All the other people-even the cross ones-joined in. By this time the man with the goat began to look jolly-just the way he was supposed to look. The goat looked up from the ground. Then he looked around at the people. There was mischief in his eyes and he seemed to be laughing too. Then Mr =Andrews said to the man, "Where did you come from? What are you doing in this village?" " I shall have something to show people when they come into my store to-day," Mr =Andrews went on. " Give me six baskets." At that minute the man who had the store next to Mr =Andrews' came running up. " Something to show people ! " he cried. "You have something to show people right now. It just ran in your back door." Mr =Andrews did not know what the man was talking about. He turned to look at his store. Through the front window he saw something white. It looked very much like a goat. He could not believe his eyes. In less than a minute, Mr =Andrews was back in his store. Yes ! It was a goat. It had upset all the fruit in the place. All summer long =Alice and =Jerry rode the old bicycle through the streets of =FriendlyVillage. People laughed when they heard them coming. That old bicycle made so much noise ! "What would we ever do without it!" said =Alice again and again. "We just could not get along without it," said =Jerry. "It was a lucky day for us when we climbed that ladder." Noon Prayer Father, we pause in work or play To fold our hands and softly say, " The sun is high Within the sky, Oh, bless us all along the way, Of this good day!" In the Big Tent It looked as if all the people in =FriendlyVillage were in the big circus tent that afternoon. On the front seats sat =Alice and =Jerry. All the circus people knew them as soon as they saw them. Many things went on in the tent that afternoon, and =Alice and =Jerry saw almost everything. When the circus animals walked around for the last time, =Alice pulled =Jerry's arm. "Look!" she cried. "There is =Dolly!" Yes, it was =Dolly, but =Dolly as she had never looked before. Her white coat looked beautiful, and the gray spots did not show. She had a new shoe. She did not look old now. On her back rode a beautiful circus lady. Then up =River Street came the parade. Before =Alice and =Jerry knew what had happened, they were part of the parade. A big circus wagon was in front of them. Behind them was a dancing clown. His painted face was as funny as funny could be. Now =Dolly began to walk. What a step she had ! Head up, she stepped in time with the music. You could tell she had been in a parade before. &&000