&&000 CANADIAN SCHOOLBOOKS CA301.TXT 1930s 1st grade samples -- 18 pages of samples Sampled by dph from OISE/UT LIBRARY on Bloor (W) in Toronto 9-10 Dec 2003 1st Edited by dph 19 dec 03; Re-edited 20 June 2005 OISE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN -- KATHY IMRIE -- KNEW THE ONTARIO SCHOOLBOOKS ARCHIVE WELL. She helped identify and find the appropriate Books for each decade and each grade for me. Couldn't have done it without Her help. &&111 THREE LITTLE PIGS =MotherPig had three little pigs. One pig was called =Big Pig. One pig was called =LittlePig. One pig was called =WeeWee. One day =BigPig said, =Mother, I am a big pig. I want to go away." " I want to go away, too, said =LittlePig. " And I want to go, =MotherPig said, "A big wolf lives in the woods. He will catch you and eat you up." =BigPig said, "The wolf will not catch me. I will make a house to live in." =LittlePig said, "The wolf will not catch me. I will make a house, too." "So will I," said =WeeWee. "The wolf will not catch me." And off went the three little pigs. said =WeeWee. THE THREE BEARS Once upon a time there were three bears. One was =FatherBear. =Father Bear was a great big -bear. One Was =Mother Bear. =Mother Bear was a middle-sized bear. One was =BabyBear. =BabyBear was a little wee bear. The three bears lived in a little house in the woods. The three bears had three bowls. =Father's bowl was big. =Mother's bowl was middle-sized. =Baby's bowl was a little wee bowl. The three bears had three chairs. One was a great big chair. One was a middle-sized chair. One was a little wee chair. The three bears had three beds. One bed was big. One bed was middle-sized. One bed was little and wee. One day Mr =Ground-Hog came to call at =Peter's home. He saw =Peter at the door. "Why do you look so sad, =Peter?" " I am wishing," said =Peter. " I wish I had a long bushy tail, like Mr =Squirrel. I wish I had big horns, like Mr =Deer. I wish I had little red rubbers, like Mrs =PuddleDuck." " I can help you to get your wish," -said Mr =-Ground-Hog. "Go to the Wishing Pool. Look in the water. Turn round three times, and you will get your wish" =Peter ran off into the woods. He came to a little pool of green water. This was the Wishing Pool. =Peter saw a little red bird at the pool. At once he said, "Oh! I wish I had red wings." He looked in the Wishing Pool. He turned round three times. What a surprise ! His wings began to grow! After a time, =Peter looked again. He saw his long bright red wings. Peter was very happy ! THE LITTLE RED TULIP Once there was a little tulip. It lived in a little house in the ground. One day, there came a tap, tap at the door of the house. "Who is there?" called the tulip. "It is I," said the rain. "I want to come in." "I can not open the door, said the little tulip. The next day there came a whisper at the door of the house. "Who is there? called the tulip. "It is I," said the sun. "I want to come in." "I. can not open the door," said the little tulip. Soon there came a tap, a whisper, a tap, a whisper. "Who is there?" called the tulip. "The sun and the rain, The sun and the rain. We can open the door. We can open the door." "Do open the door," said the little tulip. The sun and the rain opened the door. .Out came a little red tulip. "Oh! =Mother!"' calls =Mary, "It is raining. I can take my new red umbrella. The girls will like it. We sing an umbrella song at school. We can sing it today. Shall I sing it to you, =Peter?" "Do you take a big umbrella, On a very rainy day? A very rainy day? A very rainy day? Does the rain with your umbrella Like to have a little play, On a very rainy day?" Who likes the rain? "I," said =John, "for I can run With my rubber boots And my raincoat on, In every puddle, And every pool, That I can see On my way to school. I like the rain." =Peter called out, "=John has big rubber boots on, =John has a big rubber hat, =John has a big rubber raincoat, And it makes =John look fat." The =HalfChick would not do what =MotherHen told it to do. The =HalfChick would not eat when =MotherHen told it to eat. The =HalfChick would not come when =MotherHen called. One day the =HalfChick said, "=Mother, I'm off to see the King. Good.bye!" And away he ran, with a =hoppity kick, =hoppity kick. The =HalfChick came to some Water. The Water was caught in the weeds. The Water called to the =HalfChick, "Pick the weeds away, and help me." " I will not," said =Half Chick. "I am off to see the King." And away he ran, =hoppity kick. =HalfChick came to a little Fire. The Fire said to =Half Chick, "Help me a little with your wing." "I will not," said =HalfChick. "I am off to see the. King." And away he ran, =hoppity kick. =HalfChick came to some trees. The Wind was caught in the trees. "Help me, =Half Chick," said the Wind. "I will not," said =HalfChick. "I am off to see the King." And. away he ran, =hoppity kick. =HalfChick came to the King's home. The Cook saw him, and said, "I will cook =HalfChick for the King's supper." She picked him up by the one wing. She put him into a pot of water. "What are they doing in the tree?" said =Peter. "They are eating little eggs," said =John. " I do not see the little eggs! " "They eat the eggs of insects," said =John. "=Father likes to have chickadees in the apple trees." One little bird was eating with head down and feet up. This made the children laugh. =Mother saw the children laughing at the chickadees. She came to the garden to see the little birds. =Mother had six little balls of nuts and fat. "Here is a party for the chickadees," she said. "Oh! Thank you, Mother," said =Mary. "This is a cold day for the birds." "Chickadees like the cold," said =Mother. =Mother put the fat and nuts down, and the chickadees came to get it. After the party, the birds said, . Thank you for the party." It is =Mary's birthday. She is six today. =Peter runs up and calls to =Mary, "Happy birthday, =Mary I have a present for you. Come down and see it." =Mary runs down with =Peter. =Father, =Mother, and =John call, "Happy birthday, =Mary!" "See, =Mary!" calls =Peter, "This bowl of fish is for you. It is a birthday present." "Thank you, =Peter, I like my birthday present. After school six children came to =Mary's party. Oh ! See the birthday cake," =Jack called. " I see six candles on =Mary's cake." =Mother had made colored hats for the children. They put on the hats to eat supper. For supper they had ice-cream and birthday cake. They had nuts and apples, too. " I like this party," said =Peter. " I like ice-cream and birthday cake." =Father reads to the children. "See this little boy. . He is a little =Eskimo. He is called =Kiki. =Kiki's home is made of ice and snow. It is an igloo. =Kiki has three big dogs. They draw =Kiki on a sled. =Kiki likes to play games. He can play ball, and he can play hockey. =Kiki's Father made a bow and arrow. =Kiki likes to shoot with the bow and arrow." This is =Too-Kee. She lives in an igloo, too. =TooKee has an =Eskimo doll. She sings little songs to the doll. =Too-Kee and =Kiki do not go to school. They can not read. They can not write. They play all day on the ice and snow. =Kiki and =Too-Kee make an igloo for the three dogs. They go for a ride on =Kiki's sled. =Kiki makes the dogs race over the snow. After the hockey game, the children ran home. "Mother!" they called. " We had fun to-day. =Laddie won a race on the ice. =Peter rolled down hill in the snow. The little boys won the hockey game." =Mother laughed at the children. "You have had fun," she said. "Come, I have supper for you. After supper I shall read to you." =Mother reads to the children. "One day =Jack made a snow-man. He made it in the garden. =Jack rolled a big snow-ball. He rolled a little snow-ball, too. He put the little snow-ball on the big snow-ball. He made black eyes. He made a big nose. He made a big mouth. He put a red hat on the snow-man. =Jack called, =Father, come and see my snow-man.' Father laughed and laughed at =Jack's snow-man." Here are =Peter and =Mary. They are on the big hill. It is white with ice and snow. =Peter has a new red sled. He calls, "This is a big hill, =Mary. Will you come down, too?" Down they go on =Peter's. sled. =Peter falls off the sled. He rolls over and over in the snow. He laughs. and laughs, and laughs. This is a hockey game. The big boys are playing I the little boys. See! The big boys are on the ice. A big boy puts the puck on the ice. Off they go ! The big boys race for the puck. They skate down the ice with it. The little boys go after it. The puck rolls over and over. Oh ! A little boy has it. He skates up the ice with it. He wins the game .for the little boys. "Oh! See the snow, Mother ! The garden is white with snow. The trees are white with snow. See the snow on =Peter's wagon. See =Laddie run in the snow. We can have fun, Mother. We can play in the snow. We shall make little snow-balls. W e shall make a big snow-ball." "Here we go, To play in the snow. "=Christmas is coming, children. What shall we do for =Christmas? Shall we make presents?" "Yes, =Mother," said =Mary. "We like to make presents. We make presents at school. I have a present for =Father. =John has a present for you. We have a present for =Peter, too. What shall we make for =Blackie? Will =Laddie like a present, too?" " Yes, =Mary," said =Peter. "Cats and dogs like presents. I like presents, too." I am little =JackFrost. I come to the garden. I come to the trees. I make the garden white. I make the trees white. I make the leaves come down. I make the nuts come down. I make the children run and jump. My pony likes =JackFrost =Father. See! He runs and jumps. =Laddie likes =JackFrost, too. He runs and plays with the pony. Do the squirrels like =JackFost? What will they do? Where will they go?" "Yes, they like =JackFrost, =Peter. He makes the nuts come down. Squirrels have a home in a tree. They will go to the home. They will hide the nuts." It is =Hallowe'en. Do you see the children? They are in the garden. They have a big Jack-o'-lantern. =Blackie sees the Jack-o'-lantern. She hides in the tree. =Laddie sees the Jack-o'-lantern. He runs and jumps at it. =Mother comes into the garden. She has nuts and apples. The children run to =Mother. What fun they have at =Hallowe'en! =John said, "I play I am a big =Indian. I have a bow and arrow. I can shoot my big arrow. I do not shoot the squirrels. I like the squirrels. =Peter is a little =Indian. He has a little bow and arrow. He can shoot the little arrow. =Peter shoots at the trees. =Peter and I like to play =Indian. Do you like to play =Indian?" See the little black squirrel ! It is in the maple tree. The squirrel can climb the tree. It runs and jumps in the tree. It plays in the leaves, too. The children like the squirrel. They like to see it climb a tree. They like to see it jump. They call it to come and play. The squirrel runs and hides. "Where is a squirrel's. home, =John?" " It is in a big tree, =Peter." "What can a black squirrel eat?" "A black squirrel eats nuts. It hides nuts in the tree. It hides nuts in the leaves. It hides nuts in the garden." "Can a squirrel eat apples, =John?" "Yes, =Peter. It likes to eat apples. It is fun to see a squirrel eat." "Come, children," said =Mother. "Come and see my maple tree. The leaves are red and yellow. The leaves are green, too. Can you draw maple leaves?" "Yes, Mother," said =Mary. =John and I draw maple leaves. I color my leaves yellow. John likes to color leaves red. =John and I can sing The =MapleLeaf and =ComeLittleLeaves." What fun the children have! They play in the leaves. They hide in the leaves. They run and jump in the leaves. =Blackie hides in the leaves. The children do not see =Blackie. They call, =Blackie! =Blackie! Where are you? Come and play, =Blackie. Come and play in the leaves." "Come, children," called Father. "Come and see what I have found." "What is it, Father?" called =John. "What have you found?" "Is it little?" called =Mary. "Is it big? Is it in the garden? Do children like it?" "Do I like it, Father?" called =Peter. "Come and see." said =Father. =John ran to a little apple tree. He called, "Father, I have found it. It is big. It is red. I see it in the little tree." =Mary ran to the little tree. =Mary called, " See, Father, =John has found it. It is a big red apple." "Yes, children," said Father. "John has found it. It is a big red apple. =Mother called, "Come, =Peter, Come, =John and =Mary. =Father is home, Come and see Father." =Father said, "Do you like school, children? Can you read, =John? Can you read, =Mary?" =John said, "Yes, =Father, I like school. I like to read and draw." "Yes, =Mother," said =Peter. " Yes, =Mother," said =John and =Mary. =John called =Laddie. "Come, =Laddie, Come and see =Father." They ran to see =Father. =Mary said, "Yes, Father, I like school. I can read a little. I can read to =Peter." =Peter said,." Father, I can play ball." =Laddie said, "=Bow wow." &&000